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Profile Publications (35)

Publications By Mark Mercola


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Small-molecule probe reveals a kinase cascade that links stress signaling to TCF/LEF and Wnt responsiveness., Cheng J, Tsuda M, Okolotowicz K, Dwyer M, Bushway PJ, Colas AR, Lancman JJ, Schade D, Perea-Gil I, Bruyneel AAN, Lee J, Vadgama N, Quach J, McKeithan WL, Biechele TL, Wu JC, Moon RT, Si Dong PD, Karakikes I, Cashman JR, Mercola M., Cell Chem Biol. May 20, 2021; 28 (5): 625-635.e5.

Id genes are essential for early heart formation., Cunningham TJ, Yu MS, McKeithan WL, Spiering S, Carrette F, Huang CT, Bushway PJ, Tierney M, Albini S, Giacca M, Mano M, Puri PL, Sacco A, Ruiz-Lozano P, Riou JF, Umbhauer M, Duester G, Mercola M, Colas AR., Genes Dev. July 1, 2017; 31 (13): 1325-1338.   

Whole-genome microRNA screening identifies let-7 and mir-18 as regulators of germ layer formation during early embryogenesis., Colas AR, McKeithan WL, Cunningham TJ, Bushway PJ, Garmire LX, Duester G, Subramaniam S, Mercola M., Genes Dev. December 1, 2012; 26 (23): 2567-79.   

A novel activity of the Dickkopf-1 amino terminal domain promotes axial and heart development independently of canonical Wnt inhibition., Korol O, Gupta RW, Mercola M., Dev Biol. December 1, 2008; 324 (1): 131-8.

Multiple functions of Cerberus cooperate to induce heart downstream of Nodal., Foley AC, Korol O, Timmer AM, Mercola M., Dev Biol. March 1, 2007; 303 (1): 57-65.   

Embryonic heart induction., Foley AC, Gupta RW, Guzzo RM, Korol O, Mercola M., Ann N Y Acad Sci. October 1, 2006; 1080 85-96.

Heart induction by Wnt antagonists depends on the homeodomain transcription factor Hex., Foley AC, Mercola M., Genes Dev. February 1, 2005; 19 (3): 387-96.   

Left-right asymmetry: nodal points., Mercola M., J Cell Sci. August 15, 2003; 116 (Pt 16): 3251-7.   

Dlx proteins position the neural plate border and determine adjacent cell fates., Woda JM, Pastagia J, Mercola M, Artinger KB., Development. January 1, 2003; 130 (2): 331-42.   

Isolation and characterization of Xenopus Hey-1: a downstream mediator of Notch signaling., Rones MS, Woda J, Mercola M, McLaughlin KA., Dev Dyn. December 1, 2002; 225 (4): 554-60.   

Asymmetries in H+/K+-ATPase and cell membrane potentials comprise a very early step in left-right patterning., Levin M, Thorlin T, Robinson KR, Nogi T, Mercola M., Cell. October 4, 2002; 111 (1): 77-89.   

Wnt antagonism initiates cardiogenesis in Xenopus laevis., Schneider VA, Mercola M., Genes Dev. February 1, 2001; 15 (3): 304-15.   

Notch regulates cell fate in the developing pronephros., McLaughlin KA, Rones MS, Mercola M., Dev Biol. November 15, 2000; 227 (2): 567-80.   

Expression of connexin 30 in Xenopus embryos and its involvement in hatching gland function., Levin M, Mercola M., Dev Dyn. September 1, 2000; 219 (1): 96-101.   

Serrate and Notch specify cell fates in the heart field by suppressing cardiomyogenesis., Rones MS, McLaughlin KA, Raffin M, Mercola M., Development. September 1, 2000; 127 (17): 3865-76.   

Subdivision of the cardiac Nkx2.5 expression domain into myogenic and nonmyogenic compartments., Raffin M, Leong LM, Rones MS, Sparrow D, Mohun T, Mercola M., Dev Biol. February 15, 2000; 218 (2): 326-40.   

