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Summary Expression Phenotypes Gene Literature (147) GO Terms (8) Nucleotides (328) Proteins (60) Interactants (960) Wiki

Papers associated with cyp26a1

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Histones in Xenopus laevis' early development: the race against time., Koster JG, Destrée OH, Raat NJ, Westerhoff HV., Biomed Biochim Acta. January 1, 1990; 49 (8-9): 855-77.

Sequence of a functional invertebrate GABAA receptor subunit which can form a chimeric receptor with a vertebrate alpha subunit., Harvey RJ, Vreugdenhil E, Zaman SH, Bhandal NS, Usherwood PN, Barnard EA, Darlison MG., EMBO J. November 1, 1991; 10 (11): 3239-45.

Molecular cloning, sequencing and expression of an isoform of cardiac alpha-tropomyosin from the Mexican axolotl (Ambystoma mexicanum)., Luque EA, Lemanski LF, Dube DK., Biochem Biophys Res Commun. August 30, 1994; 203 (1): 319-25.

Ras and a-factor converting enzyme., Ashby MN, Rine J., Methods Enzymol. January 1, 1995; 250 235-51.

mRNA encoding the translation initiation factor eIF-4E is expressed early in Xenopus embryogenesis., Wakiyama M, Saigoh M, Shiokawa K, Miura K., FEBS Lett. February 27, 1995; 360 (2): 191-3.   

Expression pattern of the murine LIM class homeobox gene Lhx3 in subsets of neural and neuroendocrine tissues., Zhadanov AB, Bertuzzi S, Taira M, Dawid IB, Westphal H., Dev Dyn. April 1, 1995; 202 (4): 354-64.

Hydropathy profiles of predicted thyrotropin-releasing hormone precursors are highly conserved despite low similarity of primary structures., Ohide A, Ando H, Yanagisawa T, Urano A., J Neuroendocrinol. September 1, 1996; 8 (9): 695-701.

A liver-specific isoform of the betaine/GABA transporter in the rat: cDNA sequence and organ distribution., Burnham CE, Buerk B, Schmidt C, Bucuvalas JC., Biochim Biophys Acta. October 2, 1996; 1284 (1): 4-8.

[An analysis of the expression of the genes containing the LeR-1 and VeR-1 sequences in the embryogenesis, regeneration and in the intact tissues of newts]., Markitantova IuV, Luk'ianov KA, Kazanskaia OV, Mitashov VI, Luk'ianov SA., Ontogenez. January 1, 1997; 28 (4): 262-70.

A goldfish Notch-3 homologue is expressed in neurogenic regions of embryonic, adult, and regenerating brain and retina., Sullivan SA, Barthel LK, Largent BL, Raymond PA., Dev Genet. January 1, 1997; 20 (3): 208-23.

Isolation and expression study of a maternally expressed novel Xenopus gene Xem1 encoding a putative evolutionarily conserved membrane protein., Adati N, Ito T, Sakaki Y, Shiokawa K., Biochem Biophys Res Commun. September 29, 1997; 238 (3): 899-904.

Cloning and functional expression of a ClC Cl- channel from the renal cell line A6., Lindenthal S, Schmieder S, Ehrenfeld J, Wills NK., Am J Physiol. October 1, 1997; 273 (4 Pt 1): C1176-85.   

Cloning and functional expression of a ClC Cl - channel from the renal cell line A6., Lindenthal S, Schmieder S, Ehrenfeld J, Wills NK., Am J Physiol Cell Physiol. October 1, 1997; 273 (4): C1176-C1185.

Characterization of the 5' flanking region of the Xenopus laevis transforming growth factor-beta 5 (TGF-beta 5) gene., Vempati UD, Kondaiah P., Gene. February 27, 1998; 208 (2): 323-9.

Organization of the human glucokinase regulator gene GCKR., Hayward BE, Dunlop N, Intody S, Leek JP, Markham AF, Warner JP, Bonthron DT., Genomics. April 1, 1998; 49 (1): 137-42.

Identification of four alternatively spliced isoforms of chicken casein kinase I alpha that are all expressed in diverse cell types., Green CL, Bennett GS., Gene. August 17, 1998; 216 (1): 189-95.

