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Summary Expression Phenotypes Gene Literature (82) GO Terms (14) Nucleotides (154) Proteins (50) Interactants (1262) Wiki

Papers associated with pias4

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Retinoic acid control of pax8 during renal specification of Xenopus pronephros involves hox and meis3., Durant-Vesga J, Suzuki N, Ochi H, Le Bouffant R, Eschstruth A, Ogino H, Umbhauer M, Riou JF., Dev Biol. January 1, 2023; 493 17-28.   

Anterior patterning genes induced by Zic1 are sensitive to retinoic acid and its metabolite, 4-oxo-RA., Dubey A, Saint-Jeannet JP., Dev Dyn. March 1, 2022; 251 (3): 498-512.

Segregation of brain and organizer precursors is differentially regulated by Nodal signaling at blastula stage., Castro Colabianchi AM, Tavella MB, Boyadjián López LE, Rubinstein M, Franchini LF, López SL., Biol Open. February 25, 2021; 10 (2):   

Dach1 regulates neural crest migration during embryonic development., Kim YK, Lee H, Ismail T, Kim Y, Lee HS., Biochem Biophys Res Commun. July 5, 2020; 527 (4): 896-901.   

Chromatin accessibility and histone acetylation in the regulation of competence in early development., Esmaeili M, Blythe SA, Tobias JW, Zhang K, Yang J, Klein PS., Dev Biol. June 1, 2020; 462 (1): 20-35.   

Modeling Bainbridge-Ropers Syndrome in Xenopus laevis Embryos., Lichtig H, Artamonov A, Polevoy H, Reid CD, Bielas SL, Frank D., Front Physiol. January 1, 2020; 11 75.   

Bioinformatics Screening of Genes Specific for Well-Regenerating Vertebrates Reveals c-answer, a Regulator of Brain Development and Regeneration., Korotkova DD, Lyubetsky VA, Ivanova AS, Rubanov LI, Seliverstov AV, Zverkov OA, Martynova NY, Nesterenko AM, Tereshina MB, Peshkin L, Zaraisky AG., Cell Rep. October 22, 2019; 29 (4): 1027-1040.e6.   

PTK7 proteolytic fragment proteins function during early Xenopus development., Lichtig H, Cohen Y, Bin-Nun N, Golubkov V, Frank D., Dev Biol. September 1, 2019; 453 (1): 48-55.   

Mechanistic insights from the LHX1-driven molecular network in building the embryonic head., McMahon R, Sibbritt T, Salehin N, Osteil P, Tam PPL., Dev Growth Differ. June 1, 2019; 61 (5): 327-336.

HMG-box factor SoxD/Sox15 and homeodomain-containing factor Xanf1/Hesx1 directly interact and regulate the expression of Xanf1/Hesx1 during early forebrain development in Xenopus laevis., Martynova NY, Eroshkin FM, Оrlov EE, Zaraisky AG., Gene. January 5, 2018; 638 52-59.   

A molecular atlas of the developing ectoderm defines neural, neural crest, placode, and nonneural progenitor identity in vertebrates., Plouhinec JL, Medina-Ruiz S, Borday C, Bernard E, Vert JP, Eisen MB, Harland RM, Monsoro-Burq AH., PLoS Biol. October 19, 2017; 15 (10): e2004045.   

Mouth development., Chen J, Jacox LA, Saldanha F, Sive H., Wiley Interdiscip Rev Dev Biol. September 1, 2017; 6 (5):   

Early neural ectodermal genes are activated by Siamois and Twin during blastula stages., Klein SL, Moody SA., Genesis. May 1, 2015; 53 (5): 308-20.   

Xenopus mutant reveals necessity of rax for specifying the eye field which otherwise forms tissue with telencephalic and diencephalic character., Fish MB, Nakayama T, Fisher M, Hirsch N, Cox A, Reeder R, Carruthers S, Hall A, Stemple DL, Grainger RM., Dev Biol. November 15, 2014; 395 (2): 317-330.   

The extreme anterior domain is an essential craniofacial organizer acting through Kinin-Kallikrein signaling., Jacox L, Sindelka R, Chen J, Rothman A, Dickinson A, Sive H., Cell Rep. July 24, 2014; 8 (2): 596-609.   

Ras-dva1 small GTPase regulates telencephalon development in Xenopus laevis embryos by controlling Fgf8 and Agr signaling at the anterior border of the neural plate., Tereshina MB, Ermakova GV, Ivanova AS, Zaraisky AG., Biol Open. March 15, 2014; 3 (3): 192-203.   

