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Summary Expression Phenotypes Gene Literature (129) GO Terms (7) Nucleotides (158) Proteins (40) Interactants (599) Wiki

Papers associated with smad10



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Germ-layer specification and control of cell growth by Ectodermin, a Smad4 ubiquitin ligase., Dupont S, Zacchigna L, Cordenonsi M, Soligo S, Adorno M, Rugge M, Piccolo S., Cell. April 8, 2005; 121 (1): 87-99.   

Ubiquitin-mediated degradation a mechanism for fine-tuning TGF-beta signaling., Datto M, Wang XF., Cell. April 8, 2005; 121 (1): 2-4.

Functional specificity of the Xenopus T-domain protein Brachyury is conferred by its ability to interact with Smad1., Messenger NJ, Kabitschke C, Andrews R, Grimmer D, Núñez Miguel R, Blundell TL, Smith JC, Wardle FC., Dev Cell. April 1, 2005; 8 (4): 599-610.   

MAB21L2, a vertebrate member of the Male-abnormal 21 family, modulates BMP signaling and interacts with SMAD1., Baldessari D, Badaloni A, Longhi R, Zappavigna V, Consalez GG., BMC Cell Biol. December 21, 2004; 5 (1): 48.   

The POU factor Oct-25 regulates the Xvent-2B gene and counteracts terminal differentiation in Xenopus embryos., Cao Y, Cao Y, Knöchel S, Donow C, Miethe J, Kaufmann E, Knöchel W., J Biol Chem. October 15, 2004; 279 (42): 43735-43.   

Transcriptional regulation of the TGF-beta pseudoreceptor BAMBI by TGF-beta signaling., Sekiya T, Oda T, Matsuura K, Akiyama T., Biochem Biophys Res Commun. July 30, 2004; 320 (3): 680-4.

Molecular and functional consequences of Smad4 C-terminal missense mutations in colorectal tumour cells., De Bosscher K, Hill CS, Nicolás FJ., Biochem J. April 1, 2004; 379 (Pt 1): 209-16.

Interaction with Smad4 is indispensable for suppression of BMP signaling by c-Ski., Takeda M, Mizuide M, Oka M, Watabe T, Inoue H, Suzuki H, Fujita T, Imamura T, Miyazono K, Miyazawa K., Mol Biol Cell. March 1, 2004; 15 (3): 963-72.   

Poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase 1 interacts with OAZ and regulates BMP-target genes., Ku MC, Stewart S, Hata A., Biochem Biophys Res Commun. November 21, 2003; 311 (3): 702-7.

Activin/Nodal signals mediate the ventral expression of myf-5 in Xenopus gastrula embryos., Chen Y, Lin GF, Hu R, Chen Y, Ding X., Biochem Biophys Res Commun. October 10, 2003; 310 (1): 121-7.

[The role of Smads and related transcription factors in the signal transduction of bone morphogenetic protein inducing bone formation]., Xu XL, Dai KR, Tang TT., Zhongguo Xiu Fu Chong Jian Wai Ke Za Zhi. September 1, 2003; 17 (5): 359-62.

Sumoylation of Smad4, the common Smad mediator of transforming growth factor-beta family signaling., Lee PS, Chang C, Liu D, Derynck R., J Biol Chem. July 25, 2003; 278 (30): 27853-63.

Regulation of the rat follicle-stimulating hormone beta-subunit promoter by activin., Suszko MI, Lo DJ, Suh H, Camper SA, Woodruff TK., Mol Endocrinol. March 1, 2003; 17 (3): 318-32.

Evi3, a common retroviral integration site in murine B-cell lymphoma, encodes an EBFAZ-related Krüppel-like zinc finger protein., Warming S, Liu P, Suzuki T, Akagi K, Lindtner S, Pavlakis GN, Jenkins NA, Copeland NG., Blood. March 1, 2003; 101 (5): 1934-40.

Negative regulation of BMP signaling by the ski oncoprotein., Luo K., J Bone Joint Surg Am. January 1, 2003; 85-A Suppl 3 39-43.

Stoichiometry of active smad-transcription factor complexes on DNA., Inman GJ, Hill CS., J Biol Chem. December 27, 2002; 277 (52): 51008-16.

