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Profile Publications (22)
Name: Richard J Wassersug
Position: Professor of Anatomy (retired)
Research Description:
Dr. Wassersug received his Bachelor of Arts from Tufts University in geology and biology in 1967 and his PhD from the University of Chicago in Evolutionary Biology in 1973. He became a professor in the Dalhousie University’s Department of Anatomy and Neurobiology in 1986 and Honorary Associate Professor in Dalhousie University’s School of Physiotherapy in 1989. In 2010 was an honorary visiting professor at the Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health and Society, at La Trobe University

The majority of his scientific career has been spent studying the functional morphology and behavior of anuran larvae. He has published over 150 peer-reviewed papers on these animals. Dr. Wassersug’s more recent work focuses on prostate cancer and the psychology of androgen deprivation

Contact Information

Department of Anatomy and Neurobiology,
Dalhousie University
5850 College Street
Halifax, Nova Scotia
B3H 1X5, Canada