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A combined in silico and in vivo approach to the structure-function annotation of SPD-2 provides mechanistic insight into its functional diversity., Murph M, Singh S, Schvarzstein M., Cell Cycle. September 1, 2022; 21 (18): 1958-1979.

The VAMP-associated protein VAPB is required for cardiac and neuronal pacemaker channel function., Silbernagel N, Walecki M, Schäfer MK, Kessler M, Zobeiri M, Rinné S, Kiper AK, Komadowski MA, Vowinkel KS, Wemhöner K, Fortmüller L, Schewe M, Dolga AM, Scekic-Zahirovic J, Matschke LA, Culmsee C, Baukrowitz T, Monassier L, Ullrich ND, Dupuis L, Just S, Budde T, Fabritz L, Decher N., FASEB J. November 1, 2018; 32 (11): 6159-6173.   

Shaping Chromatin in the Nucleus: The Bricks and the Architects., Sitbon D, Podsypanina K, Yadav T, Almouzni G., Cold Spring Harb Symp Quant Biol. January 1, 2017; 82 1-14.   

Genome evolution in the allotetraploid frog Xenopus laevis., Session AM, Uno Y, Kwon T, Chapman JA, Toyoda A, Takahashi S, Fukui A, Hikosaka A, Suzuki A, Kondo M, van Heeringen SJ, Quigley I, Heinz S, Ogino H, Ochi H, Hellsten U, Lyons JB, Simakov O, Putnam N, Stites J, Kuroki Y, Tanaka T, Michiue T, Watanabe M, Bogdanovic O, Lister R, Georgiou G, Paranjpe SS, van Kruijsbergen I, Shu S, Carlson J, Kinoshita T, Ohta Y, Mawaribuchi S, Jenkins J, Grimwood J, Schmutz J, Mitros T, Mozaffari SV, Suzuki Y, Haramoto Y, Yamamoto TS, Takagi C, Heald R, Miller K, Haudenschild C, Kitzman J, Nakayama T, Izutsu Y, Robert J, Fortriede J, Burns K, Lotay V, Karimi K, Yasuoka Y, Dichmann DS, Flajnik MF, Houston DW, Shendure J, DuPasquier L, Vize PD, Zorn AM, Ito M, Marcotte EM, Wallingford JB, Ito Y, Asashima M, Ueno N, Matsuda Y, Veenstra GJ, Fujiyama A, Harland RM, Taira M, Rokhsar DS., Nature. October 20, 2016; 538 (7625): 336-343.   

The adaptor protein DCAF7 mediates the interaction of the adenovirus E1A oncoprotein with the protein kinases DYRK1A and HIPK2., Glenewinkel F, Cohen MJ, King CR, Kaspar S, Bamberg-Lemper S, Mymryk JS, Becker W., Sci Rep. June 16, 2016; 6 28241.   

Epigenetic modification maintains intrinsic limb-cell identity in Xenopus limb bud regeneration., Hayashi S, Kawaguchi A, Uchiyama I, Kawasumi-Kita A, Kobayashi T, Nishide H, Tsutsumi R, Tsuru K, Inoue T, Ogino H, Agata K, Tamura K, Yokoyama H., Dev Biol. October 15, 2015; 406 (2): 271-82.   

Tarantula toxins use common surfaces for interacting with Kv and ASIC ion channels., Gupta K, Zamanian M, Bae C, Milescu M, Krepkiy D, Tilley DC, Sack JT, Yarov-Yarovoy V, Kim JI, Swartz KJ., Elife. January 6, 2015; 4 e06774.   

A potential molecular pathogenesis of cardiac/laterality defects in Oculo-Facio-Cardio-Dental syndrome., Tanaka K, Kato A, Angelocci C, Watanabe M, Kato Y., Dev Biol. March 1, 2014; 387 (1): 28-36.   

Hippo signaling components, Mst1 and Mst2, act as a switch between self-renewal and differentiation in Xenopus hematopoietic and endothelial progenitors., Nejigane S, Takahashi S, Haramoto Y, Michiue T, Asashima M., Int J Dev Biol. January 1, 2013; 57 (5): 407-14.   

Origin and functional diversification of an amphibian defense peptide arsenal., Roelants K, Fry BG, Ye L, Stijlemans B, Brys L, Kok P, Clynen E, Schoofs L, Cornelis P, Bossuyt F., PLoS Genet. January 1, 2013; 9 (8): e1003662.   

Transcriptional integration of Wnt and Nodal pathways in establishment of the Spemann organizer., Reid CD, Zhang Y, Zhang Y, Sheets MD, Kessler DS., Dev Biol. August 15, 2012; 368 (2): 231-41.   

Mutual repression between Gbx2 and Otx2 in sensory placodes reveals a general mechanism for ectodermal patterning., Steventon B, Mayor R, Streit A., Dev Biol. July 1, 2012; 367 (1): 55-65.   

