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Summary Expression Phenotypes Gene Literature (221) GO Terms (15) Nucleotides (1101) Proteins (64) Interactants (793) Wiki

Papers associated with ccnb1.2



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A 20S complex containing CDC27 and CDC16 catalyzes the mitosis-specific conjugation of ubiquitin to cyclin B., King RW, Peters JM, Tugendreich S, Rolfe M, Hieter P, Kirschner MW., Cell. April 21, 1995; 81 (2): 279-88.

Cyclin B/p34cdc2 triggers phosphorylation of DNA ligase I during Xenopus laevis oocyte maturation., Aoufouchi S, Prigent C, Ford C, Thiebaud P, Philippe M, Theze N., Eur J Biochem. June 1, 1995; 230 (2): 491-7.

Delayed cyclin A and B1 degradation in non-transformed mammalian cells., Girard F, Fernandez A, Lamb N., J Cell Sci. July 1, 1995; 108 ( Pt 7) 2599-608.

Brefeldin A provokes indirect activation of cdc2 kinase (MPF) in Xenopus oocytes, resulting in meiotic cell division., Mulner-Lorillon O, Bellé R, Cormier P, Drewing S, Minella O, Poulhe R, Schmalzing G., Dev Biol. July 1, 1995; 170 (1): 223-9.

Molecular cloning and immunological analysis of goldfish cyclin A during oocyte maturation., Katsu Y, Yamashita M, Hirai T, Tokumoto T, Kajiura H, Nagahama Y., Dev Biol. August 1, 1995; 170 (2): 616-25.

Cloning and characterization of the Xenopus cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p27XIC1., Su JY, Rempel RE, Erikson E, Maller JL., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. October 24, 1995; 92 (22): 10187-91.

Presence of maturation-promoting factor in 17α,20β-dihydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one-induced oocytes of catfish, Clarias batrachus., Haider S, Balamurugan K., Fish Physiol Biochem. December 1, 1995; 14 (6): 501-8.

Inhibition of ubiquitin-mediated proteolysis by the Arabidopsis 26 S protease subunit S5a., Deveraux Q, van Nocker S, Mahaffey D, Vierstra R, Rechsteiner M., J Biol Chem. December 15, 1995; 270 (50): 29660-3.

An inhibitor of p34cdc2/cyclin B that regulates the G2/M transition in Xenopus extracts., Lee TH, Kirschner MW., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. January 9, 1996; 93 (1): 352-6.

Cdk2 kinase is required for entry into mitosis as a positive regulator of Cdc2-cyclin B kinase activity., Guadagno TM, Newport JW., Cell. January 12, 1996; 84 (1): 73-82.

In vivo regulation of the early embryonic cell cycle in Xenopus., Hartley RS, Rempel RE, Maller JL., Dev Biol. February 1, 1996; 173 (2): 408-19.

Activation of the Xenopus cyclin degradation machinery by full-length cyclin A., Jones C, Smythe C., J Cell Sci. May 1, 1996; 109 ( Pt 5) 1071-9.

Dependence of Mos-induced Cdc2 activation on MAP kinase function in a cell-free system., Huang CY, Ferrell JE., EMBO J. May 1, 1996; 15 (9): 2169-73.

Mos proto-oncogene function during oocyte maturation in Xenopus., Roy LM, Haccard O, Izumi T, Lattes BG, Lewellyn AL, Maller JL., Oncogene. May 16, 1996; 12 (10): 2203-11.

Mutagenic analysis of the destruction signal of mitotic cyclins and structural characterization of ubiquitinated intermediates., King RW, Glotzer M, Kirschner MW., Mol Biol Cell. September 1, 1996; 7 (9): 1343-57.

Identification of BIME as a subunit of the anaphase-promoting complex., Peters JM, King RW, Höög C, Kirschner MW., Science. November 15, 1996; 274 (5290): 1199-201.

Microtubule assembly in clarified Xenopus egg extracts., Parsons SF, Salmon ED., Cell Motil Cytoskeleton. January 1, 1997; 36 (1): 1-11.

Mitogen-activated protein kinase activation down-regulates a mechanism that inactivates cyclin B-cdc2 kinase in G2-arrested oocytes., Abrieu A, Dorée M, Picard A., Mol Biol Cell. February 1, 1997; 8 (2): 249-61.

