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Summary Anatomy Item Literature (1574) Expression Attributions Wiki

Papers associated with optic vesicle (and notch1)

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Endogenous gradients of resting potential instructively pattern embryonic neural tissue via Notch signaling and regulation of proliferation., Pai VP., J Neurosci. March 11, 2015; 35 (10): 4366-85.   

Circadian genes, xBmal1 and xNocturnin, modulate the timing and differentiation of somites in Xenopus laevis., Curran KL., PLoS One. January 1, 2014; 9 (9): e108266.   

Role of the hypoxia response pathway in lens formation during embryonic development of Xenopus laevis., Baba K., FEBS Open Bio. October 23, 2013; 3 490-5.   

Light-activation of the Archaerhodopsin H(+)-pump reverses age-dependent loss of vertebrate regeneration: sparking system-level controls in vivo., Adams DS., Biol Open. March 15, 2013; 2 (3): 306-13.   

The Xenopus doublesex-related gene Dmrt5 is required for olfactory placode neurogenesis., Parlier D., Dev Biol. January 1, 2013; 373 (1): 39-52.   

Cell type-specific translational profiling in the Xenopus laevis retina., Watson FL., Dev Dyn. December 1, 2012; 241 (12): 1960-72.   

Transcription factors involved in lens development from the preplacodal ectoderm., Ogino H., Dev Biol. March 15, 2012; 363 (2): 333-47.   

Differential role of Axin RGS domain function in Wnt signaling during anteroposterior patterning and maternal axis formation., Schneider PN., PLoS One. January 1, 2012; 7 (9): e44096.   

The Retinal Homeobox (Rx) gene is necessary for retinal regeneration., Martinez-De Luna RI., Dev Biol. May 1, 2011; 353 (1): 10-8.   

Yes-associated protein 65 (YAP) expands neural progenitors and regulates Pax3 expression in the neural plate border zone., Gee ST., PLoS One. January 1, 2011; 6 (6): e20309.   

Xenopus SMOC-1 Inhibits bone morphogenetic protein signaling downstream of receptor binding and is essential for postgastrulation development in Xenopus., Thomas JT., J Biol Chem. July 10, 2009; 284 (28): 18994-9005.   

Bisphenol A disrupts Notch signaling by inhibiting gamma-secretase activity and causes eye dysplasia of Xenopus laevis., Baba K., Toxicol Sci. April 1, 2009; 108 (2): 344-55.

Xenopus BTBD6 and its Drosophila homologue lute are required for neuronal development., Bury FJ., Dev Dyn. November 1, 2008; 237 (11): 3352-60.   

Hairy2 functions through both DNA-binding and non DNA-binding mechanisms at the neural plate border in Xenopus., Nichane M., Dev Biol. October 15, 2008; 322 (2): 368-80.   

The POU homeobox protein Oct-1 regulates radial glia formation downstream of Notch signaling., Kiyota T., Dev Biol. March 15, 2008; 315 (2): 579-92.   

Convergence of a head-field selector Otx2 and Notch signaling: a mechanism for lens specification., Ogino H., Development. January 1, 2008; 135 (2): 249-58.   

Expression patterns of chick Musashi-1 in the developing nervous system., Wilson JM., Gene Expr Patterns. August 1, 2007; 7 (7): 817-25.   

Alterations of rx1 and pax6 expression levels at neural plate stages differentially affect the production of retinal cell types and maintenance of retinal stem cell qualities., Zaghloul NA., Dev Biol. June 1, 2007; 306 (1): 222-40.   

The competence of Xenopus blastomeres to produce neural and retinal progeny is repressed by two endo-mesoderm promoting pathways., Yan B., Dev Biol. May 1, 2007; 305 (1): 103-19.   

Expression and regulation of Xenopus CRMP-4 in the developing nervous system., Souopgui J., Int J Dev Biol. January 1, 2007; 51 (4): 339-43.   

Characterization and function of the bHLH-O protein XHes2: insight into the mechanisms controlling retinal cell fate decision., Sölter M., Development. October 1, 2006; 133 (20): 4097-108.   

RE-1 silencer of transcription/neural restrictive silencer factor modulates ectodermal patterning during Xenopus development., Olguín P., J Neurosci. March 8, 2006; 26 (10): 2820-9.   

The Notch targets Esr1 and Esr10 are differentially regulated in Xenopus neural precursors., Lamar E., Development. August 1, 2005; 132 (16): 3619-30.   

Frizzled 5 signaling governs the neural potential of progenitors in the developing Xenopus retina., Van Raay TJ., Neuron. April 7, 2005; 46 (1): 23-36.   

Inhibition of neurogenesis by SRp38, a neuroD-regulated RNA-binding protein., Liu KJ, Liu KJ., Development. April 1, 2005; 132 (7): 1511-23.   