Xenopus meiotic microtubule-associated interactome., Gache V, Waridel P, Winter C, Juhem A, Schroeder M, Shevchenko A, Popov AV., PLoS One. February 2, 2010; 5 (2): e9248.   

The adenoviral E1A protein displaces corepressors and relieves gene repression by unliganded thyroid hormone receptors in vivo., Sato Y, Ding A, Heimeier RA, Yousef AF, Mymryk JS, Walfish PG, Shi YB., Cell Res. June 1, 2009; 19 (6): 783-92.

The Xenopus Irx genes are essential for neural patterning and define the border between prethalamus and thalamus through mutual antagonism with the anterior repressors Fezf and Arx., Rodríguez-Seguel E, Alarcón P, Gómez-Skarmeta JL., Dev Biol. May 15, 2009; 329 (2): 258-68.   

Integration of telencephalic Wnt and hedgehog signaling center activities by Foxg1., Danesin C, Peres JN, Johansson M, Snowden V, Cording A, Papalopulu N, Houart C., Dev Cell. April 1, 2009; 16 (4): 576-87.   

A dual requirement for Iroquois genes during Xenopus kidney development., Alarcón P, Rodríguez-Seguel E, Fernández-González A, Rubio R, Gómez-Skarmeta JL., Development. October 1, 2008; 135 (19): 3197-207.   

PR72, a novel regulator of Wnt signaling required for Naked cuticle function., Creyghton MP, Roël G, Eichhorn PJ, Hijmans EM, Maurer I, Destrée O, Bernards R., Genes Dev. February 1, 2005; 19 (3): 376-86.   

Adenovirus protein VII condenses DNA, represses transcription, and associates with transcriptional activator E1A., Johnson JS, Osheim YN, Xue Y, Emanuel MR, Lewis PW, Bankovich A, Beyer AL, Engel DA., J Virol. June 1, 2004; 78 (12): 6459-68.

Dual effect of lysine-rich polypeptides on the activity of protein kinase CK2., Romero-Oliva F, Jacob G, Allende JE., J Cell Biochem. May 15, 2003; 89 (2): 348-55.

Xiro homeoproteins coordinate cell cycle exit and primary neuron formation by upregulating neuronal-fate repressors and downregulating the cell-cycle inhibitor XGadd45-gamma., de la Calle-Mustienes E, Glavic A, Modolell J, Gómez-Skarmeta JL., Mech Dev. November 1, 2002; 119 (1): 69-80.   

Regulation of GRIP1 and CBP Coactivator activity by Rho GDI modulates estrogen receptor transcriptional enhancement., Su LF, Wang Z, Garabedian MJ., J Biol Chem. October 4, 2002; 277 (40): 37037-44.

The homeoprotein Xiro1 is required for midbrain-hindbrain boundary formation., Glavic A, Gómez-Skarmeta JL, Mayor R., Development. April 1, 2002; 129 (7): 1609-21.   

Xiro-1 controls mesoderm patterning by repressing bmp-4 expression in the Spemann organizer., Glavic A, Gómez-Skarmeta JL, Mayor R., Dev Dyn. November 1, 2001; 222 (3): 368-76.   

Dome formation and tubule morphogenesis by Xenopus kidney A6 cell cultures exposed to microgravity simulated with a 3D-clinostat and to hypergravity., Ichigi J, Asashima M., In Vitro Cell Dev Biol Anim. January 1, 2001; 37 (1): 31-44.

The p300/CBP acetyltransferases function as transcriptional coactivators of beta-catenin in vertebrates., Hecht A, Vleminckx K, Vleminckx K, Stemmler MP, van Roy F, Kemler R., EMBO J. April 17, 2000; 19 (8): 1839-50.

The transcriptional coactivator CBP interacts with beta-catenin to activate gene expression., Takemaru KI, Moon RT., J Cell Biol. April 17, 2000; 149 (2): 249-54.   

Neuralization of the Xenopus embryo by inhibition of p300/ CREB-binding protein function., Kato Y, Shi Y, Shi Y, He X., J Neurosci. November 1, 1999; 19 (21): 9364-73.   

p300 stimulates transcription instigated by ligand-bound thyroid hormone receptor at a step subsequent to chromatin disruption., Li Q, Imhof A, Collingwood TN, Urnov FD, Wolffe AP., EMBO J. October 15, 1999; 18 (20): 5634-52.

C-Terminal binding protein is a transcriptional repressor that interacts with a specific class of vertebrate Polycomb proteins., Sewalt RG, Gunster MJ, van der Vlag J, Satijn DP, Otte AP., Mol Cell Biol. January 1, 1999; 19 (1): 777-87.

