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EpiPGX Consortium


EPIPGX (Epilepsy Pharmacogenomics: delivering biomarkers for clinical use) EpiPGX is working to find genomic variants that predict or explain clinically-relevant responses and adverse reactions to antiepileptic drugs. Establishing variants that are of clinical value will contribute to improved patient care, precision medicine, stratification for clinical trials and ultimately improved quality of life for people with epilepsy and the best use of increasingly stretched healthcare resources. Determining which drug might suit, and which drug should be avoided, for each individual person with epilepsy should enable the right drugs to be utilised early during disease course, which in turn should reduce some of the adverse outcomes of the epilepsies, and make best use of the global investment in drug development which has already taken place. It may even lead to the resurrected use of drugs that are currently out of favour because of their unpredictable but serious adverse effects and should also provide insights into both drug mechanisms of action and disease biology. EpiPGX therefore represents an important investment in the better understanding and management of the epilepsies.


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