Gap junction-mediated transfer of left-right patterning signals in the early chick blastoderm is upstream of Shh asymmetry in the node., Levin M, Mercola M., Development. November 1, 1999; 126 (21): 4703-14.   

Cerberus regulates left-right asymmetry of the embryonic head and heart., Zhu L, Marvin MJ, Gardiner A, Lassar AB, Mercola M, Stern CD, Levin M., Curr Biol. September 9, 1999; 9 (17): 931-8.

Spatially distinct head and heart inducers within the Xenopus organizer region., Schneider VA, Mercola M., Curr Biol. July 1, 1999; 9 (15): 800-9.

Embryological basis for cardiac left-right asymmetry., Mercola M., Semin Cell Dev Biol. February 1, 1999; 10 (1): 109-16.

Gap junctions are involved in the early generation of left-right asymmetry., Levin M, Mercola M., Dev Biol. November 1, 1998; 203 (1): 90-105.   

Evolutionary conservation of mechanisms upstream of asymmetric Nodal expression: reconciling chick and Xenopus., Levin M, Mercola M., Dev Genet. January 1, 1998; 23 (3): 185-93.   

Small-molecule control of insulin and PDGF receptor signaling and the role of membrane attachment., Yang J, Symes K, Mercola M, Schreiber SL., Curr Biol. January 1, 1998; 8 (1): 11-8.

Organizer induction determines left-right asymmetry in Xenopus., Nascone N, Mercola M., Dev Biol. September 1, 1997; 189 (1): 68-78.   

Embryonic mesoderm cells spread in response to platelet-derived growth factor and signaling by phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase., Symes K, Mercola M., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. September 3, 1996; 93 (18): 9641-4.

Cloning and expression of Xenopus CCT gamma, a chaperonin subunit developmentally regulated in neural-derived and myogenic lineages., Dunn MK, Mercola M., Dev Dyn. April 1, 1996; 205 (4): 387-94.   

PDGF signalling is required for gastrulation of Xenopus laevis., Ataliotis P, Symes K, Chou MM, Ho L, Mercola M., Development. September 1, 1995; 121 (9): 3099-110.   

Cyclopamine, a steroidal alkaloid, disrupts development of cranial neural crest cells in Xenopus., Dunn MK, Mercola M, Moore DD., Dev Dyn. March 1, 1995; 202 (3): 255-70.

An inductive role for the endoderm in Xenopus cardiogenesis., Nascone N, Mercola M., Development. February 1, 1995; 121 (2): 515-23.   

Localization of PDGF A and PDGFR alpha mRNA in Xenopus embryos suggests signalling from neural ectoderm and pharyngeal endoderm to neural crest cells., Ho L, Symes K, Yordán C, Gudas LJ, Mercola M., Mech Dev. December 1, 1994; 48 (3): 165-74.

Morphological differences in Xenopus embryonic mesodermal cells are specified as an early response to distinct threshold concentrations of activin., Symes K, Yordán C, Mercola M., Development. August 1, 1994; 120 (8): 2339-46.

Xenopus laevis cellular retinoic acid-binding protein: temporal and spatial expression pattern during early embryogenesis., Ho L, Mercola M, Gudas LJ., Mech Dev. July 1, 1994; 47 (1): 53-64.

The Xenopus platelet-derived growth factor alpha receptor: cDNA cloning and demonstration that mesoderm induction establishes the lineage-specific pattern of ligand and receptor gene expression., Jones SD, Ho L, Smith JC, Yordan C, Stiles CD, Mercola M., Dev Genet. January 1, 1993; 14 (3): 185-93.

Dominant-negative mutants of a platelet-derived growth factor gene., Mercola M, Deininger PL, Shamah SM, Porter J, Wang CY, Stiles CD., Genes Dev. December 1, 1990; 4 (12B): 2333-41.

Platelet-derived growth factor A chain is maternally encoded in Xenopus embryos., Mercola M, Melton DA, Stiles CD., Science. September 2, 1988; 241 (4870): 1223-5.

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