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Summary Expression Phenotypes Gene Literature (312) GO Terms (3) Nucleotides (60) Proteins (29) Interactants (1058) Wiki

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Gsx transcription factors repress Iroquois gene expression., Winterbottom EF, Ramsbottom SA, Isaacs HV., Dev Dyn. June 1, 2011; 240 (6): 1422-9.   

EBF factors drive expression of multiple classes of target genes governing neuronal development., Green YS, Vetter ML., Neural Dev. April 30, 2011; 6 19.   

Hox and Pbx factors control retinoic acid synthesis during hindbrain segmentation., Vitobello A, Ferretti E, Lampe X, Vilain N, Ducret S, Ori M, Spetz JF, Selleri L, Rijli FM., Dev Cell. April 19, 2011; 20 (4): 469-82.   

A constitutive pan-hexose permease for the Plasmodium life cycle and transgenic models for screening of antimalarial sugar analogs., Blume M, Hliscs M, Rodriguez-Contreras D, Sanchez M, Landfear S, Lucius R, Matuschewski K, Gupta N., FASEB J. April 1, 2011; 25 (4): 1218-29.

Uracil DNA N-glycosylase promotes assembly of human centromere protein A., Zeitlin SG, Chapados BR, Baker NM, Tai C, Slupphaug G, Wang JY., PLoS One. March 2, 2011; 6 (3): e17151.   

The involvement of Eph-Ephrin signaling in tissue separation and convergence during Xenopus gastrulation movements., Park EC, Cho GS, Kim GH, Choi SC, Han JK., Dev Biol. February 15, 2011; 350 (2): 441-50.   

Activity of the RhoU/Wrch1 GTPase is critical for cranial neural crest cell migration., Fort P, Guémar L, Vignal E, Morin N, Notarnicola C, de Santa Barbara P, Faure S., Dev Biol. February 15, 2011; 350 (2): 451-63.   

A novel fast mechanism for GPCR-mediated signal transduction--control of neurotransmitter release., Kupchik YM, Barchad-Avitzur O, Wess J, Ben-Chaim Y, Parnas I, Parnas H., J Cell Biol. January 10, 2011; 192 (1): 137-51.   

Transmembrane potential of GlyCl-expressing instructor cells induces a neoplastic-like conversion of melanocytes via a serotonergic pathway., Blackiston D, Adams DS, Lemire JM, Lobikin M, Levin M., Dis Model Mech. January 1, 2011; 4 (1): 67-85.   

Geminin cooperates with Polycomb to restrain multi-lineage commitment in the early embryo., Lim JW, Hummert P, Mills JC, Kroll KL., Development. January 1, 2011; 138 (1): 33-44.   

Antagonistic role of XESR1 and XESR5 in mesoderm formation in Xenopus laevis., Kinoshita T, Haruta Y, Sakamoto C, Imaoka S., Int J Dev Biol. January 1, 2011; 55 (1): 25-31.   

Yes-associated protein 65 (YAP) expands neural progenitors and regulates Pax3 expression in the neural plate border zone., Gee ST, Milgram SL, Kramer KL, Conlon FL, Moody SA., PLoS One. January 1, 2011; 6 (6): e20309.   

Gadd45a and Gadd45g regulate neural development and exit from pluripotency in Xenopus., Kaufmann LT, Niehrs C., Mech Dev. January 1, 2011; 128 (7-10): 401-11.   

HDAC activity is required during Xenopus tail regeneration., Tseng AS, Carneiro K, Lemire JM, Levin M., PLoS One. January 1, 2011; 6 (10): e26382.   

Hes6 is required for the neurogenic activity of neurogenin and NeuroD., Murai K, Philpott A, Jones PH., PLoS One. January 1, 2011; 6 (11): e27880.   

The RNA-binding protein Xp54nrb isolated from a Ca²+-dependent screen is expressed in neural structures during Xenopus laevis development., Neant I, Deisig N, Scerbo P, Leclerc C, Moreau M., Int J Dev Biol. January 1, 2011; 55 (10-12): 923-31.   

Prohibitin1 acts as a neural crest specifier in Xenopus development by repressing the transcription factor E2F1., Schneider M, Schambony A, Wedlich D., Development. December 1, 2010; 137 (23): 4073-81.   

