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Summary Expression Phenotypes Gene Literature (32) GO Terms (9) Nucleotides (65) Proteins (42) Interactants (149) Wiki

Papers associated with nr2e1

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Tailless keratins assemble into regular intermediate filaments in vitro., Hatzfeld M, Weber K., J Cell Sci. October 1, 1990; 97 ( Pt 2) 317-24.

Truncation mutagenesis of the non-alpha-helical carboxyterminal tail domain of vimentin reveals contributions to cellular localization but not to filament assembly., Rogers KR, Eckelt A, Nimmrich V, Janssen KP, Schliwa M, Herrmann H, Franke WW., Eur J Cell Biol. February 1, 1995; 66 (2): 136-50.

Mutational analysis of the cytoplasmic tail of the G protein-coupled receptor for parathyroid hormone (PTH) and PTH-related protein: effects on receptor expression and signaling., Huang Z, Chen Y, Pratt S, Chen TH, Bambino T, Shoback DM, Nissenson RA., Mol Endocrinol. September 1, 1995; 9 (9): 1240-9.

A functional homologue of goosecoid in Drosophila., Goriely A, Stella M, Coffinier C, Kessler D, Mailhos C, Dessain S, Desplan C., Development. May 1, 1996; 122 (5): 1641-50.   

Lateral dimerization is required for the homophilic binding activity of C-cadherin., Brieher WM, Yap AS, Gumbiner BM., J Cell Biol. October 1, 1996; 135 (2): 487-96.

The human homologue of the Drosophila tailless gene (TLX): characterization and mapping to a region of common deletion in human lymphoid leukemia on chromosome 6q21., Jackson A, Panayiotidis P, Foroni L., Genomics. May 15, 1998; 50 (1): 34-43.

The Xenopus homologue of the Drosophila gene tailless has a function in early eye development., Hollemann T, Bellefroid E, Pieler T., Development. July 1, 1998; 125 (13): 2425-32.   

[Dynamics of the intensity of respiration in early embryogenesis of amphibians]., Vladimirova IG, Zlochevskaia MB, Ozerniuk ND., Ontogenez. January 1, 2000; 31 (5): 350-4.

Xerl: a novel secretory protein expressed in eye and brain of Xenopus embryo., Kuriyama S, Miyatani S, Kinoshita T., Mech Dev. May 1, 2000; 93 (1-2): 233-7.   

The intermediate filament protein consensus motif of helix 2B: its atomic structure and contribution to assembly., Herrmann H, Strelkov SV, Feja B, Rogers KR, Brettel M, Lustig A, Häner M, Parry DA, Steinert PM, Burkhard P, Aebi U., J Mol Biol. May 19, 2000; 298 (5): 817-32.

The N-terminus of histone H2B, but not that of histone H3 or its phosphorylation, is essential for chromosome condensation., de la Barre AE, Angelov D, Molla A, Dimitrov S., EMBO J. November 15, 2001; 20 (22): 6383-93.

p300-mediated tax transactivation from recombinant chromatin: histone tail deletion mimics coactivator function., Georges SA, Kraus WL, Luger K, Nyborg JK, Laybourn PJ., Mol Cell Biol. January 1, 2002; 22 (1): 127-37.

Specification of the vertebrate eye by a network of eye field transcription factors., Zuber ME, Gestri G, Viczian AS, Barsacchi G, Harris WA., Development. November 1, 2003; 130 (21): 5155-67.   

The core histone N-terminal tail domains negatively regulate binding of transcription factor IIIA to a nucleosome containing a 5S RNA gene via a novel mechanism., Yang Z, Zheng C, Thiriet C, Hayes JJ., Mol Cell Biol. January 1, 2005; 25 (1): 241-9.

DRAGON, a bone morphogenetic protein co-receptor., Samad TA, Rebbapragada A, Bell E, Zhang Y, Zhang Y, Sidis Y, Jeong SJ, Campagna JA, Perusini S, Fabrizio DA, Schneyer AL, Lin HY, Brivanlou AH, Attisano L, Woolf CJ., J Biol Chem. April 8, 2005; 280 (14): 14122-9.   

The Xenopus ortholog of the nuclear hormone receptor Nr2e3 is primarily expressed in developing photoreceptors., Martinez-De Luna RI, El-Hodiri HM., Int J Dev Biol. January 1, 2007; 51 (3): 235-40.   

