Papers associated with cdk1 (and Disease Ontology)
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Fosl1 is vital to heart regeneration upon apex resection in adult Xenopus tropicalis., Wu HY, Zhou YM, Liao ZQ, Zhong JW, Liu YB, Zhao H, Liang CQ, Huang RJ, Park KS, Feng SS, Zheng L, Cai DQ, Qi XF., NPJ Regen Med. June 29, 2021; 6 (1): 36. |
RINGO/Speedy proteins, a family of non-canonical activators of CDK1 and CDK2., Gonzalez L, Nebreda AR., Semin Cell Dev Biol. November 1, 2020; 107 21-27. |
The neurodevelopmental disorder risk gene DYRK1A is required for ciliogenesis and control of brain size in Xenopus embryos., Willsey HR, Xu Y, Xu Y, Everitt A, Dea J, Exner CRT, Willsey AJ, State MW, Harland RM., Development. June 22, 2020; 147 (21): |
Similarity in gene-regulatory networks suggests that cancer cells share characteristics of embryonic neural cells., Zhang Z, Lei A, Xu L, Chen L, Chen Y, Chen Y, Zhang X, Gao Y, Yang X, Zhang M, Cao Y, Cao Y., J Biol Chem. August 4, 2017; 292 (31): 12842-12859. |
ZW10 links mitotic checkpoint signaling to the structural kinetochore., Kops GJ, Kim Y, Weaver BA, Mao Y, McLeod I, Yates JR, Tagaya M, Cleveland DW., J Cell Biol. April 11, 2005; 169 (1): 49-60. |
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