Gene expression screening in Xenopus identifies molecular pathways, predicts gene function and provides a global view of embryonic patterning., Gawantka V, Pollet N, Delius H, Vingron M, Pfister R, Nitsch R, Blumenstock C, Niehrs C., Mech Dev. October 1, 1998; 77 (2): 95-141.   

Cloning of STK13, a third human protein kinase related to Drosophila aurora and budding yeast Ipl1 that maps on chromosome 19q13.3-ter., Bernard M, Sanseau P, Henry C, Couturier A, Prigent C., Genomics. November 1, 1998; 53 (3): 406-9.

Regionalized metabolic activity establishes boundaries of retinoic acid signalling., Hollemann T, Chen Y, Grunz H, Pieler T., EMBO J. December 15, 1998; 17 (24): 7361-72.

Expression of retinoic acid 4-hydroxylase (CYP26) during mouse and Xenopus laevis embryogenesis., de Roos K, Sonneveld E, Compaan B, ten Berge D, Durston AJ, van der Saag PT., Mech Dev. April 1, 1999; 82 (1-2): 205-11.   

Immediate upstream sequence of arrestin directs rod-specific expression in Xenopus., Mani SS, Besharse JC, Knox BE., J Biol Chem. May 28, 1999; 274 (22): 15590-7.   

Cloning and functional expression of the mouse epithelial sodium channel., Ahn YJ, Brooker DR, Kosari F, Harte BJ, Li J, Mackler SA, Kleyman TR., Am J Physiol. July 1, 1999; 277 (1): F121-9.

Retinoic acid hydroxylase (CYP26) is a key enzyme in neuronal differentiation of embryonal carcinoma cells., Sonneveld E, van den Brink CE, Tertoolen LG, van der Burg B, van der Saag PT., Dev Biol. September 15, 1999; 213 (2): 390-404.

A gene trap approach in Xenopus., Bronchain OJ, Hartley KO, Amaya E., Curr Biol. October 21, 1999; 9 (20): 1195-8.   

Cloning and characterization of a vasa-like gene in rainbow trout and its expression in the germ cell lineage., Yoshizaki G, Sakatani S, Tominaga H, Takeuchi T., Mol Reprod Dev. April 1, 2000; 55 (4): 364-71.

Cloning and functional expression of rKCNQ2 K(+) channel from rat brain., Jow F, Wang K., Brain Res Mol Brain Res. September 15, 2000; 80 (2): 269-78.

Characterization of three novel human cadherin genes (CDH7, CDH19, and CDH20) clustered on chromosome 18q22-q23 and with high homology to chicken cadherin-7., Kools P, Van Imschoot G, van Roy F., Genomics. September 15, 2000; 68 (3): 283-95.

Structure, biological activity of the upstream regulatory sequence, and conserved domains of a middle molecular mass neurofilament gene of Xenopus laevis., Roosa JR, Gervasi C, Szaro BG., Brain Res Mol Brain Res. October 20, 2000; 82 (1-2): 35-51.   

Cloning and characterization of SLC26A6, a novel member of the solute carrier 26 gene family., Waldegger S, Moschen I, Ramirez A, Smith RJ, Ayadi H, Lang F, Kubisch C., Genomics. February 15, 2001; 72 (1): 43-50.

Increased XRALDH2 activity has a posteriorizing effect on the central nervous system of Xenopus embryos., Chen Y, Pollet N, Niehrs C, Pieler T., Mech Dev. March 1, 2001; 101 (1-2): 91-103.   

Characterization of two promoters of the Xenopus laevis elrD gene., Nassar F, Wegnez M., Biochem Biophys Res Commun. May 4, 2001; 283 (2): 392-8.

Isolation and characterization of a Xenopus gene (XMLP) encoding a MARCKS-like protein., Zhao H, Cao Y, Grunz H., Int J Dev Biol. October 1, 2001; 45 (7): 817-26.   

Phylogeny of cytokines: molecular cloning and expression analysis of sea bass Dicentrarchus labrax interleukin-1beta., Scapigliati G, Buonocore F, Bird S, Zou J, Pelegrin P, Falasca C, Prugnoli D, Secombes CJ., Fish Shellfish Immunol. November 1, 2001; 11 (8): 711-26.

