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Summary Stage Literature (2200) Attributions Wiki

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Jiraiya attenuates BMP signaling by interfering with type II BMP receptors in neuroectodermal patterning., Aramaki T, Sasai N, Yakura R, Sasai Y., Dev Cell. October 19, 2010; 19 (4): 547-61.   

Regulation of TCF3 by Wnt-dependent phosphorylation during vertebrate axis specification., Hikasa H, Ezan J, Itoh K, Li X, Klymkowsky MW, Sokol SY., Dev Cell. October 19, 2010; 19 (4): 521-32.   

Identification of a vasa homologue gene in grass carp and its expression pattern in tissues and during embryogenesis., Li CJ, Liu L, Chen XH, Zhang T, Gan F, Cheng BL., Comp Biochem Physiol B Biochem Mol Biol. October 1, 2010; 157 (2): 159-66.

Wnt5a/Ror2-induced upregulation of xPAPC requires xShcA., Feike AC, Rachor K, Gentzel M, Schambony A., Biochem Biophys Res Commun. October 1, 2010; 400 (4): 500-6.   

Anterior neural development requires Del1, a matrix-associated protein that attenuates canonical Wnt signaling via the Ror2 pathway., Takai A, Inomata H, Arakawa A, Yakura R, Matsuo-Takasaki M, Sasai Y., Development. October 1, 2010; 137 (19): 3293-302.   

Histone XH2AX is required for Xenopus anterior neural development: critical role of threonine 16 phosphorylation., Lee SY, Lau AT, Jeong CH, Shim JH, Kim HG, Kim J, Bode AM, Dong Z., J Biol Chem. September 17, 2010; 285 (38): 29525-34.   

An in vitro reconstitution system for the assessment of chromatin protein fluidity during Xenopus development., Aoki R, Inui M, Hayashi Y, Sedohara A, Okabayashi K, Ohnuma K, Murata M, Asashima M., Biochem Biophys Res Commun. September 17, 2010; 400 (2): 200-6.   

Wnt/beta-catenin signaling is involved in the induction and maintenance of primitive hematopoiesis in the vertebrate embryo., Tran HT, Sekkali B, Van Imschoot G, Janssens S, Vleminckx K, Vleminckx K., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. September 14, 2010; 107 (37): 16160-5.   

xGit2 and xRhoGAP 11A regulate convergent extension and tissue separation in Xenopus gastrulation., Köster I, Jungwirth MS, Steinbeisser H., Dev Biol. August 1, 2010; 344 (1): 26-35.   

Appl1 is essential for the survival of Xenopus pancreas, duodenum, and stomach progenitor cells., Wen L, Yang Y, Yang Y, Wang Y, Xu A, Wu D, Chen Y, Chen Y., Dev Dyn. August 1, 2010; 239 (8): 2198-207.   

Opposing Nodal/Vg1 and BMP signals mediate axial patterning in embryos of the basal chordate amphioxus., Onai T, Yu JK, Blitz IL, Cho KW, Holland LZ., Dev Biol. August 1, 2010; 344 (1): 377-89.   

PAR-1 promotes primary neurogenesis and asymmetric cell divisions via control of spindle orientation., Tabler JM, Yamanaka H, Green JB., Development. August 1, 2010; 137 (15): 2501-5.   

Wnt/Frizzled signaling requires dPRR, the Drosophila homolog of the prorenin receptor., Buechling T, Bartscherer K, Ohkawara B, Chaudhary V, Spirohn K, Niehrs C, Boutros M., Curr Biol. July 27, 2010; 20 (14): 1263-8.   

The effect of a DNA damaging agent on embryonic cell cycles of the cnidarian Hydractinia echinata., Su TT., PLoS One. July 8, 2010; 5 (7): e11760.   

Xclaudin 1 is required for the proper gastrulation in Xenopus laevis., Chang DJ, Hwang YS, Cha SW, Chae JP, Hwang SH, Hahn JH, Bae YC, Lee HS, Lee HS, Park MJ., Biochem Biophys Res Commun. June 18, 2010; 397 (1): 75-81.   

Evolutionary origin of the Otx2 enhancer for its expression in visceral endoderm., Kurokawa D, Ohmura T, Ogino H, Takeuchi M, Inoue A, Inoue F, Suda Y, Aizawa S., Dev Biol. June 1, 2010; 342 (1): 110-20.   

