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Summary Expression Phenotypes Gene Literature (28) GO Terms (12) Nucleotides (60) Proteins (37) Interactants (348) Wiki

Papers associated with epha8

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Temporal and spatial transcriptomic dynamics across brain development in Xenopus laevis tadpoles., Ta AC, Huang LC, McKeown CR, Bestman JE, Van Keuren-Jensen K, Cline HT., G3 (Bethesda). January 4, 2022; 12 (1):   

Germline competent mesoderm: the substrate for vertebrate germline and somatic stem cells?, Savage AM, Alberio R, Johnson AD., Biol Open. October 15, 2021; 10 (10):   

The highly conserved FOXJ1 target CFAP161 is dispensable for motile ciliary function in mouse and Xenopus., Beckers A, Fuhl F, Ott T, Boldt K, Brislinger MM, Walentek P, Schuster-Gossler K, Hegermann J, Alten L, Kremmer E, Przykopanski A, Serth K, Ueffing M, Blum M, Gossler A., Sci Rep. June 25, 2021; 11 (1): 13333.   

The FOXJ1 target Cfap206 is required for sperm motility, mucociliary clearance of the airways and brain development., Beckers A, Adis C, Schuster-Gossler K, Tveriakhina L, Ott T, Fuhl F, Hegermann J, Boldt K, Serth K, Rachev E, Alten L, Kremmer E, Ueffing M, Blum M, Gossler A., Development. June 15, 2020; 147 (21):   

TimeMeter assesses temporal gene expression similarity and identifies differentially progressing genes., Jiang P, Chamberlain CS, Vanderby R, Thomson JA, Stewart R., Nucleic Acids Res. May 21, 2020; 48 (9): e51.   

CFAP43 modulates ciliary beating in mouse and Xenopus., Rachev E, Schuster-Gossler K, Fuhl F, Ott T, Tveriakhina L, Beckers A, Hegermann J, Boldt K, Mai M, Kremmer E, Ueffing M, Blum M, Gossler A., Dev Biol. March 15, 2020; 459 (2): 109-125.   

ENSA and ARPP19 differentially control cell cycle progression and development., Hached K, Goguet P, Charrasse S, Vigneron S, Sacristan MP, Lorca T, Castro A., J Cell Biol. February 4, 2019; 218 (2): 541-558.   

Ca2+/calmodulin binding to PSD-95 mediates homeostatic synaptic scaling down., Chowdhury D, Turner M, Patriarchi T, Hergarden AC, Anderson D, Zhang Y, Sun J, Chen CY, Ames JB, Hell JW., EMBO J. January 4, 2018; 37 (1): 122-138.

The histone methyltransferase Setd7 promotes pancreatic progenitor identity., Kofent J, Zhang J, Spagnoli FM., Development. October 1, 2016; 143 (19): 3573-3581.   

Cadherin 2/4 signaling via PTP1B and catenins is crucial for nucleokinesis during radial neuronal migration in the neocortex., Martinez-Garay I, Gil-Sanz C, Franco SJ, Espinosa A, Molnár Z, Mueller U., Development. June 15, 2016; 143 (12): 2121-34.   

Ephrin-Eph signaling in embryonic tissue separation., Fagotto F, Winklbauer R, Rohani N., Cell Adh Migr. January 1, 2014; 8 (4): 308-26.   

Myb promotes centriole amplification and later steps of the multiciliogenesis program., Tan FE, Vladar EK, Ma L, Fuentealba LC, Hoh R, Espinoza FH, Axelrod JD, Alvarez-Buylla A, Stearns T, Kintner C, Krasnow MA., Development. October 1, 2013; 140 (20): 4277-86.   

The polarization of the G-protein activated potassium channel GIRK5 to the vegetal pole of Xenopus laevis oocytes is driven by a di-leucine motif., Díaz-Bello B, Rangel-García CI, Salvador C, Carrisoza-Gaytán R, Escobar LI., PLoS One. May 15, 2013; 8 (5): e64096.   

Exons 5-15 of kazrin are dispensable for murine epidermal morphogenesis and homeostasis., Chhatriwala MK, Cipolat S, Sevilla LM, Nachat R, Watt FM., J Invest Dermatol. August 1, 2012; 132 (8): 1977-87.   