A 250-nucleotide UA-rich element in the 3' untranslated region of Xenopus laevis Vg1 mRNA represses translation both in vivo and in vitro., Otero LJ, Devaux A, Standart N., RNA. December 1, 2001; 7 (12): 1753-67.

Two myogenin-related genes are differentially expressed in Xenopus laevis myogenesis and differ in their ability to transactivate muscle structural genes., Charbonnier F, Gaspera BD, Armand AS, Van der Laarse WJ, Launay T, Becker C, Gallien CL, Chanoine C., J Biol Chem. January 11, 2002; 277 (2): 1139-47.   

Up-regulation of WNT8B mRNA in human gastric cancer., Saitoh T, Mine T, Katoh M., Int J Oncol. February 1, 2002; 20 (2): 343-8.

Sequencing and expression of the CD3 gamma/delta mRNA in Pleurodeles waltl (urodele amphibian)., Ropars A, Bautz AM, Dournon C., Immunogenetics. May 1, 2002; 54 (2): 130-8.

Cloning and characterization of the cDNA and gene encoding Xenopus laevis osteocalcin., Viegas CS, Pinto JP, Conceição N, Simes DC, Cancela ML., Gene. May 1, 2002; 289 (1-2): 97-107.   

Cloning and expression of the turtle (Trachemys scripta) immunoglobulin joining (J)-chain cDNA., Iwata A, Iwase T, Ogura Y, Takahashi T, Matsumoto N, Yoshida T, Kamei N, Kobayashi K, Mestecky J, Moro I., Immunogenetics. October 1, 2002; 54 (7): 513-9.

PKCgamma regulates syndecan-2 inside-out signaling during xenopus left-right development., Kramer KL, Barnette JE, Yost HJ., Cell. December 27, 2002; 111 (7): 981-90.   

Hypertonic activation of phospholemman in solitary rat hepatocytes in primary culture., Kirschner U, Van Driessche W, Werner A, Wehner F., FEBS Lett. February 27, 2003; 537 (1-3): 151-6.

The germ cell nuclear factor is required for retinoic acid signaling during Xenopus development., Barreto G, Borgmeyer U, Dreyer C., Mech Dev. April 1, 2003; 120 (4): 415-28.   

Active repression by unliganded retinoid receptors in development: less is sometimes more., Weston AD, Blumberg B, Underhill TM., J Cell Biol. April 28, 2003; 161 (2): 223-8.

A second glutamine synthetase gene with expression in the gills of the gulf toadfish (Opsanus beta)., Walsh PJ, Mayer GD, Medina M, Bernstein ML, Barimo JF, Mommsen TP., J Exp Biol. May 1, 2003; 206 (Pt 9): 1523-33.

Xenopus Germes encodes a novel germ plasm-associated transcript., Berekelya LA, Ponomarev MB, Luchinskaya NN, Belyavsky AV., Gene Expr Patterns. August 1, 2003; 3 (4): 521-4.   

PDZK1: II. an anchoring site for the PKA-binding protein D-AKAP2 in renal proximal tubular cells., Gisler SM, Madjdpour C, Bacic D, Pribanic S, Taylor SS, Biber J, Murer H., Kidney Int. November 1, 2003; 64 (5): 1746-54.

Identification of a novel gene, FGFR1OP2, fused to FGFR1 in 8p11 myeloproliferative syndrome., Grand EK, Grand FH, Chase AJ, Ross FM, Corcoran MM, Oscier DG, Cross NC., Genes Chromosomes Cancer. May 1, 2004; 40 (1): 78-83.

Multiple points of interaction between retinoic acid and FGF signaling during embryonic axis formation., Shiotsugu J, Katsuyama Y, Arima K, Baxter A, Koide T, Song J, Chandraratna RA, Blumberg B., Development. June 1, 2004; 131 (11): 2653-67.   

Cloning and functional characterisation of avian transcription factor E2A., Conlon TM, Meyer KB., BMC Immunol. June 14, 2004; 5 11.   

The Meis3 protein and retinoid signaling interact to pattern the Xenopus hindbrain., Dibner C, Elias S, Ofir R, Souopgui J, Kolm PJ, Sive H, Pieler T, Frank D., Dev Biol. July 1, 2004; 271 (1): 75-86.   

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