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Summary Expression Phenotypes Gene Literature (1785) GO Terms (5) Nucleotides (155) Proteins (54) Interactants (2636) Wiki

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referenced by:

Interspersion of repetitive and nonrepetitive DNA sequences in the Drosophila melanogaster genome., Manning JE, Schmid CW, Davidson N., Cell. February 1, 1975; 4 (2): 141-55.

[Some cytochemical characteristics of the chromatin in the erythrocytes of Xenopus laevis Daud]., Redi CA, Manfredi Romanini MG., Riv Istochim Norm Patol. January 1, 1976; 20 (4): 183-96.

Ages of death of children with Huntington's chorea and of their affected parents., Vegter-van der Vlis M, Volkers WS, Went LN., Ann Hum Genet. January 1, 1976; 39 (3): 329-34.

The presence of (dA.dT)20-25 tracts in the DNA of primitive eukaryotes., Mol JN, Flavell RA, Borst P., Nucleic Acids Res. September 1, 1976; 3 (9): 2367-77.

Integration of eukaryotic genes for 5S RNA and histone proteins into a phage lambda receptor., Clarkson SG, Smith HO, Schaffner W, Gross KW, Birnstiel ML., Nucleic Acids Res. October 1, 1976; 3 (10): 2617-32.

On the existence of polyadenylated histone mRNA in Xenopus laevis oocytes., Levenson RG, Marcu KB., Cell. October 1, 1976; 9 (2): 311-22.

Lengths and patterns of transcriptional units in the amplified nucleoli of oocytes of Xenopus laevis., Scheer U, Trendelenburg MF, Krohne G, Franke WW., Chromosoma. March 16, 1977; 60 (2): 147-67.

Translation "in vitro" of globin mRNA from Xenopus laevis., Benítez G, Meza I, Crippa M., Cell Biol Int Rep. May 1, 1978; 2 (3): 245-50.

Effect of salt-treatment on manually isolated polytene chromosomes from Chironomus tentans., Plagens U., Chromosoma. August 21, 1978; 68 (1): 1-19.

Light and electron microscopic investigation of ATPase activity in musculature during anuran tail resorption., Watanabe K, Khan MA, Sasaki F, Iseki H., Histochemistry. November 24, 1978; 58 (1-2): 13-22.

Vitellogenin in Xenopus laevis is encoded in a small family of genes., Wahli W, Dawid IB, Wyler T, Jaggi RB, Weber R, Ryffel GU., Cell. March 1, 1979; 16 (3): 535-49.

Separation of RNA transcription and processing activities from X. laevis germinal vesicles., Mattoccia E, Baldi MI, Carrara G, Fruscoloni P, Benedetti P, Tocchini-Valentini GP., Cell. November 1, 1979; 18 (3): 643-8.

Immunohistochemical localization of a gastrin-like peptide in the brain of an amphibian, Xenopus laevis Daud., Doerr-Schott J, Garaud JC, Clauss RO., Cell Tissue Res. November 1, 1979; 203 (1): 65-78.

Ontogeny of the retina and optic nerve in Xenopus laevis. II. Ontogeny of the optic fiber pattern in the retina., Grant P, Rubin E., J Comp Neurol. February 15, 1980; 189 (4): 671-98.

Neutral carrier ion-selective microelectrodes for measurement of intracellular free calcium., Tsien RY, Rink TJ., Biochim Biophys Acta. July 1, 1980; 599 (2): 623-38.

Preferential translation of mRNAs in an mRNA-dependent reticulocyte lysate., Asselbergs FA, Meulenberg E, van Venrooij WJ, Bloemendal H., Eur J Biochem. August 1, 1980; 109 (1): 159-65.

Heterogeneity of poly(I) x poly(C)-induced human fibroblast interferon mRNA species., Sehgal PB, Sagar AD., Nature. November 6, 1980; 288 (5786): 95-7.

Action potentials of isolated single muscle fibers recorded by potential-sensitive dyes., Nakajima S, Gilai A., J Gen Physiol. December 1, 1980; 76 (6): 729-50.

Usage of the three termination codons: compilation and analysis of the known eukaryotic and prokaryotic translation termination sequences., Kohli J, Grosjean H., Mol Gen Genet. January 1, 1981; 182 (3): 430-9.

Highly conserved lipoprotein assembly in teleost and amphibian yolk-platelet crystals., Lange RH., Nature. January 22, 1981; 289 (5795): 329-30.

Evaluation of reflection interference contrast microscope images of living cells., Beck K, Bereiter-Hahn J., Microsc Acta. March 1, 1981; 84 (2): 153-78.

Stability of non-polyadenylated viral mRNAs injected into frog oocytes., McCrae MA, Woodland HR., Eur J Biochem. June 1, 1981; 116 (3): 467-70.

Isolation and characterization of genomic clones covering the chicken vitellogenin gene., Arnberg AC, Meijlink FC, Mulder J, van Bruggen EF, Gruber M, Geert AB., Nucleic Acids Res. July 24, 1981; 9 (14): 3271-86.

DNA topoisomerase I from mitochondria of Xenopus laevis oocytes., Brun G, Vannier P, Scovassi I, Callen JC., Eur J Biochem. August 1, 1981; 118 (2): 407-15.

Nucleotide sequence of the ribosomal RNA gene of Physarum polycephalum: intron 2 and its flanking regions of the 26S rRNA gene., Nomiyama H, Kuhara S, Kukita T, Otsuka T, Sakaki Y., Nucleic Acids Res. November 11, 1981; 9 (21): 5507-20.