Regulation of the Lim-1 gene is mediated through conserved FAST-1/FoxH1 sites in the first intron., Watanabe M, Rebbert ML, Andreazzoli M, Takahashi N, Toyama R, Zimmerman S, Whitman M, Dawid IB., Dev Dyn. December 1, 2002; 225 (4): 448-56.

A component of the ARC/Mediator complex required for TGF beta/Nodal signalling., Kato Y, Habas R, Katsuyama Y, Näär AM, He X., Nature. August 8, 2002; 418 (6898): 641-6.

Smad10 is required for formation of the frog nervous system., LeSueur JA, Fortuno ES, McKay RM, Graff JM., Dev Cell. June 1, 2002; 2 (6): 771-83.   

A novel Xenopus Smad-interacting forkhead transcription factor (XFast-3) cooperates with XFast-1 in regulating gastrulation movements., Howell M, Inman GJ, Hill CS., Development. June 1, 2002; 129 (12): 2823-34.   

Autoregulation of Xvent-2B; direct interaction and functional cooperation of Xvent-2 and Smad1., Henningfeld KA, Friedle H, Rastegar S, Knöchel W., J Biol Chem. January 18, 2002; 277 (3): 2097-103.   

Different Smad2 partners bind a common hydrophobic pocket in Smad2 via a defined proline-rich motif., Randall RA, Germain S, Inman GJ, Bates PA, Hill CS., EMBO J. January 15, 2002; 21 (1-2): 145-56.

LIP1, a cytoplasmic protein functionally linked to the Peutz-Jeghers syndrome kinase LKB1., Smith DP, Rayter SI, Niederlander C, Spicer J, Jones CM, Ashworth A., Hum Mol Genet. December 1, 2001; 10 (25): 2869-77.

Loss of Smad4 function in pancreatic tumors: C-terminal truncation leads to decreased stability., Maurice D, Pierreux CE, Howell M, Wilentz RE, Owen MJ, Hill CS., J Biol Chem. November 16, 2001; 276 (46): 43175-81.

Expression cloning of Xenopus Os4, an evolutionarily conserved gene, which induces mesoderm and dorsal axis., Zohn IE, Brivanlou AH., Dev Biol. November 1, 2001; 239 (1): 118-31.   

The transcriptional role of Smads and FAST (FoxH1) in TGFbeta and activin signalling., Attisano L, Silvestri C, Izzi L, Labbé E., Mol Cell Endocrinol. June 30, 2001; 180 (1-2): 3-11.

Swift is a novel BRCT domain coactivator of Smad2 in transforming growth factor beta signaling., Shimizu K, Bourillot PY, Nielsen SJ, Zorn AM, Gurdon JB., Mol Cell Biol. June 1, 2001; 21 (12): 3901-12.

Identification of two regulatory elements within the high mobility group box transcription factor XTCF-4., Pukrop T, Gradl D, Henningfeld KA, Knochel W, Wedlich D, Kuhl M., J Biol Chem. March 23, 2001; 276 (12): 8968-78.

Ski represses bone morphogenic protein signaling in Xenopus and mammalian cells., Wang W, Mariani FV, Harland RM, Luo K., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. December 19, 2000; 97 (26): 14394-9.   

Recombinant expression and purification of smad proteins., Funaba M, Mathews LS., Protein Expr Purif. December 1, 2000; 20 (3): 507-13.

Transforming growth factor beta-independent shuttling of Smad4 between the cytoplasm and nucleus., Pierreux CE, Nicolás FJ, Hill CS., Mol Cell Biol. December 1, 2000; 20 (23): 9041-54.

Identification and characterization of constitutively active Smad2 mutants: evaluation of formation of Smad complex and subcellular distribution., Funaba M, Mathews LS., Mol Endocrinol. October 1, 2000; 14 (10): 1583-91.

Expression regulation of hyaluronan synthase in corneal endothelial cells., Usui T, Amano S, Oshika T, Suzuki K, Miyata K, Araie M, Heldin P, Yamashita H., Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. October 1, 2000; 41 (11): 3261-7.

Structural basis for the functional difference between Smad2 and Smad3 in FAST-2 (forkhead activin signal transducer-2)-mediated transcription., Nagarajan RP, Chen Y., Biochem J. August 15, 2000; 350 Pt 1 253-9.

