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Summary Expression Phenotypes Gene Literature (119) GO Terms (17) Nucleotides (259) Proteins (55) Interactants (404) Wiki

Papers associated with mcm2



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Deregulated Cdc6 inhibits DNA replication and suppresses Cdc7-mediated phosphorylation of Mcm2-7 complex., Kundu LR, Kumata Y, Kakusho N, Watanabe S, Furukohri A, Waga S, Seki M, Masai H, Enomoto T, Tada S., Nucleic Acids Res. September 1, 2010; 38 (16): 5409-18.   

Developmental regulation of gene expression in the thyroid gland of Xenopus laevis tadpoles., Opitz R, Kloas W., Gen Comp Endocrinol. September 1, 2010; 168 (2): 199-208.

Interaction of human MCM2-7 proteins with TIM, TIPIN and Rb., Numata Y, Ishihara S, Hasegawa N, Nozaki N, Ishimi Y., J Biochem. June 1, 2010; 147 (6): 917-27.

A double-hexameric MCM2-7 complex is loaded onto origin DNA during licensing of eukaryotic DNA replication., Evrin C, Clarke P, Zech J, Lurz R, Sun J, Uhle S, Li H, Stillman B, Speck C., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. December 1, 2009; 106 (48): 20240-5.

MCM10 mediates RECQ4 association with MCM2-7 helicase complex during DNA replication., Xu X, Rochette PJ, Feyissa EA, Su TV, Liu Y., EMBO J. October 7, 2009; 28 (19): 3005-14.

XRCC1 interacts with the p58 subunit of DNA Pol alpha-primase and may coordinate DNA repair and replication during S phase., Lévy N, Oehlmann M, Delalande F, Nasheuer HP, Van Dorsselaer A, Schreiber V, de Murcia G, Ménissier-de Murcia J, Maiorano D, Bresson A., Nucleic Acids Res. June 1, 2009; 37 (10): 3177-88.   

How to load a replicative helicase onto chromatin: a more and more complex matter during evolution., Lutzmann M, Méchali M., Cell Cycle. May 1, 2009; 8 (9): 1309-13.

Cyclin E-dependent localization of MCM5 regulates centrosome duplication., Ferguson RL, Maller JL., J Cell Sci. October 1, 2008; 121 (Pt 19): 3224-32.

Mutation of the zebrafish nucleoporin elys sensitizes tissue progenitors to replication stress., Davuluri G, Gong W, Yusuff S, Lorent K, Muthumani M, Dolan AC, Pack M., PLoS Genet. October 1, 2008; 4 (10): e1000240.   

Identification of an arginine-rich motif in human papillomavirus type 1 E1;E4 protein necessary for E4-mediated inhibition of cellular DNA synthesis in vitro and in cells., Roberts S, Kingsbury SR, Stoeber K, Knight GL, Gallimore PH, Williams GH., J Virol. September 1, 2008; 82 (18): 9056-64.

MCM9 binds Cdt1 and is required for the assembly of prereplication complexes., Lutzmann M, Méchali M., Mol Cell. July 25, 2008; 31 (2): 190-200.

Cdc7-Drf1 kinase links chromosome cohesion to the initiation of DNA replication in Xenopus egg extracts., Takahashi TS, Basu A, Bermudez V, Hurwitz J, Walter JC., Genes Dev. July 15, 2008; 22 (14): 1894-905.   

Temporal profiling of the chromatin proteome reveals system-wide responses to replication inhibition., Khoudoli GA, Gillespie PJ, Stewart G, Andersen JS, Swedlow JR, Blow JJ., Curr Biol. June 3, 2008; 18 (11): 838-43.   

Plx1 is required for chromosomal DNA replication under stressful conditions., Trenz K, Errico A, Costanzo V., EMBO J. March 19, 2008; 27 (6): 876-85.   

ELYS/MEL-28 chromatin association coordinates nuclear pore complex assembly and replication licensing., Gillespie PJ, Khoudoli GA, Stewart G, Swedlow JR, Blow JJ., Curr Biol. October 9, 2007; 17 (19): 1657-62.   