Intimate association of 5S RNA and tRNA genes in Drosophila melanogaster., DeLotto R, Louis C, Wormington M, Schedl P., Mol Gen Genet. January 1, 1982; 188 (2): 299-304.

The unmethylated state of the promoter/leader and 5'-regions of integrated adenovirus genes correlates with gene expression., Kruczek I, Doerfler W., EMBO J. January 1, 1982; 1 (4): 409-14.

Nucleotide sequences of cloned cDNA fragments specific for six Xenopus laevis ribosomal proteins., Amaldi F, Beccari E, Bozzoni I, Luo ZX, Pierandrei-Amaldi P., Gene. March 1, 1982; 17 (3): 311-6.

Secretory proteins induced in human fibroblasts under conditions used for the production of interferon beta., Content J, De Wit L, Pierard D, Derynck R, De Clercq E, Fiers W., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. May 1, 1982; 79 (9): 2768-72.

In vitro methylation of the BsuRI (5'-GGCC-3') sites in the E2a region of adenovirus type 2 DNA does not affect expression in Xenopus laevis oocytes., Vardimon L, Günthert U, Doerfler W., Mol Cell Biol. December 1, 1982; 2 (12): 1574-80.

Translational products of mRNAs coding for non-epidermal cytokeratins., Magin TM, Jorcano JL, Franke WW., EMBO J. January 1, 1983; 2 (8): 1387-92.

Blue-sensitive rod input to bipolar and ganglion cells of the Xenopus retina., Yang CY, Hassin G, Witkovsky P., Vision Res. January 1, 1983; 23 (10): 933-41.

Can DNA methylation regulate gene expression?, Vardimon L, Renz D, Doerfler W., Recent Results Cancer Res. January 1, 1983; 84 90-102.

Structural characterization of the proteins encoded by adenovirus early region 2A., Asselbergs FA, Mathews MB, Smart JE., J Mol Biol. January 15, 1983; 163 (2): 177-207.

Frog rod outer segment shedding in vitro: histologic and electrophysiologic observations., Heath AR, Basinger SF., Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. March 1, 1983; 24 (3): 277-84.

RNA 3'-terminal phosphate cyclase activity and RNA ligation in HeLa cell extract., Filipowicz W, Konarska M, Gross HJ, Shatkin AJ., Nucleic Acids Res. March 11, 1983; 11 (5): 1405-18.

Evidence for a functional role of the cytoskeleton in determination of the dorsoventral axis in Xenopus laevis eggs., Ubbels GA, Hara K, Koster CH, Kirschner MW., J Embryol Exp Morphol. October 1, 1983; 77 15-37.

Spacer sequences regulate transcription of ribosomal gene plasmids injected into Xenopus embryos., Busby SJ, Reeder RH., Cell. October 1, 1983; 34 (3): 989-96.

Fast ephemeral DNA damage upon BaP injection., Höhn-Bentz J, Kurelec B, Zahn RK., Sci Total Environ. December 15, 1983; 32 (1): 13-27.

Each element of the Drosophila tRNAArg gene split promoter directs transcription in Xenopus oocytes., Sharp S, Dingermann T, Schaack J, Sharp JA, Burke DJ, DeRobertis EM, Söll D., Nucleic Acids Res. December 20, 1983; 11 (24): 8677-90.

Two populations of rod photoreceptors in the retina of Xenopus laevis identified with 3H-fucose autoradiography., Hollyfield JG, Rayborn ME, Rosenthal J., Vision Res. January 1, 1984; 24 (8): 777-82.

An H1 histone gene from rainbow trout (Salmo gairdnerii)., Mezquita J, Connor W, Winkfein RJ, Dixon GH., J Mol Evol. January 1, 1984; 21 (3): 209-19.

Transcription of multimeric tRNA genes., Ciliberto G, Traboni C, Cortese R., Nucleic Acids Res. January 25, 1984; 12 (2): 1277-85.

Interspersed poly(A) RNAs of amphibian oocytes are not translatable., Richter JD, Smith LD, Anderson DM, Davidson EH., J Mol Biol. February 25, 1984; 173 (2): 227-41.

The development of retinal ganglion cells in a tetraploid strain of Xenopus laevis: a morphological study utilizing intracellular dye injection., Sakaguchi DS, Murphey RK, Hunt RK, Tompkins R., J Comp Neurol. April 1, 1984; 224 (2): 231-51.

Purification and initial characterization of a protein which facilitates assembly of nucleosome-like structure from mammalian cells., Ishimi Y, Hirosumi J, Sato W, Sugasawa K, Yokota S, Hanaoka F, Yamada M., Eur J Biochem. August 1, 1984; 142 (3): 431-9.

Application of reaction-diffusion models to cell patterning in Xenopus retina. Initiation of patterns and their biological stability., Shoaf SA, Conway K, Hunt RK., J Theor Biol. August 7, 1984; 109 (3): 299-329.

Interaction between rat brain microtubule associated proteins (MAPs) and free ribosomes from Xenopus oocyte: a possible mechanism for the in ovo distribution of MAPs., Jessus C, Huchon D, Friederich E, Francon J, Ozon R., Cell Differ. October 1, 1984; 14 (4): 295-301.

Translation in Xenopus oocytes of messenger RNA from A431 cells for human epidermal growth factor receptor proteins., Simmen FA, Schulz TZ, Headon DR, Wright DA, Carpenter G, O'Malley BW., DNA. October 1, 1984; 3 (5): 393-9.

5S RNA structure and interaction with transcription factor A. 1. Ribonuclease probe of the structure of 5S RNA from Xenopus laevis oocytes., Andersen J, Delihas N, Hanas JS, Wu CW., Biochemistry. November 20, 1984; 23 (24): 5752-9.

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