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Summary Expression Phenotypes Gene Literature (51) GO Terms (8) Nucleotides (98) Proteins (45) Interactants (362) Wiki

Papers associated with hoxb4

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Retinoic acid control of pax8 during renal specification of Xenopus pronephros involves hox and meis3., Durant-Vesga J, Suzuki N, Ochi H, Le Bouffant R, Eschstruth A, Ogino H, Umbhauer M, Riou JF., Dev Biol. January 1, 2023; 493 17-28.   

Hif1α and Wnt are required for posterior gene expression during Xenopus tropicalis tail regeneration., Patel JH, Schattinger PA, Takayoshi EE, Wills AE., Dev Biol. March 1, 2022; 483 157-168.   

Reduced Retinoic Acid Signaling During Gastrulation Induces Developmental Microcephaly., Gur M, Bendelac-Kapon L, Shabtai Y, Pillemer G, Fainsod A., Front Cell Dev Biol. January 1, 2022; 10 844619.   

Retinoic Acid Fluctuation Activates an Uneven, Direction-Dependent Network-Wide Robustness Response in Early Embryogenesis., Parihar M, Bendelac-Kapon L, Gur M, Abbou T, Belorkar A, Achanta S, Kinberg K, Vadigepalli R, Fainsod A., Front Cell Dev Biol. January 1, 2021; 9 747969.   

Modeling Bainbridge-Ropers Syndrome in Xenopus laevis Embryos., Lichtig H, Artamonov A, Polevoy H, Reid CD, Bielas SL, Frank D., Front Physiol. January 1, 2020; 11 75.   

Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder: Embryogenesis Under Reduced Retinoic Acid Signaling Conditions., Fainsod A, Bendelac-Kapon L, Shabtai Y., Subcell Biochem. January 1, 2020; 95 197-225.

What are the roles of retinoids, other morphogens, and Hox genes in setting up the vertebrate body axis?, Durston AJ., Genesis. July 1, 2019; 57 (7-8): e23296.   

Acetaldehyde inhibits retinoic acid biosynthesis to mediate alcohol teratogenicity., Shabtai Y, Bendelac L, Jubran H, Hirschberg J, Fainsod A., Sci Rep. January 10, 2018; 8 (1): 347.   

Two Tier Hox Collinearity Mediates Vertebrate Axial Patterning., Durston AJ., Front Cell Dev Biol. January 1, 2018; 6 102.   

Mouse embryo Hox gene enhancers assayed in cell culture: Hoxb4, b8 and a7 are activated by Cdx1 protein., Gaunt SJ., Int J Dev Biol. January 1, 2018; 62 (11-12): 717-722.

Comprehensive analyses of hox gene expression in Xenopus laevis embryos and adult tissues., Kondo M, Yamamoto T, Takahashi S, Taira M., Dev Growth Differ. August 1, 2017; 59 (6): 526-539.   

Collinear Hox-Hox interactions are involved in patterning the vertebrate anteroposterior (A-P) axis., Zhu K, Spaink HP, Durston AJ., PLoS One. April 11, 2017; 12 (4): e0175287.   

ADHFe1: a novel enzyme involved in retinoic acid-dependent Hox activation., Shabtai Y, Shukrun N, Fainsod A., Int J Dev Biol. January 1, 2017; 61 (3-4-5): 303-310.   

Genome evolution in the allotetraploid frog Xenopus laevis., Session AM, Uno Y, Kwon T, Chapman JA, Toyoda A, Takahashi S, Fukui A, Hikosaka A, Suzuki A, Kondo M, van Heeringen SJ, Quigley I, Heinz S, Ogino H, Ochi H, Hellsten U, Lyons JB, Simakov O, Putnam N, Stites J, Kuroki Y, Tanaka T, Michiue T, Watanabe M, Bogdanovic O, Lister R, Georgiou G, Paranjpe SS, van Kruijsbergen I, Shu S, Carlson J, Kinoshita T, Ohta Y, Mawaribuchi S, Jenkins J, Grimwood J, Schmutz J, Mitros T, Mozaffari SV, Suzuki Y, Haramoto Y, Yamamoto TS, Takagi C, Heald R, Miller K, Haudenschild C, Kitzman J, Nakayama T, Izutsu Y, Robert J, Fortriede J, Burns K, Lotay V, Karimi K, Yasuoka Y, Dichmann DS, Flajnik MF, Houston DW, Shendure J, DuPasquier L, Vize PD, Zorn AM, Ito M, Marcotte EM, Wallingford JB, Ito Y, Asashima M, Ueno N, Matsuda Y, Veenstra GJ, Fujiyama A, Harland RM, Taira M, Rokhsar DS., Nature. October 20, 2016; 538 (7625): 336-343.   

