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Summary Expression Phenotypes Gene Literature (54) GO Terms (20) Nucleotides (127) Proteins (58) Interactants (311) Wiki

Papers associated with nr3c1

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cyp21a2 Knockout Tadpoles Survive Metamorphosis Despite Low Corticosterone., Paul B, Shewade LH, Buchholz DR., Endocrinology. November 14, 2022; 164 (1):   

Impaired negative feedback and death following acute stress in glucocorticoid receptor knockout Xenopus tropicalis tadpoles., Paul B, Sterner ZR, Bhawal R, Anderson ET, Zhang S, Buchholz DR., Gen Comp Endocrinol. September 15, 2022; 326 114072.   

Direct reprogramming of fibroblasts into renal tubular epithelial cells by defined transcription factors., Kaminski MM, Tosic J, Kresbach C, Engel H, Klockenbusch J, Müller AL, Pichler R, Grahammer F, Kretz O, Huber TB, Walz G, Arnold SJ, Lienkamp SS., Nat Cell Biol. December 1, 2016; 18 (12): 1269-1280.   

Quantification of transcription factor-DNA binding affinity in a living cell., Belikov S, Berg OG, Wrange Ö., Nucleic Acids Res. April 20, 2016; 44 (7): 3045-58.   

Mifepristone modulates serotonin transporter function., Li C, Shan L, Li X, Wei L, Li D., Neural Regen Res. March 15, 2014; 9 (6): 646-52.   

FAK transduces extracellular forces that orient the mitotic spindle and control tissue morphogenesis., Petridou NI, Skourides PA., Nat Commun. January 1, 2014; 5 5240.   

Hes4 controls proliferative properties of neural stem cells during retinal ontogenesis., El Yakoubi W, Borday C, Hamdache J, Parain K, Tran HT, Vleminckx K, Vleminckx K, Perron M, Locker M., Stem Cells. December 1, 2012; 30 (12): 2784-95.   

Probing the Xenopus laevis inner ear transcriptome for biological function., Powers TR, Virk SM, Trujillo-Provencio C, Serrano EE., BMC Genomics. June 8, 2012; 13 225.   

FoxA1 and glucocorticoid receptor crosstalk via histone H4K16 acetylation at a hormone regulated enhancer., Belikov S, Holmqvist PH, Astrand C, Wrange Ö., Exp Cell Res. January 1, 2012; 318 (1): 61-74.

Visualizing and quantifying the suppressive effects of glucocorticoids on the tadpole immune system in vivo., Schreiber AM., Adv Physiol Educ. December 1, 2011; 35 (4): 445-53.

The origins and evolution of vertebrate metamorphosis., Laudet V., Curr Biol. September 27, 2011; 21 (18): R726-37.   

About a snail, a toad, and rodents: animal models for adaptation research., Roubos EW, Jenks BG, Xu L, Kuribara M, Scheenen WJ, Kozicz T., Front Endocrinol (Lausanne). January 1, 2010; 1 4.   

FoxA1 binding directs chromatin structure and the functional response of a glucocorticoid receptor-regulated promoter., Belikov S, Astrand C, Wrange O., Mol Cell Biol. October 1, 2009; 29 (20): 5413-25.

Histone acetylation characterizes chromatin presetting by NF1 and Oct1 and enhances glucocorticoid receptor binding to the MMTV promoter., Astrand C, Belikov S, Wrange O., Exp Cell Res. September 10, 2009; 315 (15): 2604-15.

Distribution and corticosteroid regulation of glucocorticoid receptor in the brain of Xenopus laevis., Yao M, Hu F, Denver RJ., J Comp Neurol. June 20, 2008; 508 (6): 967-82.   

Ets-1 regulates radial glia formation during vertebrate embryogenesis., Kiyota T, Kato A, Kato Y., Organogenesis. October 1, 2007; 3 (2): 93-101.   

Mechanism of histone H1-stimulated glucocorticoid receptor DNA binding in vivo., Belikov S, Astrand C, Wrange O., Mol Cell Biol. March 1, 2007; 27 (6): 2398-410.

