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Summary Expression Phenotypes Gene Literature (132) GO Terms (14) Nucleotides (319) Proteins (70) Interactants (554) Wiki

Papers associated with igf2bp3

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The plasma-membrance IMP pattern as related to animal/vegetal polarity in the amphibian egg., Bluemink JG, Tertoolen LG., Dev Biol. February 1, 1978; 62 (2): 334-43.

A freeze-fracture study of synaptogenesis in the distal retina of larval Xenopus., Nagy AR, Witkovsky P., J Neurocytol. December 1, 1981; 10 (6): 897-919.

Freeze-fracture electron microscopy of membrane changes in progesterone-induced maturing oocytes and eggs of Xenopus laevis., Bluemink JG, Hage WJ, van den Hoef MH, Dictus WJ., Eur J Cell Biol. July 1, 1983; 31 (1): 85-93.

The ultrastructural organization of gap junctions between follicle cells and the oocyte in Xenopus laevis., van den Hoef MH, Dictus WJ, Hage WJ, Bluemink JG., Eur J Cell Biol. March 1, 1984; 33 (2): 242-7.

Immunological relationship between oocyte nuclear proteins of Xenopus laevis and X. borealis., Dreyer C, Wang YH, Hausen P., Dev Biol. March 1, 1985; 108 (1): 210-9.

Identification and cloning of localized maternal RNAs from Xenopus eggs., Rebagliati MR, Weeks DL, Harvey RP, Melton DA., Cell. October 1, 1985; 42 (3): 769-77.

Antisense RNA injections in fertilized frog eggs reveal an RNA duplex unwinding activity., Rebagliati MR, Melton DA., Cell. February 27, 1987; 48 (4): 599-605.

Embryonic development of Xenopus studied in a cell culture system with tissue-specific monoclonal antibodies., Mitani S, Okamoto H., Development. January 1, 1989; 105 (1): 53-9.   

cis- and trans-acting elements of the estrogen-regulated vitellogenin gene B1 of Xenopus laevis., Wahli W, Martinez E, Corthésy B, Cardinaux JR., J Steroid Biochem. January 1, 1989; 34 (1-6): 17-32.

The maternal store of the xlgv7 mRNA in full-grown oocytes is not required for normal development in Xenopus., Kloc M, Miller M, Carrasco AE, Eastman E, Etkin L., Development. December 1, 1989; 107 (4): 899-907.   

Identification of two HSP70-related Xenopus oocyte proteins that are capable of recycling across the nuclear envelope., Mandell RB, Feldherr CM., J Cell Biol. November 1, 1990; 111 (5 Pt 1): 1775-83.

Integrin alpha subunit mRNAs are differentially expressed in early Xenopus embryos., Whittaker CA, DeSimone DW., Development. April 1, 1993; 117 (4): 1239-49.   

Nuclei that lack a lamina accumulate karyophilic proteins and assemble a nuclear matrix., Jenkins H, Hölman T, Lyon C, Lane B, Stick R, Hutchison C., J Cell Sci. September 1, 1993; 106 ( Pt 1) 275-85.

The role of CaaX-dependent modifications in membrane association of Xenopus nuclear lamin B3 during meiosis and the fate of B3 in transfected mitotic cells., Firmbach-Kraft I, Stick R., J Cell Biol. December 1, 1993; 123 (6 Pt 2): 1661-70.

Evidence for the direct involvement of lamins in the assembly of a replication competent nucleus., Jenkins H, Whitfield WG, Goldberg MW, Goldberg MW, Allen TD, Hutchison CJ., Acta Biochim Pol. January 1, 1995; 42 (2): 133-43.

Analysis of nuclear lamin isoprenylation in Xenopus oocytes: isoprenylation of lamin B3 precedes its uptake into the nucleus., Firmbach-Kraft I, Stick R., J Cell Biol. April 1, 1995; 129 (1): 17-24.

Caenorhabditis elegans cyclin A- and B-type genes: a cyclin A multigene family, an ancestral cyclin B3 and differential germline expression., Kreutzer MA, Richards JP, De Silva-Udawatta MN, Temenak JJ, Knoblich JA, Lehner CF, Bennett KL., J Cell Sci. June 1, 1995; 108 ( Pt 6) 2415-24.

