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Sanbio Monosan ( tebu-bio)


tebu-bio is a pan-European company with 9 local offices throughout Europe, specialised in providing innovative reagents and laboratory services in Life Sciences. Established since 1953, we offer a unique range of research reagents from carefully selected, specialised, world-renowned sources. Since 2000, tebu-bio's own laboratories operating in France have provided researchers with an ever-growing offer of standard or custom lab services. tebu-bio is an active member of recognised professional networks and clusters (Medicen, Cosmetic Valley...), and received the PM’up award in the Health/Life Sciences sector, attributed to dynamic, high-potential companies by the “Région Ile-de-France” (regional French government). tebu-bio regularly signs new European distribution agreements, proof of the company’s dynamism and professional drive. Use our powerful search engine to browse our range of reagents and services to find the best solutions for your research. Get in touch with your local tebu-bio team, or use our Live Chat function to make contact with one of our specialists right away with any questions or for expert advice.


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