Integrin alpha5beta1 function is regulated by XGIPC/kermit2 mediated endocytosis during Xenopus laevis gastrulation., Spicer E, Suckert C, Al-Attar H, Marsden M., PLoS One. May 17, 2010; 5 (5): e10665.   

Review: Time-space translation regulates trunk axial patterning in the early vertebrate embryo., Durston AJ, Jansen HJ, Wacker SA., Genomics. May 1, 2010; 95 (5): 250-5.

Mesodermal Wnt signaling organizes the neural plate via Meis3., Elkouby YM, Elias S, Casey ES, Blythe SA, Tsabar N, Klein PS, Root H, Liu KJ, Liu KJ, Frank D., Development. May 1, 2010; 137 (9): 1531-41.   

A divergent Tbx6-related gene and Tbx6 are both required for neural crest and intermediate mesoderm development in Xenopus., Callery EM, Thomsen GH, Smith JC., Dev Biol. April 1, 2010; 340 (1): 75-87.   

Temporal and spatial patterning of axial myotome fibers in Xenopus laevis., Krneta-Stankic V, Sabillo A, Domingo CR., Dev Dyn. April 1, 2010; 239 (4): 1162-77.

Nectin-2 and N-cadherin interact through extracellular domains and induce apical accumulation of F-actin in apical constriction of Xenopus neural tube morphogenesis., Morita H, Nandadasa S, Yamamoto TS, Terasaka-Iioka C, Wylie C, Ueno N., Development. April 1, 2010; 137 (8): 1315-25.   

Delta-Notch signaling is involved in the segregation of the three germ layers in Xenopus laevis., Revinski DR, Paganelli AR, Carrasco AE, López SL., Dev Biol. March 15, 2010; 339 (2): 477-92.   

Highly conserved functions of the Brachyury gene on morphogenetic movements: insight from the early-diverging phylum Ctenophora., Yamada A, Martindale MQ, Fukui A, Tochinai S., Dev Biol. March 1, 2010; 339 (1): 212-22.   

CHD7 cooperates with PBAF to control multipotent neural crest formation., Bajpai R, Chen DA, Rada-Iglesias A, Zhang J, Xiong Y, Helms J, Chang CP, Zhao Y, Swigut T, Wysocka J., Nature. February 18, 2010; 463 (7283): 958-62.   

Endocytosis is required for efficient apical constriction during Xenopus gastrulation., Lee JY, Harland RM., Curr Biol. February 9, 2010; 20 (3): 253-8.   

Tissue-tissue interaction-triggered calcium elevation is required for cell polarization during Xenopus gastrulation., Shindo A, Hara Y, Yamamoto TS, Ohkura M, Nakai J, Ueno N., PLoS One. February 2, 2010; 5 (2): e8897.   

Reduced levels of survival motor neuron protein leads to aberrant motoneuron growth in a Xenopus model of muscular atrophy., Ymlahi-Ouazzani Q, J Bronchain O, Paillard E, Ballagny C, Chesneau A, Jadaud A, Mazabraud A, Pollet N., Neurogenetics. February 1, 2010; 11 (1): 27-40.   

Xenopus Meis3 protein lies at a nexus downstream to Zic1 and Pax3 proteins, regulating multiple cell-fates during early nervous system development., Gutkovich YE, Ofir R, Elkouby YM, Dibner C, Gefen A, Elias S, Frank D., Dev Biol. February 1, 2010; 338 (1): 50-62.   

Distinct Xenopus Nodal ligands sequentially induce mesendoderm and control gastrulation movements in parallel to the Wnt/PCP pathway., Luxardi G, Marchal L, Thomé V, Kodjabachian L., Development. February 1, 2010; 137 (3): 417-26.   

Repression of zygotic gene expression in the Xenopus germline., Venkatarama T, Lai F, Luo X, Zhou Y, Newman K, King ML., Development. February 1, 2010; 137 (4): 651-60.   

ChIP-chip designs to interrogate the genome of Xenopus embryos for transcription factor binding and epigenetic regulation., Akkers RC, van Heeringen SJ, Manak JR, Green RD, Stunnenberg HG, Veenstra GJ., PLoS One. January 21, 2010; 5 (1): e8820.   

BMP antagonists and FGF signaling contribute to different domains of the neural plate in Xenopus., Wills AE, Choi VM, Bennett MJ, Khokha MK, Harland RM., Dev Biol. January 15, 2010; 337 (2): 335-50.   