Characterization and physiological importance of a novel cell cycle regulated protein kinase in Xenopus laevis oocytes that phosphorylates cyclin B2., Derua R, Stevens I, Waelkens E, Fernandez A, Lamb N, Merlevede W, Goris J., Exp Cell Res. February 1, 1997; 230 (2): 310-24.

The human Myt1 kinase preferentially phosphorylates Cdc2 on threonine 14 and localizes to the endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi complex., Liu F, Stanton JJ, Wu Z, Piwnica-Worms H., Mol Cell Biol. February 1, 1997; 17 (2): 571-83.

Regulation by phosphorylation of Xenopus laevis poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase enzyme activity during oocyte maturation., Aoufouchi S, Shall S., Biochem J. July 15, 1997; 325 ( Pt 2) 543-51.

Mitogen-activated protein kinase and cyclin B/Cdc2 phosphorylate Xenopus nuclear factor 7 (xnf7) in extracts from mature oocytes. Implications for regulation of xnf7 subcellular localization., El-Hodiri HM, Che S, Nelman-Gonzalez M, Kuang J, Etkin LD., J Biol Chem. August 15, 1997; 272 (33): 20463-70.

Human Myt1 is a cell cycle-regulated kinase that inhibits Cdc2 but not Cdk2 activity., Booher RN, Holman PS, Fattaey A., J Biol Chem. August 29, 1997; 272 (35): 22300-6.

Initiation of cyclin B degradation by the 26S proteasome upon egg activation., Tokumoto T, Yamashita M, Tokumoto M, Katsu Y, Horiguchi R, Kajiura H, Nagahama Y., J Cell Biol. September 22, 1997; 138 (6): 1313-22.   

Sustained accumulation of the mitotic cyclins and tyrosine-phosphorylated p34cdc2 in human G1-S-arrested cancer cells but not untransformed cells., David-Pfeuty T, Nouvian-Dooghe Y., Cancer Res. October 15, 1997; 57 (20): 4482-7.

MAPK inactivation is required for the G2 to M-phase transition of the first mitotic cell cycle., Abrieu A, Fisher D, Simon MN, Dorée M, Picard A., EMBO J. November 3, 1997; 16 (21): 6407-13.

Occludin dephosphorylation in early development of Xenopus laevis., Cordenonsi M, Mazzon E, De Rigo L, Baraldo S, Meggio F, Citi S., J Cell Sci. December 1, 1997; 110 ( Pt 24) 3131-9.   

Production of a soluble cyclin B/cdc2 substrate for cdc25 phosphatase., Clark JM, Gabrielli BG., Anal Biochem. December 15, 1997; 254 (2): 231-5.

A presumptive developmental role for a sea urchin cyclin B splice variant., Lozano JC, Schatt P, Marquès F, Peaucellier G, Fort P, Féral JP, Genevière AM, Picard A., J Cell Biol. January 26, 1998; 140 (2): 283-93.   

Inhibition of poly(A) polymerase requires p34cdc2/cyclin B phosphorylation of multiple consensus and non-consensus sites., Colgan DF, Murthy KG, Zhao W, Prives C, Manley JL., EMBO J. February 16, 1998; 17 (4): 1053-62.

The mitotic peptidyl-prolyl isomerase, Pin1, interacts with Cdc25 and Plx1., Crenshaw DG, Yang J, Means AR, Kornbluth S., EMBO J. March 2, 1998; 17 (5): 1315-27.

Human retinoblastoma protein (Rb) is phosphorylated by cdc2 kinase and MAP kinase in Xenopus maturing oocytes., Taieb F, Karaiskou A, Rime H, Jessus C., FEBS Lett. April 3, 1998; 425 (3): 465-71.

The Polo-like kinase Plx1 is a component of the MPF amplification loop at the G2/M-phase transition of the cell cycle in Xenopus eggs., Abrieu A, Brassac T, Galas S, Fisher D, Labbé JC, Dorée M., J Cell Sci. June 1, 1998; 111 ( Pt 12) 1751-7.

Katanin is responsible for the M-phase microtubule-severing activity in Xenopus eggs., McNally FJ, Thomas S., Mol Biol Cell. July 1, 1998; 9 (7): 1847-61.