Flanking sequence composition differentially affects the binding and functional characteristics of glucocorticoid receptor homo- and heterodimers., Morin B, Nichols LA, Holland LJ., Biochemistry. June 13, 2006; 45 (23): 7299-306.

HIC-5 is a novel repressor of lymphoid enhancer factor/T-cell factor-driven transcription., Ghogomu SM, van Venrooy S, Ritthaler M, Wedlich D, Gradl D., J Biol Chem. January 20, 2006; 281 (3): 1755-64.   

FoxA1 binding to the MMTV LTR modulates chromatin structure and transcription., Holmqvist PH, Belikov S, Zaret KS, Wrange O., Exp Cell Res. April 1, 2005; 304 (2): 593-603.

BMP4-dependent expression of Xenopus Grainyhead-like 1 is essential for epidermal differentiation., Tao J, Kuliyev E, Wang X, Li X, Wilanowski T, Jane SM, Mead PE, Cunningham JM., Development. March 1, 2005; 132 (5): 1021-34.   

Trichostatin A reduces hormone-induced transcription of the MMTV promoter and has pleiotropic effects on its chromatin structure., Astrand C, Klenka T, Wrange O, Belikov S., Eur J Biochem. March 1, 2004; 271 (6): 1153-62.

Regulation of Msx genes by a Bmp gradient is essential for neural crest specification., Tribulo C, Aybar MJ, Nguyen VH, Mullins MC, Mayor R., Development. December 1, 2003; 130 (26): 6441-52.   

Progesterone and glucocorticoid receptors recruit distinct coactivator complexes and promote distinct patterns of local chromatin modification., Li X, Wong J, Tsai SY, Tsai MJ, O'Malley BW., Mol Cell Biol. June 1, 2003; 23 (11): 3763-73.

Subcellular localization and targeting of glucocorticoid receptor protein fusions expressed in transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana., Brockmann B, Smith MW, Zaraisky AG, Harrison K, Okada K, Kamiya Y., Plant Cell Physiol. September 1, 2001; 42 (9): 942-51.

Axis induction by wnt signaling: Target promoter responsiveness regulates competence., Darken RS, Wilson PA., Dev Biol. June 1, 2001; 234 (1): 42-54.   

Glucocorticoid hormone-induced receptor localization to the chromatin fibers formed on injected DNA in Xenopus oocytes., Gelius B, Wrange O., Exp Cell Res. May 1, 2001; 265 (2): 319-28.

Heterodimerization between the glucocorticoid receptor and the unrelated DNA-binding protein, Xenopus glucocorticoid receptor accessory factor., Morin B, Woodcock GR, Nichols LA, Holland LJ., Mol Endocrinol. March 1, 2001; 15 (3): 458-66.

Rho GTPases as modulators of the estrogen receptor transcriptional response., Su LF, Knoblauch R, Garabedian MJ., J Biol Chem. February 2, 2001; 276 (5): 3231-7.

The binding site for Xenopus glucocorticoid receptor accessory factor and a single adjacent half-GRE form an independent glucocorticoid response unit., Morin B, Zhu C, Woodcock GR, Li M, Woodward RN, Nichols LA, Holland LJ., Biochemistry. October 10, 2000; 39 (40): 12234-42.

Serrate and Notch specify cell fates in the heart field by suppressing cardiomyogenesis., Rones MS, McLaughlin KA, Raffin M, Mercola M., Development. September 1, 2000; 127 (17): 3865-76.   

The sgk, an aldosterone-induced gene in mineralocorticoid target cells, regulates the epithelial sodium channel., Náray-Fejes-Tóth A, Fejes-Tóth G., Kidney Int. April 1, 2000; 57 (4): 1290-4.

Hormone activation induces nucleosome positioning in vivo., Belikov S, Gelius B, Almouzni G, Wrange O., EMBO J. March 1, 2000; 19 (5): 1023-33.

