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Profile Publications (35)

Publications By Huahong Shi


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The anion channel SLAH3 interacts with potassium channels to regulate nitrogen-potassium homeostasis and the membrane potential in Arabidopsis., Liu B, Feng C, Fang X, Ma Z, Xiao C, Zhang S, Liu Z, Sun D, Shi H, Ding X, Qiu C, Li J, Luan S, Li L, He K., Plant Cell. March 29, 2023; 35 (4): 1259-1280.

Alternative polyadenylation coordinates embryonic development, sexual dimorphism and longitudinal growth in Xenopus tropicalis., Zhou X, Zhang Y, Michal JJ, Qu L, Zhang S, Wildung MR, Du W, Pouchnik DJ, Zhao H, Xia Y, Shi H, Ji G, Davis JF, Smith GD, Griswold MD, Harland RM, Jiang Z., Cell Mol Life Sci. June 1, 2019; 76 (11): 2185-2198.

The role of pparγ in embryonic development of Xenopus tropicalis under triphenyltin-induced teratogenicity., Zhu J, Huang X, Jiang H, Hu L, Michal JJ, Jiang Z, Shi H., Sci Total Environ. August 15, 2018; 633 1245-1252.

Single and mixture toxicity of strobilurin and SDHI fungicides to Xenopus tropicalis embryos., Wu S, Lei L, Liu M, Song Y, Lu S, Li D, Shi H, Raley-Susman KM, He D., Ecotoxicol Environ Saf. May 30, 2018; 153 8-15.

Comparison of phenotypic and global gene expression changes in Xenopus tropicalis embryos induced by agonists of RAR and RXR., Zhu J, Hu L, Li L, Huang X, Shi H., Toxicol Appl Pharmacol. September 1, 2017; 330 40-47.

The unexpected teratogenicity of RXR antagonist UVI3003 via activation of PPARγ in Xenopus tropicalis., Zhu J, Janesick A, Wu L, Hu L, Tang W, Blumberg B, Shi H., Toxicol Appl Pharmacol. January 1, 2017; 314 91-97.

Uptake, accumulation and elimination of polystyrene microspheres in tadpoles of Xenopus tropicalis., Hu L, Su L, Xue Y, Mu J, Zhu J, Xu J, Shi H., Chemosphere. December 1, 2016; 164 611-617.

An assay to determine the sensitive window of embryos to chemical exposure using Xenopus tropicalis., Hu L, Wu L, Xue Y, Zhu J, Shi H., J Appl Toxicol. May 1, 2016; 36 (5): 685-91.

Strong lethality and teratogenicity of strobilurins on Xenopus tropicalis embryos: Basing on ten agricultural fungicides., Li D, Liu M, Yang Y, Shi H, Zhou J, He D., Environ Pollut. January 1, 2016; 208 (Pt B): 868-74.

Variations of sediment toxicity in a tidal estuary: a case study of the South Passage, Changjiang (Yangtze) Estuary., Gao J, Shi H, Dai Z, Mei X., Chemosphere. June 1, 2015; 128 7-13.

Use of the enhanced frog embryo teratogenesis assay-Xenopus (FETAX) to determine chemically-induced phenotypic effects., Hu L, Zhu J, Rotchell JM, Wu L, Gao J, Shi H., Sci Total Environ. March 1, 2015; 508 258-65.

Characterization of two paralogous StAR genes in a teleost, Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)., Yu X, Wu L, Xie L, Yang S, Charkraborty T, Shi H, Wang D, Zhou L., Mol Cell Endocrinol. July 5, 2014; 392 (1-2): 152-62.

Effects of antagonist of retinoid X receptor (UVI3003) on morphology and gene profile of Xenopus tropicalis embryos., Zhu J, Shi H, Zhu P, Hu L, Wu L, Yang Y, Rotchell JM., Environ Toxicol Pharmacol. July 1, 2014; 38 (1): 153-62.

Effects of tributyltin on metamorphosis and gonadal differentiation of Xenopus laevis at environmentally relevant concentrations., Shi H, Zhu P, Guo S., Toxicol Ind Health. May 1, 2014; 30 (4): 297-303.

Unexpected phenotypes of malformations induced in Xenopus tropicalis embryos by combined exposure to triphenyltin and 9-cis-retinoic acid., Zhu J, Yu L, Wu L, Hu L, Shi H., J Environ Sci (China). March 1, 2014; 26 (3): 643-9.

Maternal Mga is required for Wnt signaling and organizer formation in the early Xenopus embryo., Gu F, Shi H, Gao L, Zhang H, Tao Q., Acta Biochim Biophys Sin (Shanghai). November 1, 2012; 44 (11): 939-47.

Interaction of triphenyltin and an agonist of retinoid X receptor (LGD1069) in embryos of Xenopus tropicalis., Shi H, Zhang X, Yu L, Yuan J, Sun Z., Environ Toxicol Pharmacol. November 1, 2012; 34 (3): 714-20.