A time space translation hypothesis for vertebrate axial patterning., Durston AJ, Zhu K., Semin Cell Dev Biol. June 1, 2015; 42 86-93.   

Hematopoiesis: from start to immune reconstitution potential., Liang HC, Zúñiga-Pflücker JC., Stem Cell Res Ther. April 11, 2015; 6 52.   

Two different network topologies yield bistability in models of mesoderm and anterior mesendoderm specification in amphibians., Brown LE, King JR, Loose M., J Theor Biol. July 21, 2014; 353 67-77.   

Vertical signalling involves transmission of Hox information from gastrula mesoderm to neurectoderm., Bardine N, Lamers G, Wacker S, Donow C, Knoechel W, Durston A., PLoS One. January 1, 2014; 9 (12): e115208.   

Time space translation: a hox mechanism for vertebrate a-p patterning., Durston A, Wacker S, Bardine N, Jansen H., Curr Genomics. June 1, 2012; 13 (4): 300-7.   

Lhx1 is required for specification of the renal progenitor cell field., Cirio MC, Hui Z, Haldin CE, Cosentino CC, Stuckenholz C, Chen X, Hong SK, Dawid IB, Hukriede NA., PLoS One. April 15, 2011; 6 (4): e18858.   

XMeis3 is necessary for mesodermal Hox gene expression and function., In der Rieden PM, Jansen HJ, Durston AJ., PLoS One. March 9, 2011; 6 (3): e18010.   

Hox collinearity - a new perspective., Durston AJ, Jansen HJ, In der Rieden P, Hooiveld MH., Int J Dev Biol. January 1, 2011; 55 (10-12): 899-908.   

Xwnt8 directly initiates expression of labial Hox genes., In der Rieden PM, Vilaspasa FL, Durston AJ., Dev Dyn. January 1, 2010; 239 (1): 126-39.   

Retinoid signalling is required for information transfer from mesoderm to neuroectoderm during gastrulation., Lloret-Vilaspasa F, Jansen HJ, de Roos K, Chandraratna RA, Zile MH, Stern CD, Durston AJ., Int J Dev Biol. January 1, 2010; 54 (4): 599-608.   

Smads oppose Hox transcriptional activities., Li X, Nie S, Chang C, Qiu T, Cao X., Exp Cell Res. April 1, 2006; 312 (6): 854-64.

Interaction between X-Delta-2 and Hox genes regulates segmentation and patterning of the anteroposterior axis., Peres JN, McNulty CL, Durston AJ., Mech Dev. April 1, 2006; 123 (4): 321-33.   

Ethanol exposure affects gene expression in the embryonic organizer and reduces retinoic acid levels., Yelin R, Schyr RB, Kot H, Zins S, Frumkin A, Pillemer G, Fainsod A., Dev Biol. March 1, 2005; 279 (1): 193-204.   

The Meis3 protein and retinoid signaling interact to pattern the Xenopus hindbrain., Dibner C, Elias S, Ofir R, Souopgui J, Kolm PJ, Sive H, Pieler T, Frank D., Dev Biol. July 1, 2004; 271 (1): 75-86.   

Timed interactions between the Hox expressing non-organiser mesoderm and the Spemann organiser generate positional information during vertebrate gastrulation., Wacker SA, Jansen HJ, McNulty CL, Houtzager E, Durston AJ., Dev Biol. April 1, 2004; 268 (1): 207-19.   

The initiation of Hox gene expression in Xenopus laevis is controlled by Brachyury and BMP-4., Wacker SA, McNulty CL, Durston AJ., Dev Biol. February 1, 2004; 266 (1): 123-37.   

FLASH, a component of the FAS-CAPSASE8 apoptotic pathway, is directly regulated by Hoxb4 in the notochord., Morgan R, Nalliah A, Morsi El-Kadi AS., Dev Biol. January 1, 2004; 265 (1): 105-12.   

Reduced proliferative capacity of hematopoietic stem cells deficient in Hoxb3 and Hoxb4., Björnsson JM, Larsson N, Brun AC, Magnusson M, Andersson E, Lundström P, Larsson J, Repetowska E, Ehinger M, Humphries RK, Karlsson S., Mol Cell Biol. June 1, 2003; 23 (11): 3872-83.