Mcm10 and And-1/CTF4 recruit DNA polymerase alpha to chromatin for initiation of DNA replication., Zhu W, Ukomadu C, Jha S, Senga T, Dhar SK, Wohlschlegel JA, Nutt LK, Kornbluth S, Dutta A., Genes Dev. September 15, 2007; 21 (18): 2288-99.

Differential requirements for MCM proteins in DNA replication in Drosophila S2 cells., Crevel G, Hashimoto R, Vass S, Sherkow J, Yamaguchi M, Heck MM, Cotterill S., PLoS One. September 5, 2007; 2 (9): e833.   

Minichromosome maintenance protein 5 homologue in Caenorhabditis elegans plays essential role for postembryonic development., Wang X, Suh C, Zhu Z, Fan Q., Biochem Biophys Res Commun. August 10, 2007; 359 (4): 965-71.

Cdt1 and geminin: role during cell cycle progression and DNA damage in higher eukaryotes., Tada S., Front Biosci. January 1, 2007; 12 1629-41.

A Cdt1-geminin complex licenses chromatin for DNA replication and prevents rereplication during S phase in Xenopus., Lutzmann M, Maiorano D, Méchali M., EMBO J. December 13, 2006; 25 (24): 5764-74.

Deregulated replication licensing causes DNA fragmentation consistent with head-to-tail fork collision., Davidson IF, Li A, Blow JJ., Mol Cell. November 3, 2006; 24 (3): 433-43.   

Excess Mcm2-7 license dormant origins of replication that can be used under conditions of replicative stress., Woodward AM, Göhler T, Luciani MG, Oehlmann M, Ge X, Gartner A, Jackson DA, Blow JJ., J Cell Biol. June 5, 2006; 173 (5): 673-83.   

Dynamics of DNA binding of replication initiation proteins during de novo formation of pre-replicative complexes in Xenopus egg extracts., Waga S, Zembutsu A., J Biol Chem. April 21, 2006; 281 (16): 10926-34.

Localization of MCM2-7, Cdc45, and GINS to the site of DNA unwinding during eukaryotic DNA replication., Pacek M, Tutter AV, Kubota Y, Takisawa H, Walter JC., Mol Cell. February 17, 2006; 21 (4): 581-7.

Comparative genomics on MCM8 orthologous genes reveals the transcriptional regulation by transcription factor E2F., Hayashi R, Goto Y, Haga A, Kobayashi D, Ikeda R, Yoshida K., Gene. February 15, 2006; 367 126-34.

Regulation of replication licensing by acetyltransferase Hbo1., Iizuka M, Matsui T, Takisawa H, Smith MM., Mol Cell Biol. February 1, 2006; 26 (3): 1098-108.

The ATPase activity of MCM2-7 is dispensable for pre-RC assembly but is required for DNA unwinding., Ying CY, Gautier J., EMBO J. December 21, 2005; 24 (24): 4334-44.

Identification of full genes and proteins of MCM9, a novel, vertebrate-specific member of the MCM2-8 protein family., Lutzmann M, Maiorano D, Méchali M., Gene. December 5, 2005; 362 51-6.

MCM8 is an MCM2-7-related protein that functions as a DNA helicase during replication elongation and not initiation., Maiorano D, Cuvier O, Danis E, Méchali M., Cell. February 11, 2005; 120 (3): 315-28.

Licensing for DNA replication requires a strict sequential assembly of Cdc6 and Cdt1 onto chromatin in Xenopus egg extracts., Tsuyama T, Tada S, Watanabe S, Seki M, Enomoto T., Nucleic Acids Res. February 1, 2005; 33 (2): 765-75.   

Recombinant Cdt1 induces rereplication of G2 nuclei in Xenopus egg extracts., Maiorano D, Krasinska L, Lutzmann M, Mechali M., Curr Biol. January 26, 2005; 15 (2): 146-53.

Cdt1 downregulation by proteolysis and geminin inhibition prevents DNA re-replication in Xenopus., Li A, Blow JJ., EMBO J. January 26, 2005; 24 (2): 395-404.

Functional domains of the Xenopus replication licensing factor Cdt1., Ferenbach A, Li A, Brito-Martins M, Blow JJ., Nucleic Acids Res. January 12, 2005; 33 (1): 316-24.   