Xenopus lamin B3 has a direct role in the assembly of a replication competent nucleus: evidence from cell-free egg extracts., Goldberg M, Jenkins H, Allen T, Whitfield WG, Hutchison CJ., J Cell Sci. November 1, 1995; 108 ( Pt 11) 3451-61.

Identification of new localized RNAs in the Xenopus oocyte by differential display PCR., Hudson JW, Alarcón VB, Elinson RP., Dev Genet. January 1, 1996; 19 (3): 190-8.   

Factors responsible for the establishment of the body plan in the amphibian embryo., Grunz H., Int J Dev Biol. February 1, 1996; 40 (1): 279-89.   

Nucleoskeleton and nucleo-cytoplasmic transport in oocytes and early development of Xenopus laevis., Rudt F, Firmbach-Kraft I, Petersen M, Pieler T, Stick R., Int J Dev Biol. February 1, 1996; 40 (1): 273-8.

Nuclear factor I as a potential regulator during postembryonic organ development., Puzianowska-Kuznicka M, Shi YB, Shi YB., J Biol Chem. March 15, 1996; 271 (11): 6273-82.   

Exogenous tau RNA is localized in oocytes: possible evidence for evolutionary conservation of localization mechanisms., Litman P, Behar L, Elisha Z, Yisraeli JK, Ginzburg I., Dev Biol. May 25, 1996; 176 (1): 86-94.   

LiCl-induced malformations of the eyes and the rostral CNS in Xenopus laevis., Reichenbach A, Pritz-Hohmeier S, Michel H, Malz CR, Meyer DL., J Hirnforsch. January 1, 1997; 38 (1): 35-45.

Localization of Xenopus Vg1 mRNA by Vera protein and the endoplasmic reticulum., Deshler JO, Highett MI, Schnapp BJ., Science. May 16, 1997; 276 (5315): 1128-31.

A novel human myo-inositol monophosphatase gene, IMP.18p, maps to a susceptibility region for bipolar disorder., Yoshikawa T, Turner G, Esterling LE, Sanders AR, Detera-Wadleigh SD., Mol Psychiatry. September 1, 1997; 2 (5): 393-7.

Construction of Xenopus (B3.2) and human (HeLa) cell lines expressing the tetracycline-controlled transactivator (tTA), Camacho-Vanegas O, Mannucci L, Amaldi F., In Vitro Cell Dev Biol Anim. January 1, 1998; 34 (1): 14-5.

A highly conserved RNA-binding protein for cytoplasmic mRNA localization in vertebrates., Deshler JO, Highett MI, Abramson T, Schnapp BJ., Curr Biol. April 23, 1998; 8 (9): 489-96.

Glutathione transport in immortalized HLE cells and expression of transport in HLE cell poly(A)+ RNA-injected Xenopus laevis oocytes., Kannan R, Bao Y, Mittur A, Andley UP, Kaplowitz N., Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. July 1, 1998; 39 (8): 1379-86.

A family of insulin-like growth factor II mRNA-binding proteins represses translation in late development., Nielsen J, Christiansen J, Lykke-Andersen J, Johnsen AH, Wewer UM, Nielsen FC., Mol Cell Biol. February 1, 1999; 19 (2): 1262-70.

The origins of primitive blood in Xenopus: implications for axial patterning., Lane MC, Smith WC., Development. February 1, 1999; 126 (3): 423-34.   

Investigations of the pathway of incorporation and function of lamin A in the nuclear lamina., Dyer JA, Lane BE, Hutchison CJ., Microsc Res Tech. April 1, 1999; 45 (1): 1-12.

A novel cytoplasmic protein with RNA-binding motifs is an autoantigen in human hepatocellular carcinoma., Zhang JY, Chan EK, Peng XX, Tan EM., J Exp Med. April 5, 1999; 189 (7): 1101-10.   