Genomic targets of Brachyury (T) in differentiating mouse embryonic stem cells., Evans AL, Faial T, Gilchrist MJ, Down T, Vallier L, Pedersen RA, Wardle FC, Smith JC., PLoS One. January 1, 2012; 7 (3): e33346.   

Inversin relays Frizzled-8 signals to promote proximal pronephros development., Lienkamp S, Ganner A, Boehlke C, Schmidt T, Arnold SJ, Schäfer T, Romaker D, Schuler J, Hoff S, Powelske C, Eifler A, Krönig C, Bullerkotte A, Nitschke R, Kuehn EW, Kim E, Burkhardt H, Brox T, Ronneberger O, Gloy J, Walz G., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. November 23, 2010; 107 (47): 20388-93.   

Studies on Xenopus laevis intestine reveal biological pathways underlying vertebrate gut adaptation from embryo to adult., Heimeier RA, Das B, Buchholz DR, Fiorentino M, Shi YB., Genome Biol. January 1, 2010; 11 (5): R55.   

Wnt9b signaling regulates planar cell polarity and kidney tubule morphogenesis., Karner CM, Chirumamilla R, Aoki S, Igarashi P, Wallingford JB, Carroll TJ., Nat Genet. July 1, 2009; 41 (7): 793-9.   

Pleiotropic effects in Eya3 knockout mice., Söker T, Dalke C, Puk O, Floss T, Becker L, Bolle I, Favor J, Hans W, Hölter SM, Horsch M, Kallnik M, Kling E, Moerth C, Schrewe A, Stigloher C, Topp S, Gailus-Durner V, Naton B, Beckers J, Fuchs H, Ivandic B, Klopstock T, Schulz H, Wolf E, Wurst W, Bally-Cuif L, de Angelis MH, Graw J., BMC Dev Biol. June 23, 2008; 8 118.   

The α1 subunit of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors in the inner ear: transcriptional regulation by ATOH1 and co-expression with the γ subunit in hair cells., Scheffer D, Sage C, Plazas PV, Huang M, Wedemeyer C, Zhang DS, Chen ZY, Elgoyhen AB, Corey DP, Pingault V., J Neurochem. December 1, 2007; 103 (6): 2651-64.

Control of kidney, eye and limb expression of Bmp7 by an enhancer element highly conserved between species., Adams D, Karolak M, Robertson E, Oxburgh L., Dev Biol. November 15, 2007; 311 (2): 679-90.   

Neural MMP-28 expression precedes myelination during development and peripheral nerve repair., Werner SR, Mescher AL, Neff AW, King MW, King MW, Chaturvedi S, Duffin KL, Harty MW, Smith RC., Dev Dyn. October 1, 2007; 236 (10): 2852-64.   

Exploring nervous system transcriptomes during embryogenesis and metamorphosis in Xenopus tropicalis using EST analysis., Fierro AC, Thuret R, Coen L, Perron M, Demeneix BA, Wegnez M, Gyapay G, Weissenbach J, Wincker P, Mazabraud A, Pollet N., BMC Genomics. May 16, 2007; 8 118.   

Spatial and temporal expression of the Grainyhead-like transcription factor family during murine development., Auden A, Caddy J, Wilanowski T, Ting SB, Cunningham JM, Jane SM., Gene Expr Patterns. October 1, 2006; 6 (8): 964-70.   

Wnt5 signaling in vertebrate pancreas development., Kim HJ, Schleiffarth JR, Jessurun J, Sumanas S, Petryk A, Lin S, Ekker SC., BMC Biol. October 24, 2005; 3 23.   

The small muscle-specific protein Csl modifies cell shape and promotes myocyte fusion in an insulin-like growth factor 1-dependent manner., Palmer S, Groves N, Schindeler A, Yeoh T, Biben C, Wang CC, Sparrow DB, Barnett L, Jenkins NA, Copeland NG, Koentgen F, Mohun T, Harvey RP., J Cell Biol. May 28, 2001; 153 (5): 985-98.   

Cooperation of intrinsic and extrinsic signals in the elaboration of regional identity in the posterior cerebral cortex., Nothias F, Fishell G, Ruiz i Altaba A., Curr Biol. April 9, 1998; 8 (8): 459-62.   

Molecular cloning of tyrosine kinases in the early Xenopus embryo: identification of Eck-related genes expressed in cranial neural crest cells of the second (hyoid) arch., Brändli AW, Kirschner MW., Dev Dyn. June 1, 1995; 203 (2): 119-40.   

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