Microarray identification of novel downstream targets of FoxD4L1/D5, a critical component of the neural ectodermal transcriptional network., Yan B, Neilson KM, Moody SA., Dev Dyn. December 1, 2010; 239 (12): 3467-80.   

Gemcitabine functions epigenetically by inhibiting repair mediated DNA demethylation., Schäfer A, Schomacher L, Barreto G, Döderlein G, Niehrs C., PLoS One. November 19, 2010; 5 (11): e14060.   

Mutational tuning of galectin-3 specificity and biological function., Salomonsson E, Carlsson MC, Osla V, Hendus-Altenburger R, Kahl-Knutson B, Oberg CT, Sundin A, Nilsson R, Nordberg-Karlsson E, Nilsson UJ, Karlsson A, Rini JM, Leffler H., J Biol Chem. November 5, 2010; 285 (45): 35079-91.   

Sumoylation controls retinal progenitor proliferation by repressing cell cycle exit in Xenopus laevis., Terada K, Furukawa T., Dev Biol. November 1, 2010; 347 (1): 180-94.   

The tumor-associated EpCAM regulates morphogenetic movements through intracellular signaling., Maghzal N, Vogt E, Reintsch W, Fraser JS, Fagotto F., J Cell Biol. November 1, 2010; 191 (3): 645-59.   

Paraxial T-box genes, Tbx6 and Tbx1, are required for cranial chondrogenesis and myogenesis., Tazumi S, Yabe S, Uchiyama H., Dev Biol. October 15, 2010; 346 (2): 170-80.   

Wnt/beta-catenin signaling is involved in the induction and maintenance of primitive hematopoiesis in the vertebrate embryo., Tran HT, Sekkali B, Van Imschoot G, Janssens S, Vleminckx K, Vleminckx K., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. September 14, 2010; 107 (37): 16160-5.   

Serotonin 2B receptor signaling is required for craniofacial morphogenesis and jaw joint formation in Xenopus., Reisoli E, De Lucchini S, Nardi I, Ori M., Development. September 1, 2010; 137 (17): 2927-37.   

ADAM13 induces cranial neural crest by cleaving class B Ephrins and regulating Wnt signaling., Wei S, Xu G, Bridges LC, Williams P, White JM, DeSimone DW., Dev Cell. August 17, 2010; 19 (2): 345-52.   

Regulation of vertebrate embryogenesis by the exon junction complex core component Eif4a3., Haremaki T, Sridharan J, Dvora S, Weinstein DC., Dev Dyn. July 1, 2010; 239 (7): 1977-87.   

A novel mouse c-fos intronic promoter that responds to CREB and AP-1 is developmentally regulated in vivo., Coulon V, Chebli K, Cavelier P, Blanchard JM., PLoS One. June 21, 2010; 5 (6): e11235.   

FoxG1 and TLE2 act cooperatively to regulate ventral telencephalon formation., Roth M, Bonev B, Lindsay J, Lea R, Panagiotaki N, Houart C, Papalopulu N., Development. May 1, 2010; 137 (9): 1553-62.   

Mesodermal Wnt signaling organizes the neural plate via Meis3., Elkouby YM, Elias S, Casey ES, Blythe SA, Tsabar N, Klein PS, Root H, Liu KJ, Liu KJ, Frank D., Development. May 1, 2010; 137 (9): 1531-41.   

BCL6 canalizes Notch-dependent transcription, excluding Mastermind-like1 from selected target genes during left-right patterning., Sakano D, Kato A, Parikh N, McKnight K, Terry D, Stefanovic B, Kato Y., Dev Cell. March 16, 2010; 18 (3): 450-62.   

Macrophage Wnt7b is critical for kidney repair and regeneration., Lin SL, Li B, Rao S, Yeo EJ, Hudson TE, Nowlin BT, Pei H, Chen L, Zheng JJ, Carroll TJ, Pollard JW, McMahon AP, Lang RA, Duffield JS., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. March 2, 2010; 107 (9): 4194-9.   

The Syk kinase SmTK4 of Schistosoma mansoni is involved in the regulation of spermatogenesis and oogenesis., Beckmann S, Buro C, Dissous C, Hirzmann J, Grevelding CG., PLoS Pathog. February 12, 2010; 6 (2): e1000769.   

