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Summary Stage Literature (303) Attributions Wiki

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In situ lymphocyte apoptosis in larval Xenopus laevis, the South African clawed toad., Grant P, Clothier RH, Johnson RO, Ruben LN., Dev Comp Immunol. January 1, 1998; 22 (4): 449-55.

Roles of macrophages in programmed cell death and remodeling of tail and body muscle of Xenopus laevis during metamorphosis., Nishikawa A, Murata E, Akita M, Kaneko K, Moriya O, Tomita M, Hayashi H., Histochem Cell Biol. January 1, 1998; 109 (1): 11-7.

Anteroposterior gradient of epithelial transformation during amphibian intestinal remodeling: immunohistochemical detection of intestinal fatty acid-binding protein., Ishizuya-Oka A, Ueda S, Damjanovski S, Li Q, Liang VC, Shi YB, Shi YB., Dev Biol. December 1, 1997; 192 (1): 149-61.   

Stage-dependent changes in adrenal steroids and catecholamines during development in Xenopus laevis., Kloas W, Reinecke M, Hanke W., Gen Comp Endocrinol. December 1, 1997; 108 (3): 416-26.   

[Induction of cell differentiation and programmed cell death in amphibian metamorphosis]., Nishikawa A., Hum Cell. September 1, 1997; 10 (3): 167-74.

Tissue-dependent and developmentally regulated cytosolic thyroid-hormone-binding proteins (CTBPs) in Xenopus., Yamauchi K, Tata JR., Comp Biochem Physiol C Pharmacol Toxicol Endocrinol. September 1, 1997; 118 (1): 27-32.

Changes in thyroid hormone concentrations and total contents through ontogeny in three anuran species: evidence for daily cycles., Gancedo B, Alonso-Gómez AL, de Pedro N, Delgado MJ, Alonso-Bedate M., Gen Comp Endocrinol. August 1, 1997; 107 (2): 240-50.

Basal ganglia organization in amphibians: development of striatal and nucleus accumbens connections with emphasis on the catecholaminergic inputs., Márin O, Smeets WJ, González A., J Comp Neurol. July 7, 1997; 383 (3): 349-69.

Lens regeneration in larval Xenopus laevis: experimental analysis of the decline in the regenerative capacity during development., Filoni S, Bernardini S, Cannata SM, D'Alessio A., Dev Biol. July 1, 1997; 187 (1): 13-24.

In vitro studies of spontaneous and corticosteroid-induced apoptosis of lymphocyte populations from metamorphosing frogs/RU486 inhibition., Barker KS, Davis AT, Li B, Rollins-Smith LA., Brain Behav Immun. June 1, 1997; 11 (2): 119-31.

An immunocytochemical analysis of the expression of thyroid hormone receptor alpha and beta proteins during natural and thyroid hormone-induced metamorphosis in Xenopus., Fairclough L, Tata JR., Dev Growth Differ. June 1, 1997; 39 (3): 273-83.   

Growth and death of rohon-Beard cells in Rana pipiens and Ceratophrys ornata., Kollros JJ, Bovbjerg AM., J Morphol. April 1, 1997; 232 (1): 67-78.

A set of novel tadpole specific genes expressed only in the epidermis are down-regulated by thyroid hormone during Xenopus laevis metamorphosis., Furlow JD, Berry DL, Wang Z, Brown DD., Dev Biol. February 15, 1997; 182 (2): 284-98.   

Occurrence of DNase gamma-like apoptotic endonucleases in hematopoietic cells in Xenopus laevis and their relation to metamorphosis., Nishikawa A, Shiokawa D, Umemori K, Hayashi H, Tanuma S., Biochem Biophys Res Commun. February 13, 1997; 231 (2): 305-8.

Involvement of glucocorticoids in the reorganization of the amphibian immune system at metamorphosis., Rollins-Smith LA, Barker KS, Davis AT., Dev Immunol. January 1, 1997; 5 (2): 145-52.

Involvement of thyroid hormones in the expression of MHC class I antigens during ontogeny in Xenopus., Rollins-Smith LA, Flajnik MF, Blair PJ, Davis AT, Green WF., Dev Immunol. January 1, 1997; 5 (2): 133-44.