FoxA4 favours notochord formation by inhibiting contiguous mesodermal fates and restricts anterior neural development in Xenopus embryos., Murgan S, Castro Colabianchi AM, Monti RJ, Boyadjián López LE, Aguirre CE, Stivala EG, Carrasco AE, López SL., PLoS One. January 1, 2014; 9 (10): e110559.   

Left-right patterning in Xenopus conjoined twin embryos requires serotonin signaling and gap junctions., Vandenberg LN, Blackiston DJ, Rea AC, Dore TM, Levin M., Int J Dev Biol. January 1, 2014; 58 (10-12): 799-809.   

Developmental mechanisms directing early anterior forebrain specification in vertebrates., Andoniadou CL, Martinez-Barbera JP., Cell Mol Life Sci. October 1, 2013; 70 (20): 3739-52.   

Toward an unbiased evolutionary platform for unraveling Xenopus developmental gene networks., Beer R, Wagner F, Grishkevich V, Peshkin L, Yanai I., Genesis. March 1, 2012; 50 (3): 186-91.   

Novel functions of Noggin proteins: inhibition of Activin/Nodal and Wnt signaling., Bayramov AV, Eroshkin FM, Martynova NY, Ermakova GV, Solovieva EA, Zaraisky AG., Development. December 1, 2011; 138 (24): 5345-56.   

Analyzing the function of a hox gene: an evolutionary approach., Michaut L, Jansen HJ, Bardine N, Durston AJ, Gehring WJ., Dev Growth Differ. December 1, 2011; 53 (9): 982-93.   

HESX1- and TCF3-mediated repression of Wnt/β-catenin targets is required for normal development of the anterior forebrain., Andoniadou CL, Signore M, Young RM, Gaston-Massuet C, Wilson SW, Fuchs E, Martinez-Barbera JP., Development. November 1, 2011; 138 (22): 4931-42.

Focal adhesion kinase protein regulates Wnt3a gene expression to control cell fate specification in the developing neural plate., Fonar Y, Gutkovich YE, Root H, Malyarova A, Aamar E, Golubovskaya VM, Elias S, Elkouby YM, Frank D., Mol Biol Cell. July 1, 2011; 22 (13): 2409-21.   

Notch destabilises maternal beta-catenin and restricts dorsal-anterior development in Xenopus., Acosta H, López SL, Revinski DR, Carrasco AE., Development. June 1, 2011; 138 (12): 2567-79.   

Regulation of TCF3 by Wnt-dependent phosphorylation during vertebrate axis specification., Hikasa H, Ezan J, Itoh K, Li X, Klymkowsky MW, Sokol SY., Dev Cell. October 19, 2010; 19 (4): 521-32.   

The origin and evolution of ARGFX homeobox loci in mammalian radiation., Li G, Holland PW., BMC Evol Biol. June 17, 2010; 10 182.   

B1 SOX coordinate cell specification with patterning and morphogenesis in the early zebrafish embryo., Okuda Y, Ogura E, Kondoh H, Kamachi Y., PLoS Genet. May 6, 2010; 6 (5): e1000936.   

Mesodermal Wnt signaling organizes the neural plate via Meis3., Elkouby YM, Elias S, Casey ES, Blythe SA, Tsabar N, Klein PS, Root H, Liu KJ, Liu KJ, Frank D., Development. May 1, 2010; 137 (9): 1531-41.   

Xenopus Meis3 protein lies at a nexus downstream to Zic1 and Pax3 proteins, regulating multiple cell-fates during early nervous system development., Gutkovich YE, Ofir R, Elkouby YM, Dibner C, Gefen A, Elias S, Frank D., Dev Biol. February 1, 2010; 338 (1): 50-62.   

A microarray screen for direct targets of Zic1 identifies an aquaporin gene, aqp-3b, expressed in the neural folds., Cornish EJ, Hassan SM, Martin JD, Li S, Merzdorf CS., Dev Dyn. May 1, 2009; 238 (5): 1179-94.   

Modulation of the beta-catenin signaling pathway by the dishevelled-associated protein Hipk1., Louie SH, Yang XY, Conrad WH, Muster J, Angers S, Moon RT, Cheyette BN., PLoS One. January 1, 2009; 4 (2): e4310.   

The LIM-domain protein Zyxin binds the homeodomain factor Xanf1/Hesx1 and modulates its activity in the anterior neural plate of Xenopus laevis embryo., Martynova NY, Eroshkin FM, Ermolina LV, Ermakova GV, Korotaeva AL, Smurova KM, Gyoeva FK, Zaraisky AG., Dev Dyn. March 1, 2008; 237 (3): 736-49.   