Near-full-length REV3L appears to be a scarce maternal factor in Xenopus laevis eggs that changes qualitatively in early embryonic development., Ogawara D, Muroya T, Yamauchi K, Iwamoto TA, Yagi Y, Yamashita Y, Waga S, Akiyama M, Maki H., DNA Repair (Amst). January 2, 2010; 9 (1): 90-5.

Xwnt8 directly initiates expression of labial Hox genes., In der Rieden PM, Vilaspasa FL, Durston AJ., Dev Dyn. January 1, 2010; 239 (1): 126-39.   

Xenopus axin-related protein: a link between its centrosomal localization and function in the Wnt/beta-catenin pathway., Alexandrova EM, Sokol SY., Dev Dyn. January 1, 2010; 239 (1): 261-70.   

Identification of hoxb1b downstream genes: hoxb1b as a regulatory factor controlling transcriptional networks and cell movement during zebrafish gastrulation., van den Akker WM, Durston AJ, Spaink HP., Int J Dev Biol. January 1, 2010; 54 (1): 55-62.

Identification and expression of ventrally associated leucine-zipper (VAL) in Xenopus embryo., Saito Y, Takahashi Y, Izutsu Y, Maeno M., Int J Dev Biol. January 1, 2010; 54 (1): 203-8.   

Comparison of Lim1 expression in embryos of frogs with different modes of reproduction., Venegas-Ferrín M, Sudou N, Taira M, del Pino EM., Int J Dev Biol. January 1, 2010; 54 (1): 195-202.   

FGFR3 expression in Xenopus laevis., Pope AP, Liu C, Sater AK, Servetnick M., Gene Expr Patterns. January 1, 2010; 10 (2-3): 87-92.   

Retinoid signalling is required for information transfer from mesoderm to neuroectoderm during gastrulation., Lloret-Vilaspasa F, Jansen HJ, de Roos K, Chandraratna RA, Zile MH, Stern CD, Durston AJ., Int J Dev Biol. January 1, 2010; 54 (4): 599-608.   

The RNA-binding protein Seb4/RBM24 is a direct target of MyoD and is required for myogenesis during Xenopus early development., Li HY, Bourdelas A, Carron C, Shi DL., Mech Dev. January 1, 2010; 127 (5-6): 281-91.   

Developmental expression of Xenopus short-chain dehydrogenase/reductase 3., Kam RK, Chen Y, Chan SO, Chan WY, Dawid IB, Zhao H., Int J Dev Biol. January 1, 2010; 54 (8-9): 1355-60.   

[Changes in topology and geometry of the embryonic epithelium of Xenopus during relaxation of mechanical tension], Evstifeeva AIu, Kremnev SV, Belousov LV., Ontogenez. January 1, 2010; 41 (3): 190-8.

Characterization of the 38 kDa protein lacking in gastrula-arrested mutant Xenopus embryos., Tanaka TS, Nishiumi F, Komiya T, Ikenishi K., Int J Dev Biol. January 1, 2010; 54 (8-9): 1347-53.

The role and regulation of GDF11 in Smad2 activation during tailbud formation in the Xenopus embryo., Ho DM, Yeo CY, Whitman M., Mech Dev. January 1, 2010; 127 (9-12): 485-95.   

Direct control of Hoxd1 and Irx3 expression by Wnt/beta-catenin signaling during anteroposterior patterning of the neural axis in Xenopus., Janssens S, Denayer T, Deroo T, Van Roy F, Vleminckx K, Vleminckx K., Int J Dev Biol. January 1, 2010; 54 (10): 1435-42.   

Downstream of FGF during mesoderm formation in Xenopus: the roles of Elk-1 and Egr-1., Nentwich O, Dingwell KS, Nordheim A, Smith JC., Dev Biol. December 15, 2009; 336 (2): 313-26.   

The involvement of lethal giant larvae and Wnt signaling in bottle cell formation in Xenopus embryos., Choi SC, Sokol SY., Dev Biol. December 1, 2009; 336 (1): 68-75.   

The miR-30 miRNA family regulates Xenopus pronephros development and targets the transcription factor Xlim1/Lhx1., Agrawal R, Tran U, Wessely O., Development. December 1, 2009; 136 (23): 3927-36.   

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