PEDV ORF3 encodes an ion channel protein and regulates virus production., Wang K, Lu W, Chen J, Xie S, Shi H, Hsu H, Yu W, Xu K, Bian C, Fischer WB, Schwarz W, Feng L, Sun B., FEBS Lett. February 17, 2012; 586 (4): 384-91.   

Histological observation on unique phenotypes of malformation induced in Xenopus tropicalis larvae by tributyltin., Liu J, Cao Q, Yuan J, Zhang X, Yu L, Shi H., J Environ Sci (China). January 1, 2012; 24 (2): 195-202.

Stage-specific malformations and phenotypic changes induced in embryos of amphibian (Xenopus tropicalis) by triphenyltin., Yuan J, Zhang X, Yu L, Sun Z, Zhu P, Wang X, Shi H., Ecotoxicol Environ Saf. October 1, 2011; 74 (7): 1960-6.

Teratogenic effects of triphenyltin on embryos of amphibian (Xenopus tropicalis): a phenotypic comparison with the retinoid X and retinoic acid receptor ligands., Yu L, Zhang X, Yuan J, Cao Q, Liu J, Zhu P, Shi H., J Hazard Mater. September 15, 2011; 192 (3): 1860-8.

Teratogenic effects of tetrabromobisphenol A on Xenopus tropicalis embryos., Shi H, Qian L, Guo S, Zhang X, Liu J, Cao Q., Comp Biochem Physiol C Toxicol Pharmacol. June 1, 2010; 152 (1): 62-8.

Effects of tributyltin (TBT) on Xenopus tropicalis embryos at environmentally relevant concentrations., Guo S, Qian L, Shi H, Barry T, Cao Q, Liu J., Chemosphere. April 1, 2010; 79 (5): 529-33.

The Ro autoantigen binds misfolded U2 small nuclear RNAs and assists mammalian cell survival after UV irradiation., Chen X, Smith JD, Shi H, Yang DD, Flavell RA, Wolin SL., Curr Biol. December 16, 2003; 13 (24): 2206-11.

Casein kinase 2 specifically binds to and phosphorylates the carboxy termini of ENaC subunits., Shi H, Asher C, Yung Y, Kligman L, Reuveny E, Seger R, Garty H., Eur J Biochem. September 1, 2002; 269 (18): 4551-8.

Interactions of beta and gamma ENaC with Nedd4 can be facilitated by an ERK-mediated phosphorylation., Shi H, Asher C, Chigaev A, Yung Y, Reuveny E, Seger R, Garty H., J Biol Chem. April 19, 2002; 277 (16): 13539-47.

In vitro phosphorylation of COOH termini of the epithelial Na(+) channel and its effects on channel activity in Xenopus oocytes., Chigaev A, Lu G, Shi H, Asher C, Xu R, Latter H, Seger R, Garty H, Reuveny E., Am J Physiol Renal Physiol. June 1, 2001; 280 (6): F1030-6.

Nicotine is a potent blocker of the cardiac A-type K(+) channels. Effects on cloned Kv4.3 channels and native transient outward current., Wang H, Shi H, Zhang L, Pourrier M, Yang B, Nattel S, Wang Z., Circulation. September 5, 2000; 102 (10): 1165-71.

Inactivation gating determines nicotine blockade of human HERG channels., Wang HZ, Shi H, Liao SJ, Wang Z., Am J Physiol. September 1, 1999; 277 (3): H1081-8.

Inactivation block of the HERG human cardiac K+ channels by RP58866., Wang H, Shi H, Wang Z., Br J Pharmacol. August 1, 1999; 127 (8): 1899-907.

Potential molecular basis of different physiological properties of the transient outward K+ current in rabbit and human atrial myocytes., Wang Z, Feng J, Shi H, Pond A, Nerbonne JM, Nattel S., Circ Res. March 19, 1999; 84 (5): 551-61.

Nicotine depresses the functions of multiple cardiac potassium channels., Wang H, Shi H, Wang Z., Life Sci. January 1, 1999; 65 (12): PL143-9.

Binding of the 60-kDa Ro autoantigen to Y RNAs: evidence for recognition in the major groove of a conserved helix., Green CD, Long KS, Shi H, Wolin SL., RNA. July 1, 1998; 4 (7): 750-65.

A misfolded form of 5S rRNA is complexed with the Ro and La autoantigens., Shi H, O'Brien CA, Van Horn DJ, Wolin SL., RNA. August 1, 1996; 2 (8): 769-84.

Characterization of a 54-nucleotide gap region in the 28S rRNA gene of Schistosoma mansoni., van Keulen H, Mertz PM, LoVerde PT, Shi H, Rekosh DM., Mol Biochem Parasitol. April 1, 1991; 45 (2): 205-14.

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