Efficiency of importin alpha/beta-mediated nuclear localization sequence recognition and nuclear import. Differential role of NTF2., Hu W, Jans DA., J Biol Chem. May 28, 1999; 274 (22): 15820-7.

Vg1 RBP intracellular distribution and evolutionarily conserved expression at multiple stages during development., Zhang Q, Yaniv K, Oberman F, Wolke U, Git A, Fromer M, Taylor WL, Meyer D, Standart N, Raz E, Yisraeli JK., Mech Dev. October 1, 1999; 88 (1): 101-6.   

Comparative analysis of embryonic gene expression defines potential interaction sites for Xenopus EphB4 receptors with ephrin-B ligands., Helbling PM, Saulnier DM, Robinson V, Christiansen JH, Wilkinson DG, Brändli AW., Dev Dyn. December 1, 1999; 216 (4-5): 361-73.   

Immunocytochemical detection of the homeobox B3, B4, and C6 gene products in breast carcinomas., Bodey B, Bodey B, Siegel SE, Kaiser HE., Anticancer Res. January 1, 2000; 20 (5A): 3281-6.

Homeobox B3, B4, and C6 gene product expression in osteosarcomas as detected by immunocytochemistry., Bodey B, Bodey B, Siegel SE, Luck JV, Kaiser HE., Anticancer Res. January 1, 2000; 20 (4): 2717-21.

Immunocytochemical detection of homeobox B3, B4, and C6 gene product expression in lung carcinomas., Bodey B, Bodey B, Gröger AM, Siegel SE, Kaiser HE., Anticancer Res. January 1, 2000; 20 (4): 2711-6.

Immunocytochemical detection of the homeobox B3, B4, and C6 gene products within the human thymic cellular microenvironment., Bodey B, Bodey B, Siegel SE, Kaiser HE., In Vivo. January 1, 2000; 14 (3): 419-24.

Novel insights into the function of the thymic Hassall's bodies., Bodey B, Bodey B, Siegel SE, Kaiser HE., In Vivo. January 1, 2000; 14 (3): 407-18.

A role for centrin 3 in centrosome reproduction., Middendorp S, Küntziger T, Abraham Y, Holmes S, Bordes N, Paintrand M, Paoletti A, Bornens M., J Cell Biol. February 7, 2000; 148 (3): 405-16.   

Primary neuronal differentiation in Xenopus embryos is linked to the beta(3) subunit of the sodium pump., Messenger NJ, Warner AE., Dev Biol. April 15, 2000; 220 (2): 168-82.   

Disruption of nuclear lamin organization blocks the elongation phase of DNA replication., Moir RD, Spann TP, Herrmann H, Goldman RD., J Cell Biol. June 12, 2000; 149 (6): 1179-92.   

The biphasic expression of IMP/Vg1-RBP is conserved between vertebrates and Drosophila., Nielsen J, Cilius Nielsen F, Kragh Jakobsen R, Christiansen J., Mech Dev. August 1, 2000; 96 (1): 129-32.

Stoichiometry of human recombinant neuronal nicotinic receptors containing the b3 subunit expressed in Xenopus oocytes., Boorman JP, Groot-Kormelink PJ, Sivilotti LG., J Physiol. December 15, 2000; 529 Pt 3 565-77.

FGF signaling restricts the primary blood islands to ventral mesoderm., Kumano G, Smith WC., Dev Biol. December 15, 2000; 228 (2): 304-14.   

A family of IGF-II mRNA binding proteins (IMP) involved in RNA trafficking., Nielsen FC, Nielsen J, Christiansen J., Scand J Clin Lab Invest Suppl. January 1, 2001; 234 93-9.

Biochemical characterization of a cellular structure retaining vegetally localized RNAs in Xenopus late stage oocytes., Bubunenko M, King ML., J Cell Biochem. January 1, 2001; 80 (4): 560-70.

Identification and molecular cloning of germinal vesicle lamin B3 in goldfish (Carassius auratus) oocytes., Yamaguchi A, Yamashita M, Yoshikuni M, Nagahama Y., Eur J Biochem. February 1, 2001; 268 (4): 932-9.

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