A developmental pathway controlling outgrowth of the Xenopus tail bud., Beck CW, Slack JM., Development. April 1, 1999; 126 (8): 1611-20.   

Acute regulation by corticosteroids of channel-inducing factor gene messenger ribonucleic acid in the distal colon., Brennan FE, Fuller PJ., Endocrinology. March 1, 1999; 140 (3): 1213-8.

Analysis of the DNA-binding site for Xenopus glucocorticoid receptor accessory factor. Critical nucleotides for binding specificity in vitro and for amplification of steroid-induced fibrinogen gene transcription., Li M, Ye X, Woodward RN, Zhu C, Nichols LA, Holland LJ., J Biol Chem. April 17, 1998; 273 (16): 9790-6.

Aldosterone responsiveness of A6 cells is restored by cloned rat mineralocorticoid receptor., Chen SY, Wang J, Liu W, Pearce D., Am J Physiol. January 1, 1998; 274 (1 Pt 1): C39-46.

Analysis of competence and of Brachyury autoinduction by use of hormone-inducible Xbra., Tada M, O'Reilly MA, Smith JC., Development. June 1, 1997; 124 (11): 2225-34.   

Novel accessory factor-binding site required for glucocorticoid regulation of the gamma-fibrinogen subunit gene from Xenopus laevis., Woodward RN, Li M, Holland LJ., Mol Endocrinol. May 1, 1997; 11 (5): 563-76.

Involvement of glucocorticoids in the reorganization of the amphibian immune system at metamorphosis., Rollins-Smith LA, Barker KS, Davis AT., Dev Immunol. January 1, 1997; 5 (2): 145-52.

Efficient hormone-inducible protein function in Xenopus laevis., Kolm PJ, Sive HL., Dev Biol. September 1, 1995; 171 (1): 267-72.   

Overexpression of estrogen receptor in HTB 96 human osteosarcoma cells results in estrogen-induced growth inhibition and receptor cross talk., Watts CK, King RJ., J Bone Miner Res. August 1, 1994; 9 (8): 1251-8.

Expression of the glucocorticoid receptor gene is regulated during early embryogenesis of Xenopus laevis., Gao X, Kalkhoven E, Peterson-Maduro J, van der Burg B, Destrée OH., Biochim Biophys Acta. June 21, 1994; 1218 (2): 194-8.

GR transcripts are localized during early Xenopus laevis embryogenesis and overexpression of GR inhibits differentiation after dexamethasone treatment., Gao X, Stegeman BI, Lanser P, Koster JG, Destrée OH., Biochem Biophys Res Commun. March 15, 1994; 199 (2): 734-41.   

Cloning and functional expression of a brain G-protein-coupled ATP receptor., Webb TE, Simon J, Krishek BJ, Bateson AN, Smart TG, King BF, Burnstock G, Barnard EA., FEBS Lett. June 14, 1993; 324 (2): 219-25.

Expression of the glucocorticoid receptor mRNA is regulated during early Xenopus laevis embryonic development., Gao X, Kalkhoven E, Peterson-Maduro J, Destrée OH., Ann N Y Acad Sci. June 11, 1993; 684 205-6.

The glucocorticoid receptor precludes the binding of a transcriptional repressor protein to the long terminal repeat of the mouse mammary tumor virus., Ye S, Kmiec EB., Mol Cell Biochem. May 12, 1993; 122 (1): 25-37.

Coordinate regulation of fibrinogen subunit messenger RNA levels by glucocorticoids in primary cultures of Xenopus liver parenchymal cells., Bhattacharya A, Holland LJ., Mol Endocrinol. April 1, 1991; 5 (4): 587-97.

Generation of C127-derived cell lines expressing estrogen or progesterone receptors for studying gene regulation on bovine papilloma virus minichromosomes., Haché RJ, Beato M., Receptor. January 1, 1991; 1 (4): 217-28.

XlHbox 8: a novel Xenopus homeo protein restricted to a narrow band of endoderm., Wright CV, Schnegelsberg P, De Robertis EM., Development. April 1, 1989; 105 (4): 787-94.   

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