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Summary Expression Phenotypes Gene Literature (31) GO Terms (4) Nucleotides (64) Proteins (39) Interactants (258) Wiki

Papers associated with en1

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Injury-induced Erk1/2 signaling tissue-specifically interacts with Ca2+ activity and is necessary for regeneration of spinal cord and skeletal muscle., Levin JB, Borodinsky LN., Cell Calcium. March 1, 2022; 102 102540.   

Xenopus leads the way: Frogs as a pioneering model to understand the human brain., Exner CRT, Willsey HR., Genesis. February 1, 2021; 59 (1-2): e23405.   

MiR-9 and the Midbrain-Hindbrain Boundary: A Showcase for the Limited Functional Conservation and Regulatory Complexity of MicroRNAs., Alwin Prem Anand A, Alvarez-Bolado G, Wizenmann A., Front Cell Dev Biol. January 1, 2020; 8 586158.   

Bioinformatics Screening of Genes Specific for Well-Regenerating Vertebrates Reveals c-answer, a Regulator of Brain Development and Regeneration., Korotkova DD, Lyubetsky VA, Ivanova AS, Rubanov LI, Seliverstov AV, Zverkov OA, Martynova NY, Nesterenko AM, Tereshina MB, Peshkin L, Zaraisky AG., Cell Rep. October 22, 2019; 29 (4): 1027-1040.e6.   

Prdm12 Directs Nociceptive Sensory Neuron Development by Regulating the Expression of the NGF Receptor TrkA., Desiderio S, Vermeiren S, Van Campenhout C, Kricha S, Malki E, Richts S, Fletcher EV, Vanwelden T, Schmidt BZ, Henningfeld KA, Pieler T, Woods CG, Nagy V, Verfaillie C, Bellefroid EJ., Cell Rep. March 26, 2019; 26 (13): 3522-3536.e5.   

A model for investigating developmental eye repair in Xenopus laevis., Kha CX, Son PH, Lauper J, Tseng KA., Exp Eye Res. April 1, 2018; 169 38-47.   

Two-Element Transcriptional Regulation in the Canonical Wnt Pathway., Kim K, Cho J, Hilzinger TS, Nunns H, Liu A, Ryba BE, Goentoro L., Curr Biol. August 7, 2017; 27 (15): 2357-2364.e5.   

RARβ2 is required for vertebrate somitogenesis., Janesick A, Tang W, Nguyen TTL, Blumberg B., Development. June 1, 2017; 144 (11): 1997-2008.   

Prdm12 specifies V1 interneurons through cross-repressive interactions with Dbx1 and Nkx6 genes in Xenopus., Thélie A, Desiderio S, Hanotel J, Quigley I, Van Driessche B, Rodari A, Borromeo MD, Kricha S, Lahaye F, Croce J, Cerda-Moya G, Ordoño Fernandez J, Bolle B, Lewis KE, Sander M, Pierani A, Schubert M, Johnson JE, Kintner CR, Pieler T, Van Lint C, Henningfeld KA, Bellefroid EJ, Van Campenhout C., Development. October 1, 2015; 142 (19): 3416-28.   

Gain-of-Function Mutations in ZIC1 Are Associated with Coronal Craniosynostosis and Learning Disability., Twigg SR, Forecki J, Goos JA, Richardson IC, Hoogeboom AJ, van den Ouweland AM, Swagemakers SM, Lequin MH, Van Antwerp D, McGowan SJ, Westbury I, Miller KA, Wall SA, WGS500 Consortium, van der Spek PJ, Mathijssen IM, Pauws E, Merzdorf CS, Wilkie AO., Am J Hum Genet. September 3, 2015; 97 (3): 378-88.   

LTR retroelements are intrinsic components of transcriptional networks in frogs., Grau JH, Poustka AJ, Meixner M, Plötner J., BMC Genomics. July 23, 2014; 15 626.   

Dysphagia and disrupted cranial nerve development in a mouse model of DiGeorge (22q11) deletion syndrome., Karpinski BA, Maynard TM, Fralish MS, Nuwayhid S, Zohn IE, Moody SA, LaMantia AS., Dis Model Mech. February 1, 2014; 7 (2): 245-57.   

Transient downregulation of Bmp signalling induces extra limbs in vertebrates., Christen B, Rodrigues AM, Monasterio MB, Roig CF, Izpisua Belmonte JC., Development. July 1, 2012; 139 (14): 2557-65.   

