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Summary Anatomy Item Literature (6357) Expression Attributions Wiki

Papers associated with oocyte (and ccnb1.2)

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Cyclin B in Xenopus oocytes: implications for the mechanism of pre-MPF activation., Gautier J., EMBO J. January 1, 1991; 10 (1): 177-82.

Meiotic induction by Xenopus cyclin B is accelerated by coexpression with mosXe., Freeman RS., Mol Cell Biol. March 1, 1991; 11 (3): 1713-7.

Phosphorylation of Xenopus cyclins B1 and B2 is not required for cell cycle transitions., Izumi T., Mol Cell Biol. August 1, 1991; 11 (8): 3860-7.

cdc25+ encodes a protein phosphatase that dephosphorylates p34cdc2., Lee MS., Mol Biol Cell. January 1, 1992; 3 (1): 73-84.

Regulation of nuclear envelope precursor functions during cell division., Vigers GP., J Cell Sci. June 1, 1992; 102 ( Pt 2) 273-84.

Cyclin B in fish oocytes: its cDNA and amino acid sequences, appearance during maturation, and induction of p34cdc2 activation., Hirai T., Mol Reprod Dev. October 1, 1992; 33 (2): 131-40.

Phosphorylation and activation of human cdc25-C by cdc2--cyclin B and its involvement in the self-amplification of MPF at mitosis., Hoffmann I., EMBO J. January 1, 1993; 12 (1): 53-63.

Control of metaphase I formation in Xenopus oocyte: effects of an indestructible cyclin B and of protein synthesis., Huchon D., Biol Cell. January 1, 1993; 77 (2): 133-41.

Behavior of the components of maturation-promoting factor, cdc2 kinase and cyclin B, during oocyte maturation of goldfish., Katsu Y., Dev Biol. November 1, 1993; 160 (1): 99-107.

Role of maturation-promoting factor (p34cdc2-cyclin B) in differential expression of the Xenopus oocyte and somatic-type 5S RNA genes., Wolf VJ., Mol Cell Biol. July 1, 1994; 14 (7): 4704-11.

Inhibition of cyclin-dependent kinases by purine analogues., Veselý J., Eur J Biochem. September 1, 1994; 224 (2): 771-86.

Association of p34cdc2 kinase and MAP kinase with microtubules during the meiotic maturation of Xenopus oocytes., Fellous A., Int J Dev Biol. December 1, 1994; 38 (4): 651-9.

Cyclin B/p34cdc2 triggers phosphorylation of DNA ligase I during Xenopus laevis oocyte maturation., Aoufouchi S., Eur J Biochem. June 1, 1995; 230 (2): 491-7.

Molecular cloning and immunological analysis of goldfish cyclin A during oocyte maturation., Katsu Y., Dev Biol. August 1, 1995; 170 (2): 616-25.

Presence of maturation-promoting factor in 17α,20β-dihydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one-induced oocytes of catfish, Clarias batrachus., Haider S., Fish Physiol Biochem. December 1, 1995; 14 (6): 501-8.

Dependence of Mos-induced Cdc2 activation on MAP kinase function in a cell-free system., Huang CY., EMBO J. May 1, 1996; 15 (9): 2169-73.

Mos proto-oncogene function during oocyte maturation in Xenopus., Roy LM., Oncogene. May 16, 1996; 12 (10): 2203-11.

Mitogen-activated protein kinase activation down-regulates a mechanism that inactivates cyclin B-cdc2 kinase in G2-arrested oocytes., Abrieu A., Mol Biol Cell. February 1, 1997; 8 (2): 249-61.

Regulation by phosphorylation of Xenopus laevis poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase enzyme activity during oocyte maturation., Aoufouchi S., Biochem J. July 15, 1997; 325 ( Pt 2) 543-51.

Mitogen-activated protein kinase and cyclin B/Cdc2 phosphorylate Xenopus nuclear factor 7 (xnf7) in extracts from mature oocytes. Implications for regulation of xnf7 subcellular localization., El-Hodiri HM., J Biol Chem. August 15, 1997; 272 (33): 20463-70.