The F-box protein Cdc4/Fbxw7 is a novel regulator of neural crest development in Xenopus laevis., Almeida AD, Wise HM, Hindley CJ, Slevin MK, Hartley RS, Philpott A., Neural Dev. January 4, 2010; 5 1.   

XRASGRP2 is essential for blood vessel formation during Xenopus development., Suzuki K, Takahashi S, Haramoto Y, Onuma Y, Nagamine K, Okabayashi K, Hashizume K, Iwanaka T, Asashima M., Int J Dev Biol. January 1, 2010; 54 (4): 609-15.   

Analysis of SDF-1/CXCR4 signaling in primordial germ cell migration and survival or differentiation in Xenopus laevis., Takeuchi T, Tanigawa Y, Minamide R, Ikenishi K, Komiya T., Mech Dev. January 1, 2010; 127 (1-2): 146-58.   

XPteg (Xenopus proximal tubules-expressed gene) is essential for pronephric mesoderm specification and tubulogenesis., Lee SJ, Kim S, Choi SC, Han JK., Mech Dev. January 1, 2010; 127 (1-2): 49-61.   

Zygotic VegT is required for Xenopus paraxial mesoderm formation and is regulated by Nodal signaling and Eomesodermin., Fukuda M, Takahashi S, Haramoto Y, Onuma Y, Kim YJ, Yeo CY, Ishiura S, Asashima M., Int J Dev Biol. January 1, 2010; 54 (1): 81-92.   

Direct control of Hoxd1 and Irx3 expression by Wnt/beta-catenin signaling during anteroposterior patterning of the neural axis in Xenopus., Janssens S, Denayer T, Deroo T, Van Roy F, Vleminckx K, Vleminckx K., Int J Dev Biol. January 1, 2010; 54 (10): 1435-42.   

Secreted Frizzled-related proteins enhance the diffusion of Wnt ligands and expand their signalling range., Mii Y, Taira M., Development. December 1, 2009; 136 (24): 4083-8.   

Neural ectoderm-secreted FGF initiates the expression of Nkx2.5 in cardiac progenitors via a p38 MAPK/CREB pathway., Keren-Politansky A, Keren A, Bengal E., Dev Biol. November 15, 2009; 335 (2): 374-84.   

Functional characterization of two CITED3 homologs (gcCITED3a and gcCITED3b) in the hypoxia-tolerant grass carp, Ctenopharyngodon idellus., Ng PK, Chiu SK, Kwong TF, Yu RM, Wong MM, Kong RY., BMC Mol Biol. November 3, 2009; 10 101.   

Xenopus Rnd1 and Rnd3 GTP-binding proteins are expressed under the control of segmentation clock and required for somite formation., Goda T, Takagi C, Ueno N., Dev Dyn. November 1, 2009; 238 (11): 2867-76.   

Notch activates Wnt-4 signalling to control medio-lateral patterning of the pronephros., Naylor RW, Jones EA., Development. November 1, 2009; 136 (21): 3585-95.   

Myosin-X is critical for migratory ability of Xenopus cranial neural crest cells., Nie S, Kee Y, Bronner-Fraser M., Dev Biol. November 1, 2009; 335 (1): 132-42.   

Myosin-X is required for cranial neural crest cell migration in Xenopus laevis., Hwang YS, Luo T, Xu Y, Xu Y, Sargent TD., Dev Dyn. October 1, 2009; 238 (10): 2522-9.   

Normal levels of p27 are necessary for somite segmentation and determining pronephric organ size., Naylor RW, Collins RJ, Philpott A, Jones EA., Organogenesis. October 1, 2009; 5 (4): 201-10.   

Coordinating the timing of cardiac precursor development during gastrulation: a new role for Notch signaling., Miazga CM, McLaughlin KA., Dev Biol. September 15, 2009; 333 (2): 285-96.   

Xhairy2 functions in Xenopus lens development by regulating p27(xic1) expression., Murato Y, Hashimoto C., Dev Dyn. September 1, 2009; 238 (9): 2179-92.   

Xmc mediates Xctr1-independent morphogenesis in Xenopus laevis., Haremaki T, Weinstein DC., Dev Dyn. September 1, 2009; 238 (9): 2382-7.   

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