Flamingo, a cadherin-type receptor involved in the Drosophila planar polarity pathway, can block signaling via the canonical wnt pathway in Xenopus laevis., Morgan R, El-Kadi AM, Theokli C., Int J Dev Biol. May 1, 2003; 47 (4): 245-52.   

TALE class homeodomain gene Irx5 is an immediate downstream target for Hoxb4 transcriptional regulation., Theokli C, Morsi El-Kadi AS, Morgan R., Dev Dyn. May 1, 2003; 227 (1): 48-55.   

Hoxc-8 expression shows left-right asymmetry in the posterior lateral plate mesoderm., Thickett C, Morgan R., Gene Expr Patterns. November 1, 2002; 2 (1-2): 5-6.   

Initiating Hox gene expression: in the early chick neural tube differential sensitivity to FGF and RA signaling subdivides the HoxB genes in two distinct groups., Bel-Vialar S, Itasaki N, Krumlauf R., Development. November 1, 2002; 129 (22): 5103-15.   

The small GTPase Rap1 is an immediate downstream target for Hoxb4 transcriptional regulation., Morsi El-Kadi AS, in der Reiden P, Durston A, Morgan R., Mech Dev. May 1, 2002; 113 (2): 131-9.   

Regulatory analysis of the mouse Hoxb3 gene: multiple elements work in concert to direct temporal and spatial patterns of expression., Kwan CT, Tsang SL, Krumlauf R, Sham MH., Dev Biol. April 1, 2001; 232 (1): 176-90.

Xenopus embryonic E2F is required for the formation of ventral and posterior cell fates during early embryogenesis., Suzuki A, Hemmati-Brivanlou A., Mol Cell. February 1, 2000; 5 (2): 217-29.   

A novel guanine exchange factor increases the competence of early ectoderm to respond to neural induction., Morgan R, Hooiveld MH, Durston AJ., Mech Dev. October 1, 1999; 88 (1): 67-72.   

Graded retinoid responses in the developing hindbrain., Godsave SF, Koster CH, Getahun A, Mathu M, Hooiveld M, van der Wees J, Hendriks J, Durston AJ., Dev Dyn. September 1, 1998; 213 (1): 39-49.

Cellular proliferation and transformation induced by HOXB4 and HOXB3 proteins involves cooperation with PBX1., Krosl J, Baban S, Krosl G, Rozenfeld S, Largman C, Sauvageau G., Oncogene. July 2, 1998; 16 (26): 3403-12.

Initiation of rhombomeric Hoxb4 expression requires induction by somites and a retinoid pathway., Gould A, Itasaki N, Krumlauf R., Neuron. July 1, 1998; 21 (1): 39-51.

Positive cross-regulation and enhancer sharing: two mechanisms for specifying overlapping Hox expression patterns., Gould A, Morrison A, Sproat G, White RA, Krumlauf R., Genes Dev. April 1, 1997; 11 (7): 900-13.

Inhibition of Xhox1A gene expression in Xenopus embryos by antisense RNA produced from an expression vector read by RNA polymerase III., Nichols A, Rungger-Brändle E, Muster L, Rungger D., Mech Dev. July 1, 1995; 52 (1): 37-49.

Expression patterns of Hoxb genes in the Xenopus embryo suggest roles in anteroposterior specification of the hindbrain and in dorsoventral patterning of the mesoderm., Godsave S, Dekker EJ, Holling T, Pannese M, Boncinelli E, Durston A., Dev Biol. December 1, 1994; 166 (2): 465-76.   

Overexpression of a cellular retinoic acid binding protein (xCRABP) causes anteroposterior defects in developing Xenopus embryos., Dekker EJ, Vaessen MJ, van den Berg C, Timmermans A, Godsave S, Holling T, Nieuwkoop P, Geurts van Kessel A, Durston A., Development. April 1, 1994; 120 (4): 973-85.   

The Xenopus MyoD gene: an unlocalised maternal mRNA predates lineage-restricted expression in the early embryo., Harvey RP., Development. April 1, 1990; 108 (4): 669-80.

Hox-5.1 defines a homeobox-containing gene locus on mouse chromosome 2., Featherstone MS, Baron A, Gaunt SJ, Mattei MG, Duboule D., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. July 1, 1988; 85 (13): 4760-4.

Microinjection of synthetic Xhox-1A homeobox mRNA disrupts somite formation in developing Xenopus embryos., Harvey RP, Melton DA., Cell. June 3, 1988; 53 (5): 687-97.   

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