XSEB4R, a novel RNA-binding protein involved in retinal cell differentiation downstream of bHLH proneural genes., Boy S., Development. February 1, 2004; 131 (4): 851-62.   

Cloning and characterization of Xenopus Id4 reveals differing roles for Id genes., Liu KJ, Liu KJ., Dev Biol. December 15, 2003; 264 (2): 339-51.   

Xrx1 controls proliferation and neurogenesis in Xenopus anterior neural plate., Andreazzoli M., Development. November 1, 2003; 130 (21): 5143-54.   

XMam1, the Xenopus homologue of mastermind, is essential to primary neurogenesis in Xenopus laevis embryos., Katada T., Int J Dev Biol. September 1, 2003; 47 (6): 397-404.   

Xdtx1, a Xenopus Deltex homologue expressed in differentiating neurons and in photoreceptive organs., Andreazzoli M., Mech Dev. December 1, 2002; 119 Suppl 1 S247-51.   

XHRT-1, a hairy and Enhancer of split related gene with expression in floor plate and hypochord during early Xenopus embryogenesis., Pichon B., Dev Genes Evol. November 1, 2002; 212 (10): 491-5.

Xiro homeoproteins coordinate cell cycle exit and primary neuron formation by upregulating neuronal-fate repressors and downregulating the cell-cycle inhibitor XGadd45-gamma., de la Calle-Mustienes E., Mech Dev. November 1, 2002; 119 (1): 69-80.   

Co-ordinating retinal histogenesis: early cell cycle exit enhances early cell fate determination in the Xenopus retina., Ohnuma S., Development. May 1, 2002; 129 (10): 2435-46.   

Hes6 regulates myogenic differentiation., Cossins J., Development. May 1, 2002; 129 (9): 2195-207.   

Conservation of Pax 6 function and upstream activation by Notch signaling in eye development of frogs and flies., Onuma Y., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. February 19, 2002; 99 (4): 2020-5.

Molecular targets of vertebrate segmentation: two mechanisms control segmental expression of Xenopus hairy2 during somite formation., Davis RL., Dev Cell. October 1, 2001; 1 (4): 553-65.   

X-Serrate-1 is involved in primary neurogenesis in Xenopus laevis in a complementary manner with X-Delta-1., Kiyota T., Dev Genes Evol. September 1, 2001; 211 (8-9): 367-76.

Nrarp is a novel intracellular component of the Notch signaling pathway., Lamar E., Genes Dev. August 1, 2001; 15 (15): 1885-99.   

Hes6 acts in a positive feedback loop with the neurogenins to promote neuronal differentiation., Koyano-Nakagawa N., Development. October 1, 2000; 127 (19): 4203-16.   

Xotx5b, a new member of the Otx gene family, may be involved in anterior and eye development in Xenopus laevis., Vignali R., Mech Dev. August 1, 2000; 96 (1): 3-13.   

A developmental pathway controlling outgrowth of the Xenopus tail bud., Beck CW., Development. April 1, 1999; 126 (8): 1611-20.   

The genetic sequence of retinal development in the ciliary margin of the Xenopus eye., Perron M., Dev Biol. July 15, 1998; 199 (2): 185-200.   

Critical role of TrkB and brain-derived neurotrophic factor in the differentiation and survival of retinal pigment epithelium., Liu ZZ., J Neurosci. November 15, 1997; 17 (22): 8749-55.   

The role of cyclin-dependent kinase 5 and a novel regulatory subunit in regulating muscle differentiation and patterning., Philpott A., Genes Dev. June 1, 1997; 11 (11): 1409-21.   

A goldfish Notch-3 homologue is expressed in neurogenic regions of embryonic, adult, and regenerating brain and retina., Sullivan SA., Dev Genet. January 1, 1997; 20 (3): 208-23.

X-MyT1, a Xenopus C2HC-type zinc finger protein with a regulatory function in neuronal differentiation., Bellefroid EJ., Cell. December 27, 1996; 87 (7): 1191-202.   

A Xenopus gene, Xbr-1, defines a novel class of homeobox genes and is expressed in the dorsal ciliary margin of the eye., Papalopulu N., Dev Biol. February 25, 1996; 174 (1): 104-14.   

Specific modulation of ectodermal cell fates in Xenopus embryos by glycogen synthase kinase., Itoh K., Development. December 1, 1995; 121 (12): 3979-88.   

Expression of achaete-scute homolog 3 in Xenopus embryos converts ectodermal cells to a neural fate., Turner DL., Genes Dev. June 15, 1994; 8 (12): 1434-47.   

Expression of an extracellular deletion of Xotch diverts cell fate in Xenopus embryos., Coffman CR., Cell. May 21, 1993; 73 (4): 659-71.   

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