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Summary Anatomy Item Literature (2231) Expression Attributions Wiki

Papers associated with posterior hypothalamus (and nodal3.1)

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Genome-wide analysis of dorsal and ventral transcriptomes of the Xenopus laevis gastrula., Ding Y., Dev Biol. June 15, 2017; 426 (2): 176-187.   

JmjC Domain-containing Protein 6 (Jmjd6) Derepresses the Transcriptional Repressor Transcription Factor 7-like 1 (Tcf7l1) and Is Required for Body Axis Patterning during Xenopus Embryogenesis., Zhang X., J Biol Chem. August 14, 2015; 290 (33): 20273-83.   

Kdm2a/b Lysine Demethylases Regulate Canonical Wnt Signaling by Modulating the Stability of Nuclear β-Catenin., Lu L., Dev Cell. June 22, 2015; 33 (6): 660-74.   

Direct regulation of siamois by VegT is required for axis formation in Xenopus embryo., Li HY., Int J Dev Biol. January 1, 2015; 59 (10-12): 443-51.   

Isoquercitrin suppresses colon cancer cell growth in vitro by targeting the Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway., Amado NG., J Biol Chem. December 19, 2014; 289 (51): 35456-67.   

Genome-wide view of TGFβ/Foxh1 regulation of the early mesendoderm program., Chiu WT., Development. December 1, 2014; 141 (23): 4537-47.   

NEDD4L regulates convergent extension movements in Xenopus embryos via Disheveled-mediated non-canonical Wnt signaling., Zhang Y., Dev Biol. August 1, 2014; 392 (1): 15-25.   

Maternal syntabulin is required for dorsal axis formation and is a germ plasm component in Xenopus., Colozza G., Differentiation. July 1, 2014; 88 (1): 17-26.   

PTK7 modulates Wnt signaling activity via LRP6., Bin-Nun N., Development. January 1, 2014; 141 (2): 410-21.   

Calpain2 protease: A new member of the Wnt/Ca(2+) pathway modulating convergent extension movements in Xenopus., Zanardelli S., Dev Biol. December 1, 2013; 384 (1): 83-100.   

Role of the Rap2/TNIK kinase pathway in regulation of LRP6 stability for Wnt signaling., Park DS., Biochem Biophys Res Commun. June 28, 2013; 436 (2): 338-43.   

Maternal Dead-End1 is required for vegetal cortical microtubule assembly during Xenopus axis specification., Mei W., Development. June 1, 2013; 140 (11): 2334-44.   

Suv4-20h histone methyltransferases promote neuroectodermal differentiation by silencing the pluripotency-associated Oct-25 gene., Nicetto D., PLoS Genet. January 1, 2013; 9 (1): e1003188.   

Xnr3 affects brain patterning via cell migration in the neural-epidermal tissue boundary during early Xenopus embryogenesis., Morita M., Int J Dev Biol. January 1, 2013; 57 (9-10): 779-86.   

β-Catenin-independent activation of TCF1/LEF1 in human hematopoietic tumor cells through interaction with ATF2 transcription factors., Grumolato L., PLoS Genet. January 1, 2013; 9 (8): e1003603.   

Tiki1 is required for head formation via Wnt cleavage-oxidation and inactivation., Zhang X., Cell. June 22, 2012; 149 (7): 1565-77.   

Xenopus Zic3 controls notochord and organizer development through suppression of the Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway., Fujimi TJ., Dev Biol. January 15, 2012; 361 (2): 220-31.   

Amer2 protein is a novel negative regulator of Wnt/β-catenin signaling involved in neuroectodermal patterning., Pfister AS., J Biol Chem. January 13, 2012; 287 (3): 1734-41.   

Serotonin signaling is required for Wnt-dependent GRP specification and leftward flow in Xenopus., Beyer T., Curr Biol. January 10, 2012; 22 (1): 33-9.   

Maternal xNorrin, a canonical Wnt signaling agonist and TGF-β antagonist, controls early neuroectoderm specification in Xenopus., Xu S., PLoS Biol. January 1, 2012; 10 (3): e1001286.   

Maternal Wnt/β-catenin signaling coactivates transcription through NF-κB binding sites during Xenopus axis formation., Armstrong NJ., PLoS One. January 1, 2012; 7 (5): e36136.   

Differential role of Axin RGS domain function in Wnt signaling during anteroposterior patterning and maternal axis formation., Schneider PN., PLoS One. January 1, 2012; 7 (9): e44096.   

mNanog possesses dorsal mesoderm-inducing ability by modulating both BMP and Activin/nodal signaling in Xenopus ectodermal cells., Miyazaki A., PLoS One. January 1, 2012; 7 (10): e46630.   

The functions of maternal Dishevelled 2 and 3 in the early Xenopus embryo., Tadjuidje E., Dev Dyn. July 1, 2011; 240 (7): 1727-36.   

beta-Catenin primes organizer gene expression by recruiting a histone H3 arginine 8 methyltransferase, Prmt2., Blythe SA., Dev Cell. August 17, 2010; 19 (2): 220-31.   