Regulation of the cyclin B degradation system by an inhibitor of mitotic proteolysis., Vorlaufer E, Peters JM., Mol Biol Cell. July 1, 1998; 9 (7): 1817-31.

A link between MAP kinase and p34(cdc2)/cyclin B during oocyte maturation: p90(rsk) phosphorylates and inactivates the p34(cdc2) inhibitory kinase Myt1., Palmer A, Gavin AC, Nebreda AR., EMBO J. September 1, 1998; 17 (17): 5037-47.

An indirect role for cyclin B-Cdc2 in inducing chromosome condensation in Xenopus egg extracts., Shimada A, Ohsumi K, Kishimoto T., Biol Cell. October 1, 1998; 90 (6-7): 519-30.

Germinal vesicle material is dispensable for oscillations in cdc2 and MAP kinase activities, cyclin B degradation and synthesis during meiosis in Xenopus oocytes., Fisher D, Coux O, Bompard-Maréchal G, Dorée M., Biol Cell. October 1, 1998; 90 (6-7): 497-508.

Gene expression screening in Xenopus identifies molecular pathways, predicts gene function and provides a global view of embryonic patterning., Gawantka V, Pollet N, Delius H, Vingron M, Pfister R, Nitsch R, Blumenstock C, Niehrs C., Mech Dev. October 1, 1998; 77 (2): 95-141.   

Purification and cloning of a protein kinase that phosphorylates and activates the polo-like kinase Plx1., Qian YW, Erikson E, Maller JL., Science. November 27, 1998; 282 (5394): 1701-4.

Cyclin B-cdk1 kinase stimulates ORC- and Cdc6-independent steps of semiconservative plasmid replication in yeast nuclear extracts., Duncker BP, Pasero P, Braguglia D, Heun P, Weinreich M, Gasser SM., Mol Cell Biol. February 1, 1999; 19 (2): 1226-41.

Intra-M phase-promoting factor phosphorylation of cyclin B at the prophase/metaphase transition., Borgne A, Ostvold AC, Flament S, Meijer L., J Biol Chem. April 23, 1999; 274 (17): 11977-86.

Crystal structure of the cyclin-specific ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme from clam, E2-C, at 2.0 A resolution., Jiang F, Basavappa R., Biochemistry. May 18, 1999; 38 (20): 6471-8.

A p90(rsk) mutant constitutively interacting with MAP kinase uncouples MAP kinase from p34(cdc2)/cyclin B activation in Xenopus oocytes., Gavin AC, Ni Ainle A, Chierici E, Jones M, Nebreda AR., Mol Biol Cell. September 1, 1999; 10 (9): 2971-86.

Identification of XDRP1; a Xenopus protein related to yeast Dsk2p binds to the N-terminus of cyclin A and inhibits its degradation., Funakoshi M, Geley S, Hunt T, Nishimoto T, Kobayashi H., EMBO J. September 15, 1999; 18 (18): 5009-18.

Mechanisms and regulation of the degradation of cyclin B., Hershko A., Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci. September 29, 1999; 354 (1389): 1571-5; discussion 1575-6.

Two distinct mechanisms control the accumulation of cyclin B1 and Mos in Xenopus oocytes in response to progesterone., Frank-Vaillant M, Jessus C, Ozon R, Maller JL, Haccard O., Mol Biol Cell. October 1, 1999; 10 (10): 3279-88.

Activation of Xenopus eggs by the kinase inhibitor 6-DMAP suggests a differential regulation of cyclin B and p39(mos) proteolysis., Bodart JF, Béchard D, Bertout M, Gannon J, Rousseau A, Vilain JP, Flament S., Exp Cell Res. December 15, 1999; 253 (2): 413-21.

The activation of MAP kinase and p34cdc2/cyclin B during the meiotic maturation of Xenopus oocytes., Palmer A, Nebreda AR., Prog Cell Cycle Res. January 1, 2000; 4 131-43.

Chemical structure of nuclear proteins which are phosphorylated during meiotic maturation of starfish oocytes., Matoba K, Matsumoto Y, Hongo T, Nagamatsu Y, Sugino H, Shimizu T, Takao T, Shimonishi Y, Ikegami S., Biochemistry. May 30, 2000; 39 (21): 6390-400.

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