Replication-dependent destruction of Cdt1 limits DNA replication to a single round per cell cycle in Xenopus egg extracts., Arias EE, Walter JC., Genes Dev. January 1, 2005; 19 (1): 114-26.

Mcm2 is a direct substrate of ATM and ATR during DNA damage and DNA replication checkpoint responses., Yoo HY, Shevchenko A, Shevchenko A, Dunphy WG., J Biol Chem. December 17, 2004; 279 (51): 53353-64.

DNA replication licensing in somatic and germ cells., Eward KL, Obermann EC, Shreeram S, Loddo M, Fanshawe T, Williams C, Jung HI, Prevost AT, Blow JJ, Stoeber K, Williams GH., J Cell Sci. November 15, 2004; 117 (Pt 24): 5875-86.

DNA unwinding is an Mcm complex-dependent and ATP hydrolysis-dependent process., Shechter D, Ying CY, Gautier J., J Biol Chem. October 29, 2004; 279 (44): 45586-93.

Recruitment of Xenopus Scc2 and cohesin to chromatin requires the pre-replication complex., Takahashi TS, Yiu P, Chou MF, Gygi S, Walter JC., Nat Cell Biol. October 1, 2004; 6 (10): 991-6.

A requirement for MCM7 and Cdc45 in chromosome unwinding during eukaryotic DNA replication., Pacek M, Walter JC., EMBO J. September 15, 2004; 23 (18): 3667-76.

A dimerized coiled-coil domain and an adjoining part of geminin interact with two sites on Cdt1 for replication inhibition., Saxena S, Yuan P, Dhar SK, Senga T, Takeda D, Robinson H, Kornbluth S, Swaminathan K, Dutta A., Mol Cell. July 23, 2004; 15 (2): 245-58.

The role of Cdc6 in ensuring complete genome licensing and S phase checkpoint activation., Oehlmann M, Score AJ, Blow JJ., J Cell Biol. April 26, 2004; 165 (2): 181-90.   

Non-proteolytic inactivation of geminin requires CDK-dependent ubiquitination., Li A, Blow JJ., Nat Cell Biol. March 1, 2004; 6 (3): 260-7.

Fission yeast Cdc23/Mcm10 functions after pre-replicative complex formation to promote Cdc45 chromatin binding., Gregan J, Lindner K, Brimage L, Franklin R, Namdar M, Hart EA, Aves SJ, Kearsey SE., Mol Biol Cell. September 1, 2003; 14 (9): 3876-87.

The Xenopus Xmus101 protein is required for the recruitment of Cdc45 to origins of DNA replication., Van Hatten RA, Tutter AV, Holway AH, Khederian AM, Walter JC, Michael WM., J Cell Biol. November 25, 2002; 159 (4): 541-7.   

Protein phosphatase 2A regulates binding of Cdc45 to the prereplication complex., Chou DM, Petersen P, Walter JC, Walter G., J Biol Chem. October 25, 2002; 277 (43): 40520-7.

MCM2-7 complexes bind chromatin in a distributed pattern surrounding the origin recognition complex in Xenopus egg extracts., Edwards MC, Tutter AV, Cvetic C, Gilbert CH, Prokhorova TA, Walter JC., J Biol Chem. September 6, 2002; 277 (36): 33049-57.

Identification of Tah11/Sid2 as the ortholog of the replication licensing factor Cdt1 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae., Devault A, Vallen EA, Yuan T, Green S, Bensimon A, Schwob E., Curr Biol. April 16, 2002; 12 (8): 689-94.

Geminin becomes activated as an inhibitor of Cdt1/RLF-B following nuclear import., Hodgson B, Li A, Tada S, Blow JJ., Curr Biol. April 16, 2002; 12 (8): 678-83.

Xenopus Mcm10 binds to origins of DNA replication after Mcm2-7 and stimulates origin binding of Cdc45., Wohlschlegel JA, Dhar SK, Prokhorova TA, Dutta A, Walter JC., Mol Cell. February 1, 2002; 9 (2): 233-40.

Reconstitution of licensed replication origins on Xenopus sperm nuclei using purified proteins., Gillespie PJ, Li A, Blow JJ., BMC Biochem. January 1, 2001; 2 15.   

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