[Two peroxiredoxins 6 of Xenopus laevis]., Sharapov MG, Novoselov VI, Fesenko EE, Ravin VK., Mol Biol (Mosk). January 1, 2011; 45 (6): 1017-25.

MID1 and MID2 are required for Xenopus neural tube closure through the regulation of microtubule organization., Suzuki M, Hara Y, Takagi C, Yamamoto TS, Ueno N., Development. July 1, 2010; 137 (14): 2329-39.   

Lymph heart musculature is under distinct developmental control from lymphatic endothelium., Peyrot SM, Martin BL, Harland RM., Dev Biol. March 15, 2010; 339 (2): 429-38.   

Retinoid signalling is required for information transfer from mesoderm to neuroectoderm during gastrulation., Lloret-Vilaspasa F, Jansen HJ, de Roos K, Chandraratna RA, Zile MH, Stern CD, Durston AJ., Int J Dev Biol. January 1, 2010; 54 (4): 599-608.   

Extracellular Engrailed participates in the topographic guidance of retinal axons in vivo., Wizenmann A, Brunet I, Lam J, Sonnier L, Beurdeley M, Zarbalis K, Weisenhorn-Vogt D, Weinl C, Dwivedy A, Joliot A, Wurst W, Holt C, Prochiantz A., Neuron. November 12, 2009; 64 (3): 355-366.

Neogenin and RGMa control neural tube closure and neuroepithelial morphology by regulating cell polarity., Kee N, Wilson N, De Vries M, Bradford D, Key B, Cooper HM., J Neurosci. November 26, 2008; 28 (48): 12643-53.   

Retinoid signaling can repress blastula Wnt signaling and impair dorsal development in Xenopus embryo., Li S, Lou X, Wang J, Liu B, Ma L, Su Z, Ding X., Differentiation. October 1, 2008; 76 (8): 897-907.   

Expression cloning in Xenopus identifies RNA-binding proteins as regulators of embryogenesis and Rbmx as necessary for neural and muscle development., Dichmann DS, Fletcher RB, Harland RM., Dev Dyn. July 1, 2008; 237 (7): 1755-66.   

TGF-beta signaling is required for multiple processes during Xenopus tail regeneration., Ho DM, Whitman M., Dev Biol. March 1, 2008; 315 (1): 203-16.   

Hedgehog regulation of superficial slow muscle fibres in Xenopus and the evolution of tetrapod trunk myogenesis., Grimaldi A, Tettamanti G, Martin BL, Gaffield W, Pownall ME, Hughes SM., Development. July 1, 2004; 131 (14): 3249-62.   

Primitive roles for inhibitory interneurons in developing frog spinal cord., Li WC, Higashijima S, Parry DM, Roberts A, Soffe SR., J Neurosci. June 23, 2004; 24 (25): 5840-8.   

Differential gene expression between the embryonic tail bud and regenerating larval tail in Xenopus laevis., Sugiura T, Taniguchi Y, Tazaki A, Ueno N, Watanabe K, Mochii M., Dev Growth Differ. February 1, 2004; 46 (1): 97-105.   

Complete nucleotide sequence of an endogenous retrovirus from the amphibian, Xenopus laevis., Kambol R, Kabat P, Tristem M., Virology. June 20, 2003; 311 (1): 1-6.

Xenopus eomesodermin is expressed in neural differentiation., Ryan K, Butler K, Bellefroid E, Gurdon JB., Mech Dev. July 1, 1998; 75 (1-2): 155-8.   

Analysis of Wnt/Engrailed signaling in Xenopus embryos using biolistics., Koster JG, Eizema K, Peterson-Maduro LJ, Stegeman BI, Destrée OH., Dev Biol. January 10, 1996; 173 (1): 348-52.   

Comparative analysis of Engrailed-1 and Wnt-1 expression in the developing central nervous system of Xenopus laevis., Eizema K, Koster JG, Stegeman BI, Baarends WM, Lanser PH, Destrée OH., Int J Dev Biol. December 1, 1994; 38 (4): 623-32.

Nucleotide sequence of Xenopus homeobox gene, En-1., Watanabe M, Hayashida T, Nishimoto T, Kobayashi H., Nucleic Acids Res. May 25, 1993; 21 (10): 2513.

Examining pattern formation in mouse, chicken and frog embryos with an En-specific antiserum., Davis CA, Holmyard DP, Millen KJ, Joyner AL., Development. February 1, 1991; 111 (2): 287-98.   

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