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Profile Publications (38)

Publications By John D. Horton


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Cloning and characterization of Xenopus beta2-microglobulin., Stewart R, Ohta Y, Minter RR, Gibbons T, Horton TL, Ritchie P, Horton JD, Flajnik MF, Watson MD., Dev Comp Immunol. January 1, 2005; 29 (8): 723-32.

Ontogeny of Xenopus NK cells in the absence of MHC class I antigens., Horton TL, Stewart R, Cohen N, Rau L, Ritchie P, Watson MD, Robert J, Horton JD., Dev Comp Immunol. September 1, 2003; 27 (8): 715-26.

Identification and characterization of Xenopus CD8+ T cells expressing an NK cell-associated molecule., Rau L, Gantress J, Bell A, Stewart R, Horton T, Cohen N, Horton J, Robert J., Eur J Immunol. June 1, 2002; 32 (6): 1574-83.

Xenopus NK cells identified by novel monoclonal antibodies., Horton TL, Minter R, Stewart R, Ritchie P, Watson MD, Horton JD., Eur J Immunol. February 1, 2000; 30 (2): 604-13.

T-cell and natural killer cell development in thymectomized Xenopus., Horton JD, Horton TL, Dzialo R, Gravenor I, Minter R, Ritchie P, Gartland L, Watson MD, Cooper MD., Immunol Rev. December 1, 1998; 166 245-58.

Natural cytotoxicity towards allogeneic tumour targets in Xenopus mediated by diverse splenocyte populations., Horton TL, Ritchie P, Watson MD, Horton JD., Dev Comp Immunol. January 1, 1998; 22 (2): 217-30.

NK cell evolution: studies on Xenopus., Horton TL, Ritchie P, Watson MD, Horton JD., Biochem Soc Trans. May 1, 1997; 25 (2): 263S.

NK-like activity against allogeneic tumour cells demonstrated in the spleen of control and thymectomized Xenopus., Horton TL, Ritchie P, Watson MD, Horton JD., Immunol Cell Biol. August 1, 1996; 74 (4): 365-73.

Identification of a candidate CD5 homologue in the amphibian Xenopus laevis., Jürgens JB, Gartland LA, Du Pasquier L, Horton JD, Göbel TW, Cooper MD., J Immunol. November 1, 1995; 155 (9): 4218-23.

Ontogeny and thymus-dependence of T cell surface antigens in Xenopus: flow cytometric studies on monoclonal antibody-stained thymus and spleen., Gravenor I, Horton TL, Ritchie P, Flint E, Horton JD., Dev Comp Immunol. January 1, 1995; 19 (6): 507-23.

Incomplete tolerance induced in Xenopus by larval tissue allografting: evidence from immunohistology and mixed leucocyte culture., Horton JD, Horton TL, Ritchie P., Dev Comp Immunol. January 1, 1993; 17 (3): 249-62.   

Skin xenograft rejection in Xenopus--immunohistology and effect of thymectomy., Horton JD, Horton TL, Ritchie P, Varley CA., Transplantation. February 1, 1992; 53 (2): 473-6.

Splenocyte response to T cell-derived cytokines in thymectomized Xenopus., Turner SL, Horton TL, Ritchie P, Horton JD., Dev Comp Immunol. January 1, 1991; 15 (4): 319-28.

Lack of expression of the T-cell marker XTLA-1 in Xenopus tropicalis: exploitation in thymus restoration studies., Varley CA, Horton JD., Dev Comp Immunol. January 1, 1991; 15 (4): 307-17.

In vitro cytotoxicity in adult Xenopus generated against larval targets and minor histocompatibility antigens., Horton TL, Horton JD, Varley CA., Transplantation. May 1, 1989; 47 (5): 880-2.

Attempts to break perimetamorphically induced skin graft tolerance by treatment of Xenopus with cyclophosphamide and interleukin-2., Horton JD, Horton TL, Varley CA, Ruben LN., Transplantation. May 1, 1989; 47 (5): 883-7.

In vivo studies on allotolerance perimetamorphically induced in control and thymectomized Xenopus., Arnall JC, Horton JD., Immunology. October 1, 1987; 62 (2): 315-9.

Thymocyte/stromal cell chimaerism in allothymus-grafted Xenopus: developmental studies using the X. borealis fluorescence marker., Horton JD, Russ JH, Aitchison P, Horton TL., Development. May 1, 1987; 100 (1): 107-17.