[Transcriptional factor Xanf1 interacts with the focal adhesion protein zyxin in the early development of the Xenopus laevis brain], Martynova NY, Ermolina LV, Eroshkin FM, Gioeva FK, Zaraisky AG., Bioorg Khim. January 1, 2008; 34 (4): 573-6.

The homeodomain factor Xanf represses expression of genes in the presumptive rostral forebrain that specify more caudal brain regions., Ermakova GV, Solovieva EA, Martynova NY, Zaraisky AG., Dev Biol. July 15, 2007; 307 (2): 483-97.   

Defining synphenotype groups in Xenopus tropicalis by use of antisense morpholino oligonucleotides., Rana AA, Collart C, Gilchrist MJ, Smith JC., PLoS Genet. November 17, 2006; 2 (11): e193.   

Neural induction in Xenopus requires inhibition of Wnt-beta-catenin signaling., Heeg-Truesdell E, LaBonne C., Dev Biol. October 1, 2006; 298 (1): 71-86.   

Conserved regulatory elements establish the dynamic expression of Rpx/HesxI in early vertebrate development., Chou SJ, Hermesz E, Hatta T, Feltner D, El-Hodiri HM, Jamrich M, Mahon K., Dev Biol. April 15, 2006; 292 (2): 533-45.   

Ras-dva, a member of novel family of small GTPases, is required for the anterior ectoderm patterning in the Xenopus laevis embryo., Tereshina MB, Zaraisky AG, Novoselov VV., Development. February 1, 2006; 133 (3): 485-94.   

The Vg1-related protein Gdf3 acts in a Nodal signaling pathway in the pre-gastrulation mouse embryo., Chen C, Ware SM, Sato A, Houston-Hawkins DE, Habas R, Matzuk MM, Shen MM, Brown CW., Development. January 1, 2006; 133 (2): 319-29.   

Multiple noggins in vertebrate genome: cloning and expression of noggin2 and noggin4 in Xenopus laevis., Eroshkin FM, Ermakova GV, Bayramov AV, Zaraisky AG., Gene Expr Patterns. January 1, 2006; 6 (2): 180-6.   

The pro-apoptotic activity of a vertebrate Bar-like homeobox gene plays a key role in patterning the Xenopus neural plate by limiting the number of chordin- and shh-expressing cells., Offner N, Duval N, Jamrich M, Durand B., Development. April 1, 2005; 132 (8): 1807-18.   

Tbx5 and Tbx20 act synergistically to control vertebrate heart morphogenesis., Brown DD, Martz SN, Binder O, Goetz SC, Price BM, Smith JC, Conlon FL., Development. February 1, 2005; 132 (3): 553-63.   

Systematic screening for genes specifically expressed in the anterior neuroectoderm during early Xenopus development., Takahashi N, Tochimoto N, Ohmori SY, Mamada H, Itoh M, Inamori M, Shinga J, Osada S, Taira M., Int J Dev Biol. January 1, 2005; 49 (8): 939-51.   

Xenopus laevis FoxE1 is primarily expressed in the developing pituitary and thyroid., El-Hodiri HM, Seufert DW, Nekkalapudi S, Prescott NL, Kelly LE, Jamrich M., Int J Dev Biol. January 1, 2005; 49 (7): 881-4.   

The homeodomain-containing transcription factor X-nkx-5.1 inhibits expression of the homeobox gene Xanf-1 during the Xenopus laevis forebrain development., Bayramov AV, Martynova NY, Eroshkin FM, Ermakova GV, Zaraisky AG., Mech Dev. December 1, 2004; 121 (12): 1425-41.   

Patterning the forebrain: FoxA4a/Pintallavis and Xvent2 determine the posterior limit of Xanf1 expression in the neural plate., Martynova N, Eroshkin F, Ermakova G, Bayramov A, Gray J, Grainger R, Zaraisky A., Development. May 1, 2004; 131 (10): 2329-38.   

Amphibian in vitro heart induction: a simple and reliable model for the study of vertebrate cardiac development., Ariizumi T, Kinoshita M, Yokota C, Takano K, Fukuda K, Moriyama N, Malacinski GM, Asashima M., Int J Dev Biol. September 1, 2003; 47 (6): 405-10.   

Expression zones of three novel genes abut the developing anterior neural plate of Xenopus embryo., Novoselov VV, Alexandrova EM, Ermakova GV, Zaraisky AG., Gene Expr Patterns. May 1, 2003; 3 (2): 225-30.   

Characterization of cis-regulatory elements of the homeobox gene Xanf-1., Eroshkin F, Kazanskaya O, Martynova N, Zaraisky A., Gene. February 20, 2002; 285 (1-2): 279-86.

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