Smad1 and Smad4 are components of the bone morphogenetic protein-4 (BMP-4)-induced transcription complex of the Xvent-2B promoter., Henningfeld KA, Rastegar S, Adler G, Knöchel W., J Biol Chem. July 21, 2000; 275 (29): 21827-35.

A novel smad nuclear interacting protein, SNIP1, suppresses p300-dependent TGF-beta signal transduction., Kim RH, Wang D, Tsang M, Martin J, Huff C, de Caestecker MP, Parks WT, Meng X, Lechleider RJ, Wang T, Roberts AB., Genes Dev. July 1, 2000; 14 (13): 1605-16.   

Repression of transforming-growth-factor-beta-mediated transcription by nuclear factor kappaB., Nagarajan RP, Chen F, Li W, Vig E, Harrington MA, Nakshatri H, Chen Y., Biochem J. June 15, 2000; 348 Pt 3 591-6.

Mouse smad8 phosphorylation downstream of BMP receptors ALK-2, ALK-3, and ALK-6 induces its association with Smad4 and transcriptional activity., Kawai S, Faucheu C, Gallea S, Spinella-Jaegle S, Atfi A, Baron R, Roman SR., Biochem Biophys Res Commun. May 19, 2000; 271 (3): 682-7.

Heterogeneities in the biological and biochemical functions of Smad2 and Smad4 mutants naturally occurring in human lung cancers., Yanagisawa K, Uchida K, Nagatake M, Masuda A, Sugiyama M, Saito T, Yamaki K, Takahashi T, Osada H., Oncogene. May 4, 2000; 19 (19): 2305-11.

Cloning and characterization of zebrafish smad2, smad3 and smad4., Dick A, Mayr T, Bauer H, Meier A, Hammerschmidt M., Gene. April 4, 2000; 246 (1-2): 69-80.

Interaction between Wnt and TGF-beta signalling pathways during formation of Spemann's organizer., Nishita M, Hashimoto MK, Ogata S, Laurent MN, Ueno N, Shibuya H, Cho KW., Nature. February 17, 2000; 403 (6771): 781-5.

Homeodomain and winged-helix transcription factors recruit activated Smads to distinct promoter elements via a common Smad interaction motif., Germain S, Howell M, Esslemont GM, Hill CS., Genes Dev. February 15, 2000; 14 (4): 435-51.   

Targeted disruption in murine cells reveals variable requirement for Smad4 in transforming growth factor beta-related signaling., Sirard C, Kim S, Mirtsos C, Tadich P, Hoodless PA, Itié A, Maxson R, Wrana JL, Mak TW., J Biol Chem. January 21, 2000; 275 (3): 2063-70.

Activation of Stat3 by cytokine receptor gp130 ventralizes Xenopus embryos independent of BMP-4., Nishinakamura R, Matsumoto Y, Matsuda T, Ariizumi T, Heike T, Asashima M, Yokota T., Dev Biol. December 15, 1999; 216 (2): 481-90.   

FAST-1 is a key maternal effector of mesoderm inducers in the early Xenopus embryo., Watanabe M, Whitman M., Development. December 1, 1999; 126 (24): 5621-34.

Smad3 inhibits transforming growth factor-beta and activin signaling by competing with Smad4 for FAST-2 binding., Nagarajan RP, Liu J, Chen Y., J Biol Chem. October 29, 1999; 274 (44): 31229-35.

Xenopus Smad4beta is the co-Smad component of developmentally regulated transcription factor complexes responsible for induction of early mesodermal genes., Howell M, Itoh F, Pierreux CE, Valgeirsdottir S, Itoh S, ten Dijke P, Hill CS., Dev Biol. October 15, 1999; 214 (2): 354-69.

The role of FAST-1 and Smads in transcriptional regulation by activin during early Xenopus embryogenesis., Yeo CY, Chen X, Whitman M., J Biol Chem. September 10, 1999; 274 (37): 26584-90.

A SMAD ubiquitin ligase targets the BMP pathway and affects embryonic pattern formation., Zhu H, Kavsak P, Abdollah S, Wrana JL, Thomsen GH., Nature. August 12, 1999; 400 (6745): 687-93.

Can't get no SMADisfaction: Smad proteins as positive and negative regulators of TGF-beta family signals., Christian JL, Nakayama T., Bioessays. May 1, 1999; 21 (5): 382-90.

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