Nr2e3 and Nrl can reprogram retinal precursors to the rod fate in Xenopus retina., McIlvain VA, Knox BE., Dev Dyn. July 1, 2007; 236 (7): 1970-9.   

[Properties of norm and variability]., Kovalenko EE., Ontogenez. January 1, 2011; 42 (5): 363-77.

The divalent cations Ca2+ and Mg2+ play specific roles in stabilizing histone-DNA interactions within nucleosomes that are partially redundant with the core histone tail domains., Yang Z, Hayes JJ., Biochemistry. November 22, 2011; 50 (46): 9973-81.

Influence of histone tails and H4 tail acetylations on nucleosome-nucleosome interactions., Liu Y, Lu C, Yang Y, Fan Y, Yang R, Liu CF, Korolev N, Nordenskiöld L., J Mol Biol. December 16, 2011; 414 (5): 749-64.

Spindle position in symmetric cell divisions during epiboly is controlled by opposing and dynamic apicobasal forces., Woolner S, Papalopulu N., Dev Cell. April 17, 2012; 22 (4): 775-87.   

Sizzled-tolloid interactions maintain foregut progenitors by regulating fibronectin-dependent BMP signaling., Kenny AP, Rankin SA, Rankin SA, Allbee AW, Prewitt AR, Zhang Z, Tabangin ME, Shifley ET, Louza MP, Zorn AM., Dev Cell. August 14, 2012; 23 (2): 292-304.   

Acetylation of histone H3 at lysine 64 regulates nucleosome dynamics and facilitates transcription., Di Cerbo V, Mohn F, Ryan DP, Montellier E, Kacem S, Tropberger P, Kallis E, Holzner M, Hoerner L, Feldmann A, Richter FM, Bannister AJ, Mittler G, Michaelis J, Khochbin S, Feil R, Schuebeler D, Owen-Hughes T, Daujat S, Schneider R., Elife. March 25, 2014; 3 e01632.   

Evolution of histone 2A for chromatin compaction in eukaryotes., Macadangdang BR, Oberai A, Spektor T, Campos OA, Sheng F, Carey MF, Vogelauer M, Kurdistani SK., Elife. June 17, 2014; 3   

Tbx3 represses bmp4 expression and, with Pax6, is required and sufficient for retina formation., Motahari Z, Martinez-De Luna RI, Viczian AS, Zuber ME., Development. October 1, 2016; 143 (19): 3560-3572.   

Ion counting demonstrates a high electrostatic field generated by the nucleosome., Gebala M, Johnson SL, Narlikar GJ, Herschlag D., Elife. June 11, 2019; 8   

An optochemical tool for light-induced dissociation of adherens junctions to control mechanical coupling between cells., Ollech D, Pflästerer T, Shellard A, Zambarda C, Spatz JP, Marcq P, Mayor R, Wombacher R, Cavalcanti-Adam EA., Nat Commun. January 24, 2020; 11 (1): 472.   

An in vivo brain-bacteria interface: the developing brain as a key regulator of innate immunity., Herrera-Rincon C, Paré JF, Martyniuk CJ, Jannetty SK, Harrison C, Fischer A, Dinis A, Keshari V, Novak R, Levin M., NPJ Regen Med. February 4, 2020; 5 2.   

miR-199 plays both positive and negative regulatory roles in Xenopus eye development., Ritter RA, Ulrich CH, Brzezinska BN, Shah VV, Zamora MJ, Kelly LE, El-Hodiri HM, Sater AK., Genesis. March 1, 2020; 58 (3-4): e23354.   

Structure of a single-chain H2A/H2B dimer., Warren C, Bonanno JB, Almo SC, Shechter D., Acta Crystallogr F Struct Biol Commun. May 1, 2020; 76 (Pt 5): 194-198.

Nucleosome Core Particles Lacking H2B or H3 Tails Are Altered Structurally and Have Differential Base Excision Repair Fingerprints., Caffrey PJ, Delaney S., Biochemistry. January 26, 2021; 60 (3): 210-218.

Resection of DNA double-strand breaks activates Mre11-Rad50-Nbs1- and Rad9-Hus1-Rad1-dependent mechanisms that redundantly promote ATR checkpoint activation and end processing in Xenopus egg extracts., Tatsukawa K, Sakamoto R, Kawasoe Y, Kubota Y, Tsurimoto T, Takahashi TS, Ohashi E., Nucleic Acids Res. April 12, 2024; 52 (6): 3146-3163.   

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