Thyroid hormone-dependent repression of α1-microglobulin/bikunin precursor (AMBP) gene expression during amphibian metamorphosis., Kawahara A, Hikosaka A, Sasado T, Hirota K., Dev Genes Evol. January 1, 1997; 206 (6): 355-362.

Apoptosis and cell proliferation in the Xenopus small intestine during metamorphosis., Ishizuya-Oka A, Ueda S., Cell Tissue Res. December 1, 1996; 286 (3): 467-76.

Regulation of rhythmic movements by purinergic neurotransmitters in frog embryos., Dale N, Gilday D., Nature. September 19, 1996; 383 (6597): 259-63.

Adult-type splenocytes of Xenopus induce apoptosis of histocompatible larval tail cells in vitro., Izutsu Y, Yoshizato K, Tochinai S., Differentiation. September 1, 1996; 60 (5): 277-86.

Vascular regression during amphibian metamorphosis--a scanning electron microscope study of vascular corrosion casts of the ventral velum in tadpoles of Xenopus laevis Daudin., Aichhorn H, Lametschwandtner A., Scanning. September 1, 1996; 18 (6): 447-55.

Androgen-induced proliferation in the developing larynx of Xenopus laevis is regulated by thyroid hormone., Cohen MA, Kelley DB., Dev Biol. August 25, 1996; 178 (1): 113-23.   

Neuropeptide Y: localization in the brain and pituitary of the developing frog (Rana esculenta)., D'Aniello B, Vallarino M, Pinelli C, Fiorentino M, Rastogi RK., Cell Tissue Res. August 1, 1996; 285 (2): 253-9.

Thyroid hormone regulation of germ cell-specific EF-1 alpha expression during metamorphosis of Xenopus laevis., Abdallah B, Sachs L, Hourdry J, Wegnez M, Denis H, Demeneix B, Mazabraud A., Int J Dev Biol. April 1, 1996; 40 (2): 507-14.   

Regionally regulated conversion of protein expression in the skin during anuran metamorphosis., Kobayashi H, Sato H, Yoshizato K., J Exp Zool. February 15, 1996; 274 (3): 187-92.

Sympathetic innervation of the amphibian spleen: developmental studies in Xenopus laevis., Kinney KS, Felten SY, Cohen N., Dev Comp Immunol. January 1, 1996; 20 (1): 51-9.

Spatial, temporal and hormonal regulation of programmed muscle cell death during metamorphosis of the frog Xenopus laevis., Nishikawa A, Hayashi H., Differentiation. November 1, 1995; 59 (4): 207-14.

Acquisition of nerve dependence for the formation of a regeneration blastema in amputated hindlimbs of larval Xenopus laevis: the role of limb innervation and that of limb differentiation., Filoni S, Velloso CP, Bernardini S, Cannata SM., J Exp Zool. November 1, 1995; 273 (4): 327-41.

Xenopus sonic hedgehog as a potential morphogen during embryogenesis and thyroid hormone-dependent metamorphosis., Stolow MA, Shi YB, Shi YB., Nucleic Acids Res. July 11, 1995; 23 (13): 2555-62.   

Developmental changes in melanin-concentrating hormone in Rana temporaria., Francis K, Baker BI., Gen Comp Endocrinol. May 1, 1995; 98 (2): 157-65.   

Characterization of metamorphic changes in anuran larval epidermis using lectins as probes., Amano T, Kawabata H, Yoshizato K., Dev Growth Differ. April 1, 1995; 37 (2): 211-220.

Transcriptional activation of the matrix metalloproteinase gene stromelysin-3 coincides with thyroid hormone-induced cell death during frog metamorphosis., Patterton D, Hayes WP, Shi YB, Shi YB., Dev Biol. January 1, 1995; 167 (1): 252-62.   

CNS myelin and oligodendrocytes of the Xenopus spinal cord--but not optic nerve--are nonpermissive for axon growth., Lang DM, Rubin BP, Schwab ME, Stuermer CA., J Neurosci. January 1, 1995; 15 (1 Pt 1): 99-109.   

