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Profile Publications (4)

Publications By Alecia K. Gross


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NudC regulates photoreceptor disk morphogenesis and rhodopsin localization., Boitet ER, Reish NJ, Hubbard MG, Gross AK., FASEB J. August 1, 2019; 33 (8): 8799-8808.   

Nucleotide bound to rab11a controls localization in rod cells but not interaction with rhodopsin., Reish NJ, Boitet ER, Bales KL, Gross AK., J Neurosci. November 5, 2014; 34 (45): 14854-63.   

Biochemical analysis of a rhodopsin photoactivatable GFP fusion as a model of G-protein coupled receptor transport., Sammons JD, Gross AK., Vision Res. December 18, 2013; 93 43-8.

The severe autosomal dominant retinitis pigmentosa rhodopsin mutant Ter349Glu mislocalizes and induces rapid rod cell death., Hollingsworth TJ, Gross AK., J Biol Chem. October 4, 2013; 288 (40): 29047-55.   

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