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Profile Publications (16)

Publications By Don Sakaguchi


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Inhibition of integrin-mediated adhesion and signaling disrupts retinal development., Li M, Sakaguchi DS., Dev Biol. November 1, 2004; 275 (1): 202-14.

Inhibition of protein tyrosine kinase activity disrupts early retinal development., Li M, Babenko NA, Sakaguchi DS., Dev Biol. February 1, 2004; 266 (1): 209-21.

Expression patterns of focal adhesion associated proteins in the developing retina., Li M, Sakaguchi DS., Dev Dyn. December 1, 2002; 225 (4): 544-53.   

Disruption of actin-myosin interactions results in the inhibition of focal adhesion assembly in Xenopus XR1 glial cells., Folsom TD, Sakaguchi DS., Glia. May 1, 1999; 26 (3): 245-59.

Basic fibroblast growth factor (FGF-2) induced transdifferentiation of retinal pigment epithelium: generation of retinal neurons and glia., Sakaguchi DS, Janick LM, Reh TA., Dev Dyn. August 1, 1997; 209 (4): 387-98.   

Characterization of focal adhesion assembly in XR1 glial cells., Folsom TD, Sakaguchi DS., Glia. August 1, 1997; 20 (4): 348-64.

Beta 1 integrins regulate axon outgrowth and glial cell spreading on a glial-derived extracellular matrix during development and regeneration., Sakaguchi DS, Radke K., Brain Res Dev Brain Res. December 23, 1996; 97 (2): 235-50.

Perturbation of the developing Xenopus retinotectal projection following injections of antibodies against beta1 integrin receptors and N-cadherin., Stone KE, Sakaguchi DS., Dev Biol. November 25, 1996; 180 (1): 297-310.

Imaging F-actin in fixed glial cells with a combined optical fluorescence/atomic force microscope., Henderson E, Sakaguchi DS., Neuroimage. September 1, 1993; 1 (2): 145-50.

Actin filament dynamics in living glial cells imaged by atomic force microscopy., Henderson E, Haydon PG, Sakaguchi DS., Science. September 25, 1992; 257 (5078): 1944-6.

Primary structure and developmental expression of a large cytoplasmic domain form of Xenopus laevis neural cell adhesion molecule (NCAM)., Krieg PA, Sakaguchi DS, Kintner CR., Nucleic Acids Res. December 25, 1989; 17 (24): 10321-35.

The development of retinal ganglion cells deprived of their targets., Sakaguchi DS., Dev Biol. July 1, 1989; 134 (1): 103-11.

Growth cone interactions with a glial cell line from embryonic Xenopus retina., Sakaguchi DS, Moeller JF, Coffman CR, Gallenson N, Harris WA., Dev Biol. July 1, 1989; 134 (1): 158-74.   

A glial cell line promotes the outgrowth of neurites from embryonic Xenopus retina., Sakaguchi DS, Coffman CR, Gallenson N, Harris WA., Acta Biol Hung. January 1, 1988; 39 (2-3): 201-9.

Map formation in the developing Xenopus retinotectal system: an examination of ganglion cell terminal arborizations., Sakaguchi DS, Murphey RK., J Neurosci. December 1, 1985; 5 (12): 3228-45.

The development of retinal ganglion cells in a tetraploid strain of Xenopus laevis: a morphological study utilizing intracellular dye injection., Sakaguchi DS, Murphey RK, Hunt RK, Tompkins R., J Comp Neurol. April 1, 1984; 224 (2): 231-51.

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