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Summary Stage Literature (2200) Attributions Wiki

Papers associated with gastrula stage

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The RNA-binding protein, Vg1RBP, is required for pancreatic fate specification., Spagnoli FM, Brivanlou AH., Dev Biol. April 15, 2006; 292 (2): 442-56.   

Xenopus embryos lacking specific isoforms of the corepressor SMRT develop abnormal heads., Malartre M, Short S, Sharpe C., Dev Biol. April 15, 2006; 292 (2): 333-43.   

A novel Cripto-related protein reveals an essential role for EGF-CFCs in Nodal signalling in Xenopus embryos., Dorey K, Hill CS., Dev Biol. April 15, 2006; 292 (2): 303-16.   

Patterning the early Xenopus embryo., Heasman J., Development. April 1, 2006; 133 (7): 1205-17.

Interaction between X-Delta-2 and Hox genes regulates segmentation and patterning of the anteroposterior axis., Peres JN, McNulty CL, Durston AJ., Mech Dev. April 1, 2006; 123 (4): 321-33.   

The essential vertebrate ABCE1 protein interacts with eukaryotic initiation factors., Chen ZQ, Dong J, Ishimura A, Daar I, Hinnebusch AG, Dean M., J Biol Chem. March 17, 2006; 281 (11): 7452-7.

A truncated acidic domain in Xenopus TRF1., Crumet N, Carlson RL, Drutman SB, Shampay J., Gene. March 15, 2006; 369 20-6.   

Emilin1 links TGF-beta maturation to blood pressure homeostasis., Zacchigna L, Vecchione C, Notte A, Cordenonsi M, Dupont S, Maretto S, Cifelli G, Ferrari A, Maffei A, Fabbro C, Braghetta P, Marino G, Selvetella G, Aretini A, Colonnese C, Bettarini U, Russo G, Soligo S, Adorno M, Bonaldo P, Volpin D, Piccolo S, Lembo G, Bressan GM., Cell. March 10, 2006; 124 (5): 929-42.   

RE-1 silencer of transcription/neural restrictive silencer factor modulates ectodermal patterning during Xenopus development., Olguín P, Oteíza P, Gamboa E, Gómez-Skármeta JL, Kukuljan M., J Neurosci. March 8, 2006; 26 (10): 2820-9.   

Xenopus Dead end mRNA is a localized maternal determinant that serves a conserved function in germ cell development., Horvay K, Claussen M, Katzer M, Landgrebe J, Pieler T., Dev Biol. March 1, 2006; 291 (1): 1-11.   

Cooperative non-cell and cell autonomous regulation of Nodal gene expression and signaling by Lefty/Antivin and Brachyury in Xenopus., Cha YR, Takahashi S, Wright CV., Dev Biol. February 15, 2006; 290 (2): 246-64.   

FGF8, Wnt8 and Myf5 are target genes of Tbx6 during anteroposterior specification in Xenopus embryo., Li HY, Bourdelas A, Carron C, Gomez C, Boucaut JC, Shi DL., Dev Biol. February 15, 2006; 290 (2): 470-81.   

Ras-dva, a member of novel family of small GTPases, is required for the anterior ectoderm patterning in the Xenopus laevis embryo., Tereshina MB, Zaraisky AG, Novoselov VV., Development. February 1, 2006; 133 (3): 485-94.   

A dominant-negative form of the E3 ubiquitin ligase Cullin-1 disrupts the correct allocation of cell fate in the neural crest lineage., Voigt J, Papalopulu N., Development. February 1, 2006; 133 (3): 559-68.   

Genomic profiling of mixer and Sox17beta targets during Xenopus endoderm development., Dickinson K, Leonard J, Baker JC., Dev Dyn. February 1, 2006; 235 (2): 368-81.   

Regulation of early Xenopus development by ErbB signaling., Nie S, Chang C., Dev Dyn. February 1, 2006; 235 (2): 301-14.   