XBF-1, a winged helix transcription factor with dual activity, has a role in positioning neurogenesis in Xenopus competent ectoderm., Bourguignon C, Li J, Papalopulu N., Development. December 1, 1998; 125 (24): 4889-900.   

Xenopus NF-Y pre-sets chromatin to potentiate p300 and acetylation-responsive transcription from the Xenopus hsp70 promoter in vivo., Li Q, Herrler M, Landsberger N, Kaludov N, Ogryzko VV, Nakatani Y, Wolffe AP., EMBO J. November 2, 1998; 17 (21): 6300-15.

Gene expression screening in Xenopus identifies molecular pathways, predicts gene function and provides a global view of embryonic patterning., Gawantka V, Pollet N, Delius H, Vingron M, Pfister R, Nitsch R, Blumenstock C, Niehrs C., Mech Dev. October 1, 1998; 77 (2): 95-141.   

A role for Xenopus Gli-type zinc finger proteins in the early embryonic patterning of mesoderm and neuroectoderm., Marine JC, Bellefroid EJ, Pendeville H, Martial JA, Pieler T., Mech Dev. May 1, 1997; 63 (2): 211-25.   

A member of the Met/HGF-receptor family is expressed in a BMP-4-like pattern in the ectoderm of Xenopus gastrulae., Aberger F, Weidinger G, Richter K., Biochem Biophys Res Commun. February 3, 1997; 231 (1): 191-5.   

Involvement of Livertine, a hepatocyte growth factor family member, in neural morphogenesis., Ruiz i Altaba A, Théry C., Mech Dev. December 1, 1996; 60 (2): 207-20.   

Cloning and expression of Xenopus HGF-like protein (HLP) and Ron/HLP receptor implicate their involvement in early neural development., Nakamura T, Aoki S, Takahashi T, Matsumoto K, Kiyohara T, Nakamura T., Biochem Biophys Res Commun. July 16, 1996; 224 (2): 564-73.   

The Xenopus homologue of hepatocyte growth factor-like protein is specifically expressed in the presumptive neural plate during gastrulation., Aberger F, Schmidt G, Richter K., Mech Dev. January 1, 1996; 54 (1): 23-37.   

Analysis of ATF2 gene expression during early Xenopus laevis development., Villarreal XC, Richter JD., Gene. February 14, 1995; 153 (2): 225-9.

Transcriptional elongation by RNA polymerase II is stimulated by transactivators., Yankulov K, Blau J, Purton T, Roberts S, Bentley DL., Cell. June 3, 1994; 77 (5): 749-59.

The mouse one P-domain (pS2) and two P-domain (mSP) genes exhibit distinct patterns of expression., Lefebvre O, Wolf C, Kédinger M, Chenard MP, Tomasetto C, Chambon P, Rio MC., J Cell Biol. July 1, 1993; 122 (1): 191-8.

Structure and expression of the Xenopus retinoblastoma gene., Destrée OH, Lam KT, Peterson-Maduro LJ, Eizema K, Diller L, Gryka MA, Frebourg T, Shibuya E, Friend SH., Dev Biol. September 1, 1992; 153 (1): 141-9.

Analysis of a developmentally regulated nuclear localization signal in Xenopus., Standiford DM, Richter JD., J Cell Biol. September 1, 1992; 118 (5): 991-1002.

xP2, a new member of the P-domain peptide family of potential growth factors, is synthesized in Xenopus laevis skin., Hauser F, Roeben C, Hoffmann W., J Biol Chem. July 15, 1992; 267 (20): 14451-5.   

Antibodies specific for the human retinoblastoma protein identify a family of related polypeptides., Hu QJ, Bautista C, Edwards GM, Defeo-Jones D, Jones RE, Harlow E., Mol Cell Biol. November 1, 1991; 11 (11): 5792-9.

Isolation of the human cdk2 gene that encodes the cyclin A- and adenovirus E1A-associated p33 kinase., Tsai LH, Harlow E, Meyerson M., Nature. September 12, 1991; 353 (6340): 174-7.

The degradation sequence of adenovirus E1A consists of the amino-terminal tetrapeptide Met-Arg-His-Ile., Simon R, Richter JD., Mol Cell Biol. November 1, 1990; 10 (11): 5609-15.

Activation in vitro of RNA polymerase II and III directed transcription by baculovirus produced E1A protein., Patel G, Jones NC., Nucleic Acids Res. May 25, 1990; 18 (10): 2909-15.

Comparison of diverse transport signals in synthetic peptide-induced nuclear transport., Lanford RE, Feldherr CM, White RG, Dunham RG, Kanda P., Exp Cell Res. January 1, 1990; 186 (1): 32-8.

A karyophilic signal sequence in adenovirus type 5 E1A is functional in Xenopus oocytes but not in somatic cells., Slavicek JM, Jones NC, Richter JD., J Virol. September 1, 1989; 63 (9): 4047-50.

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