Cell-specific and spatio-temporal expression of intestinal fatty acid-binding protein gene during amphibian metamorphosis., Ishizuya-Oka A, Shimozawa A, Takeda H, Shi YB., Rouxs Arch Dev Biol. December 1, 1994; 204 (2): 150-155.

Quantitation of endogenous thyroid hormone receptors alpha and beta during embryogenesis and metamorphosis in Xenopus laevis., Eliceiri BP, Brown DD., J Biol Chem. September 30, 1994; 269 (39): 24459-65.

Ontogeny of catecholamine systems in the central nervous system of anuran amphibians: an immunohistochemical study with antibodies against tyrosine hydroxylase and dopamine., González A, Marín O, Tuinhof R, Smeets WJ., J Comp Neurol. August 1, 1994; 346 (1): 63-79.

Isolation and characterization of the Xenopus terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase., Lee A, Hsu E., J Immunol. May 1, 1994; 152 (9): 4500-7.

The frog gonadotropin-releasing hormone-I (GnRH-I) gene has a mammalian-like expression pattern and conserved domains in GnRH-associated peptide, but brain onset is delayed until metamorphosis., Hayes WP, Wray S, Battey JF., Endocrinology. April 1, 1994; 134 (4): 1835-45.

Thyroid hormone-dependent regulation of the intestinal fatty acid-binding protein gene during amphibian metamorphosis., Shi YB, Shi YB, Hayes WP., Dev Biol. January 1, 1994; 161 (1): 48-58.   

Interplay between thyroid hormone and estrogen in modulating expression of their receptor and vitellogenin genes during Xenopus metamorphosis., Rabelo EM, Baker BS, Tata JR., Mech Dev. January 1, 1994; 45 (1): 49-57.   

Changes associated with the basal lamina during metamorphosis of Xenopus laevis., Murata E, Akita M, Kaneko K, Merker HJ., Acta Anat (Basel). January 1, 1994; 150 (3): 178-85.

Thyroid hormone potentiates estrogen activation of vitellogenin genes and autoinduction of estrogen receptor in adult Xenopus hepatocytes., Rabelo EM, Tata JR., Mol Cell Endocrinol. October 1, 1993; 96 (1-2): 37-44.

The effects of corticosteroid hormones and thyroid hormones on lymphocyte viability and proliferation during development and metamorphosis of Xenopus laevis., Rollins-Smith LA, Blair PJ., Differentiation. October 1, 1993; 54 (3): 155-60.

The quantitative relationship between olfactory axons and mitral/tufted cells in developing Xenopus with partially deafferented olfactory bulbs., Byrd CA, Burd GD., J Neurobiol. September 1, 1993; 24 (9): 1229-42.

Autoinduction of nuclear receptor genes and its significance., Tata JR, Baker BS, Machuca I, Rabelo EM, Yamauchi K., J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol. August 1, 1993; 46 (2): 105-19.

Expression of the Xenopus laevis prolactin and thyrotropin genes during metamorphosis., Buckbinder L, Brown DD., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. May 1, 1993; 90 (9): 3820-4.

The Critical Period for Experience-dependent Plasticity in a System of Binocular Visual Connections in Xenopus laevis: Its Temporal Profile and Relation to Normal Developmental Requirements., Keating MJ, Grant S., Eur J Neurosci. October 1, 1992; 4 (1): 27-36.

Glomerular development and growth of the renal blood vascular system in Xenopus laevis (Amphibia: Anura: Pipidae) during metamorphic climax., Ditrich H, Lametschwandtner A., J Morphol. September 1, 1992; 213 (3): 335-40.

Programmed cell death and heterolysis of larval epithelial cells by macrophage-like cells in the anuran small intestine in vivo and in vitro., Ishizuya-Oka A, Shimozawa A., J Morphol. August 1, 1992; 213 (2): 185-95.

Characterization and developmental expression of Xenopus C/EBP gene., Xu Q, Tata JR., Mech Dev. July 1, 1992; 38 (1): 69-81.   

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