Tcf- and Vent-binding sites regulate neural-specific geminin expression in the gastrula embryo., Taylor JJ, Wang T, Kroll KL., Dev Biol. January 15, 2006; 289 (2): 494-506.   

Maternal XTcf1 and XTcf4 have distinct roles in regulating Wnt target genes., Standley HJ, Destrée O, Kofron M, Wylie C, Heasman J., Dev Biol. January 15, 2006; 289 (2): 318-28.   

Identification of a BMP inhibitor-responsive promoter module required for expression of the early neural gene zic1., Tropepe V, Li S, Dickinson A, Gamse JT, Sive HL., Dev Biol. January 15, 2006; 289 (2): 517-29.   

Embryonic dorsal-ventral signaling: secreted frizzled-related proteins as inhibitors of tolloid proteinases., Lee HX, Ambrosio AL, Reversade B, De Robertis EM., Cell. January 13, 2006; 124 (1): 147-59.   

Msx1 and Msx2 have shared essential functions in neural crest but may be dispensable in epidermis and axis formation in Xenopus., Khadka D, Luo T, Sargent TD., Int J Dev Biol. January 1, 2006; 50 (5): 499-502.   

Temporal and spatial expression patterns of FoxN genes in Xenopus laevis embryos., Schuff M, Rössner A, Donow C, Knöchel W., Int J Dev Biol. January 1, 2006; 50 (4): 429-34.   

XCR2, one of three Xenopus EGF-CFC genes, has a distinct role in the regulation of left-right patterning., Onuma Y, Yeo CY, Whitman M., Development. January 1, 2006; 133 (2): 237-50.   

Twisted gastrulation is required for forebrain specification and cooperates with Chordin to inhibit BMP signaling during X. tropicalis gastrulation., Wills A, Harland RM, Khokha MK., Dev Biol. January 1, 2006; 289 (1): 166-78.   

Vg 1 is an essential signaling molecule in Xenopus development., Birsoy B, Kofron M, Schaible K, Wylie C, Heasman J., Development. January 1, 2006; 133 (1): 15-20.   

XBP1 forms a regulatory loop with BMP-4 and suppresses mesodermal and neural differentiation in Xenopus embryos., Cao Y, Cao Y, Knöchel S, Oswald F, Donow C, Zhao H, Knöchel W., Mech Dev. January 1, 2006; 123 (1): 84-96.   

An amphioxus LIM-homeobox gene, AmphiLim1/5, expressed early in the invaginating organizer region and later in differentiating cells of the kidney and central nervous system., Langeland JA, Holland LZ, Chastain RA, Holland ND., Int J Biol Sci. January 1, 2006; 2 (3): 110-6.   

Gastrulation in amphibian embryos, regarded as a succession of biomechanical feedback events., Beloussov LV, Luchinskaya NN, Ermakov AS, Glagoleva NS., Int J Dev Biol. January 1, 2006; 50 (2-3): 113-22.   

Regulation of ADMP and BMP2/4/7 at opposite embryonic poles generates a self-regulating morphogenetic field., Reversade B, De Robertis EM., Cell. December 16, 2005; 123 (6): 1147-60.   

Hairy is a cell context signal controlling Notch activity., Cui Y., Dev Growth Differ. December 1, 2005; 47 (9): 609-25.   

Subdividing the embryo: a role for Notch signaling during germ layer patterning in Xenopus laevis., Contakos SP, Gaydos CM, Pfeil EC, McLaughlin KA., Dev Biol. December 1, 2005; 288 (1): 294-307.   

A cell cycle arrest is necessary for bottle cell formation in the early Xenopus gastrula: integrating cell shape change, local mitotic control and mesodermal patterning., Kurth T., Mech Dev. December 1, 2005; 122 (12): 1251-65.   

Role of crescent in convergent extension movements by modulating Wnt signaling in early Xenopus embryogenesis., Shibata M, Itoh M, Hikasa H, Taira S, Taira M., Mech Dev. December 1, 2005; 122 (12): 1322-39.   

p38 MAP kinase regulates the expression of XMyf5 and affects distinct myogenic programs during Xenopus development., Keren A, Bengal E, Frank D., Dev Biol. December 1, 2005; 288 (1): 73-86.   