Cytoarchitecture of the Xenopus thymus following gamma-irradiation., Russ JH, Horton JD., Development. May 1, 1987; 100 (1): 95-105.

Impaired rejection of minor-histocompatibility-antigen-disparate skin grafts and acquisition of tolerance to thymus donor antigens in allothymus-implanted, thymectomized Xenopus., Arnall JC, Horton JD., Transplantation. June 1, 1986; 41 (6): 766-76.

In vitro correlates of in vivo skin graft rejection in Xenopus., Lallone RL, Horton JD., Transplantation. February 1, 1985; 39 (2): 223-6.

Restoration of the antibody response to sheep erythrocytes in thymectomized Xenopus implanted with MHC-compatible or MHC-incompatible thymus., Gearing AJ, Cribbin FA, Horton JD., J Embryol Exp Morphol. December 1, 1984; 84 287-302.

Changes in antibody and complement production in Xenopus laevis during postmetamorphic development revealed in a primary in vivo or in vitro antibody response., Lallone RL, Chambers MR, Horton JD., J Embryol Exp Morphol. December 1, 1984; 84 191-202.

Ontogeny and characterization of mitogen-reactive lymphocytes in the thymus and spleen of the amphibian, Xenopus laevis., Williams NH, Cribbin FA, Zettergren LD, Horton JD., Immunology. June 1, 1983; 49 (2): 301-9.

Restoration of antibody responsiveness in early thymectomized Xenopus by implantation of major histocompatibility complex-mismatched larval thymus., Du Pasquier L, Horton JD., Eur J Immunol. July 1, 1982; 12 (7): 546-51.

Lymphocyte reactivity to "T" and "B" cell mitogens in Xenopus laevis: studies on thymus and spleen., Horton JD, Smith AR, Williams NH, Smith A, Sherif NE., Dev Comp Immunol. January 1, 1980; 4 (1): 75-86.

Use of different carriers to demonstrate thymic-dependent and thymic-independent anti-trinitrophenyl reactivity in the ambhibian Xenopus laevis., Horton JD, Edwards BF, Ruben LN, Mette S., Dev Comp Immunol. January 1, 1979; 3 (4): 621-33.

Splenic involvement in amphibian transplantation immunity., Horton JD, Horton TL, Rimmer JJ., Transplantation. October 1, 1977; 24 (4): 247-55.

Critical role of the thymus in establishing humoral immunity in amphibians: studies on Xenopus thymectomized in larval and adult life., Horton JD, Rimmer JJ, Horton TL., Dev Comp Immunol. April 1, 1977; 1 (2): 119-31.

Allograft rejection in larval and adult Xenopus following early thymectomy., Rimmer JJ, Horton JD., Transplantation. February 1, 1977; 23 (2): 142-8.

The effect of thymectomy at different stages of larval development on the immune response of the clawed toad to sheep erythrocytes., Horton JD, Rimmer JJ, Horton TL., J Exp Zool. May 1, 1976; 196 (2): 243-9.

Lymphoid organ development in Xenopus thymectomized at eight days of age., Horton JD, Manning MJ., J Morphol. August 1, 1974; 143 (4): 385-96.

Effect of early thymectomy on the cellular changes occuring in the spleen of the clawed toad following administration of soluble antigen., Horton JD, Manning MJ., Immunology. April 1, 1974; 26 (4): 797-807.

Response to skin allografts in Xenopus laevis following thymectomy at early stages of lymphoid organ maturation., Horton JD, Manning MJ., Transplantation. August 1, 1972; 14 (2): 141-54.

Phylogenetic status of immune system in Xenopus., Horton JD., Transplant Proc. June 1, 1970; 2 (2): 282-4.

Histogenesis of lymphoid organs in larvae of the South African clawed toad, Xenopus laevis (Daudin)., Manning MJ, Horton JD., J Embryol Exp Morphol. September 1, 1969; 22 (2): 265-77.

Ontogeny of the immune response to skin allografts in relation to lymphoid organ development in the amphibian Xenopus laevis Daudin., Horton JD., J Exp Zool. April 1, 1969; 170 (4): 449-65.

Long-term persistence of bovine serum albumin when injected into the amphibian Xenopus laevis Daudin., Horton JD., Experientia. September 15, 1968; 24 (9): 955-6.

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