Homeodomain-interacting protein kinase 2 (HIPK2) targets beta-catenin for phosphorylation and proteasomal degradation., Kim EA., Biochem Biophys Res Commun. April 16, 2010; 394 (4): 966-71.   

Early activation of FGF and nodal pathways mediates cardiac specification independently of Wnt/beta-catenin signaling., Samuel LJ., PLoS One. October 28, 2009; 4 (10): e7650.   

Bone morphogenetic protein 15 (BMP15) acts as a BMP and Wnt inhibitor during early embryogenesis., Di Pasquale E., J Biol Chem. September 18, 2009; 284 (38): 26127-36.   

Vegetally localized Xenopus trim36 regulates cortical rotation and dorsal axis formation., Cuykendall TN., Development. September 1, 2009; 136 (18): 3057-65.   

Embryonic lethality of fortilin-null mutant mice by BMP-pathway overactivation., Koide Y., Biochim Biophys Acta. May 1, 2009; 1790 (5): 326-38.   

Modulation of the beta-catenin signaling pathway by the dishevelled-associated protein Hipk1., Louie SH., PLoS One. January 1, 2009; 4 (2): e4310.   

Inhibition of GSK3 phosphorylation of beta-catenin via phosphorylated PPPSPXS motifs of Wnt coreceptor LRP6., Wu G., PLoS One. January 1, 2009; 4 (3): e4926.   

Wnt5a and Wnt11 interact in a maternal Dkk1-regulated fashion to activate both canonical and non-canonical signaling in Xenopus axis formation., Cha SW., Development. November 1, 2008; 135 (22): 3719-29.   

Jade-1 inhibits Wnt signalling by ubiquitylating beta-catenin and mediates Wnt pathway inhibition by pVHL., Chitalia VC., Nat Cell Biol. October 1, 2008; 10 (10): 1208-16.   

The role of FGF signaling in the establishment and maintenance of mesodermal gene expression in Xenopus., Fletcher RB., Dev Dyn. May 1, 2008; 237 (5): 1243-54.   

Lrig3 regulates neural crest formation in Xenopus by modulating Fgf and Wnt signaling pathways., Zhao H., Development. April 1, 2008; 135 (7): 1283-93.   

Wise retained in the endoplasmic reticulum inhibits Wnt signaling by reducing cell surface LRP6., Guidato S., Dev Biol. October 15, 2007; 310 (2): 250-63.   

Mouse homologues of Shisa antagonistic to Wnt and Fgf signalings., Furushima K., Dev Biol. June 15, 2007; 306 (2): 480-92.   

Beta-arrestin is a necessary component of Wnt/beta-catenin signaling in vitro and in vivo., Bryja V., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. April 17, 2007; 104 (16): 6690-5.   

Wnt11/beta-catenin signaling in both oocytes and early embryos acts through LRP6-mediated regulation of axin., Kofron M., Development. February 1, 2007; 134 (3): 503-13.   

Shisa2 promotes the maturation of somitic precursors and transition to the segmental fate in Xenopus embryos., Nagano T., Development. December 1, 2006; 133 (23): 4643-54.   

Hex acts with beta-catenin to regulate anteroposterior patterning via a Groucho-related co-repressor and Nodal., Zamparini AL., Development. September 1, 2006; 133 (18): 3709-22.   

NARF, an nemo-like kinase (NLK)-associated ring finger protein regulates the ubiquitylation and degradation of T cell factor/lymphoid enhancer factor (TCF/LEF)., Yamada M., J Biol Chem. July 28, 2006; 281 (30): 20749-20760.   

Maternal XTcf1 and XTcf4 have distinct roles in regulating Wnt target genes., Standley HJ., Dev Biol. January 15, 2006; 289 (2): 318-28.   

Xenopus frizzled-4S, a splicing variant of Xfz4 is a context-dependent activator and inhibitor of Wnt/beta-catenin signaling., Swain RK., Cell Commun Signal. October 19, 2005; 3 12.   

Maternal wnt11 activates the canonical wnt signaling pathway required for axis formation in Xenopus embryos., Tao Q, Tao Q., Cell. March 25, 2005; 120 (6): 857-71.   

XPACE4 is a localized pro-protein convertase required for mesoderm induction and the cleavage of specific TGFbeta proteins in Xenopus development., Birsoy B., Development. February 1, 2005; 132 (3): 591-602.   

New roles for FoxH1 in patterning the early embryo., Kofron M., Development. October 1, 2004; 131 (20): 5065-78.   

The involvement of Frodo in TCF-dependent signaling and neural tissue development., Hikasa H., Development. October 1, 2004; 131 (19): 4725-34.   

Analysis of Spemann organizer formation in Xenopus embryos by cDNA macroarrays., Wessely O., Dev Biol. May 15, 2004; 269 (2): 552-66.   

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