SOX7 and SOX18 are essential for cardiogenesis in Xenopus., Zhang C, Basta T, Klymkowsky MW., Dev Dyn. December 1, 2005; 234 (4): 878-91.   

New tools for visualization and analysis of morphogenesis in spherical embryos., Tyszka JM, Ewald AJ, Wallingford JB, Fraser SE., Dev Dyn. December 1, 2005; 234 (4): 974-83.   

Maternal Xenopus Zic2 negatively regulates Nodal-related gene expression during anteroposterior patterning., Houston DW, Wylie C., Development. November 1, 2005; 132 (21): 4845-55.   

Antagonistic interaction between IGF and Wnt/JNK signaling in convergent extension in Xenopus embryo., Carron C, Bourdelas A, Li HY, Boucaut JC, Shi DL., Mech Dev. November 1, 2005; 122 (11): 1234-47.   

The Ca2+-induced methyltransferase xPRMT1b controls neural fate in amphibian embryo., Batut J, Vandel L, Leclerc C, Daguzan C, Moreau M, Néant I., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. October 18, 2005; 102 (42): 15128-33.   

Regulation of actin cytoskeleton architecture by Eps8 and Abi1., Roffers-Agarwal J, Xanthos JB, Miller JR., BMC Cell Biol. October 14, 2005; 6 36.   

Reduced U snRNP assembly causes motor axon degeneration in an animal model for spinal muscular atrophy., Winkler C, Eggert C, Gradl D, Meister G, Giegerich M, Wedlich D, Laggerbauer B, Fischer U., Genes Dev. October 1, 2005; 19 (19): 2320-30.   

The novel Smad-interacting protein Smicl regulates Chordin expression in the Xenopus embryo., Collart C, Verschueren K, Rana A, Smith JC, Huylebroeck D., Development. October 1, 2005; 132 (20): 4575-86.   

The assembly of POSH-JNK regulates Xenopus anterior neural development., Kim GH, Park E, Han JK., Dev Biol. October 1, 2005; 286 (1): 256-69.   

Novel Daple-like protein positively regulates both the Wnt/beta-catenin pathway and the Wnt/JNK pathway in Xenopus., Kobayashi H, Michiue T, Yukita A, Danno H, Sakurai K, Fukui A, Kikuchi A, Asashima M., Mech Dev. October 1, 2005; 122 (10): 1138-53.   

Functional involvement of Xenopus homologue of ADF/cofilin phosphatase, slingshot (XSSH), in the gastrulation movement., Tanaka K, Nishio R, Haneda K, Abe H., Zoolog Sci. September 1, 2005; 22 (9): 955-69.

An essential role of Xenopus Foxi1a for ventral specification of the cephalic ectoderm during gastrulation., Matsuo-Takasaki M, Matsumura M, Sasai Y., Development. September 1, 2005; 132 (17): 3885-94.   

Neptune is involved in posterior axis and tail formation in Xenopus embryogenesis., Takeda M, Kurauchi T, Yamazaki T, Izutsu Y, Maéno M., Dev Dyn. September 1, 2005; 234 (1): 63-73.   

Xenopus hairy2b specifies anterior prechordal mesoderm identity within Spemann's organizer., Yamaguti M, Cho KW, Hashimoto C., Dev Dyn. September 1, 2005; 234 (1): 102-13.   

BMP-3 is a novel inhibitor of both activin and BMP-4 signaling in Xenopus embryos., Gamer LW, Nove J, Levin M, Rosen V., Dev Biol. September 1, 2005; 285 (1): 156-68.   

beta-Catenin controls cell sorting at the notochord-somite boundary independently of cadherin-mediated adhesion., Reintsch WE, Habring-Mueller A, Wang RW, Schohl A, Fagotto F., J Cell Biol. August 15, 2005; 170 (4): 675-86.   

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