A presumptive developmental role for a sea urchin cyclin B splice variant., Lozano JC., J Cell Biol. January 26, 1998; 140 (2): 283-93.   

Human retinoblastoma protein (Rb) is phosphorylated by cdc2 kinase and MAP kinase in Xenopus maturing oocytes., Taieb F., FEBS Lett. April 3, 1998; 425 (3): 465-71.

A link between MAP kinase and p34(cdc2)/cyclin B during oocyte maturation: p90(rsk) phosphorylates and inactivates the p34(cdc2) inhibitory kinase Myt1., Palmer A., EMBO J. September 1, 1998; 17 (17): 5037-47.

Germinal vesicle material is dispensable for oscillations in cdc2 and MAP kinase activities, cyclin B degradation and synthesis during meiosis in Xenopus oocytes., Fisher D., Biol Cell. October 1, 1998; 90 (6-7): 497-508.

Intra-M phase-promoting factor phosphorylation of cyclin B at the prophase/metaphase transition., Borgne A., J Biol Chem. April 23, 1999; 274 (17): 11977-86.

A p90(rsk) mutant constitutively interacting with MAP kinase uncouples MAP kinase from p34(cdc2)/cyclin B activation in Xenopus oocytes., Gavin AC., Mol Biol Cell. September 1, 1999; 10 (9): 2971-86.

Two distinct mechanisms control the accumulation of cyclin B1 and Mos in Xenopus oocytes in response to progesterone., Frank-Vaillant M., Mol Biol Cell. October 1, 1999; 10 (10): 3279-88.

The activation of MAP kinase and p34cdc2/cyclin B during the meiotic maturation of Xenopus oocytes., Palmer A., Prog Cell Cycle Res. January 1, 2000; 4 131-43.

Chemical structure of nuclear proteins which are phosphorylated during meiotic maturation of starfish oocytes., Matoba K., Biochemistry. May 30, 2000; 39 (21): 6390-400.

Cell cycle transitions in early Xenopus development., Maller JL., Novartis Found Symp. January 1, 2001; 237 58-73; discussion 73-8.

The polo-like kinase Plx1 is required for activation of the phosphatase Cdc25C and cyclin B-Cdc2 in Xenopus oocytes., Qian YW., Mol Biol Cell. June 1, 2001; 12 (6): 1791-9.

c-Mos and cyclin B/cdc2 connections during Xenopus oocyte maturation., Castro A., Biol Cell. September 1, 2001; 93 (1-2): 15-25.

Inactivation of the checkpoint kinase Cds1 is dependent on cyclin B-Cdc2 kinase activation at the meiotic G(2)/M-phase transition in Xenopus oocytes., Gotoh T., J Cell Sci. September 1, 2001; 114 (Pt 18): 3397-406.

Cyclin B/cdc2 induces c-Mos stability by direct phosphorylation in Xenopus oocytes., Castro A., Mol Biol Cell. September 1, 2001; 12 (9): 2660-71.

APC/Fizzy-Related targets Aurora-A kinase for proteolysis., Castro A., EMBO Rep. May 1, 2002; 3 (5): 457-62.

Characterization of MPF and MAPK activities during meiotic maturation of Xenopus tropicalis oocytes., Bodart JF., Dev Biol. May 15, 2002; 245 (2): 348-61.

The RRASK motif in Xenopus cyclin B2 is required for the substrate recognition of Cdc25C by the cyclin B-Cdc2 complex., Goda T., J Biol Chem. May 23, 2003; 278 (21): 19032-7.

Cdc2-cyclin B triggers H3 kinase activation of Aurora-A in Xenopus oocytes., Maton G., J Biol Chem. June 13, 2003; 278 (24): 21439-49.

Progesterone and insulin stimulation of CPEB-dependent polyadenylation is regulated by Aurora A and glycogen synthase kinase-3., Sarkissian M., Genes Dev. January 1, 2004; 18 (1): 48-61.

NO66, a highly conserved dual location protein in the nucleolus and in a special type of synchronously replicating chromatin., Eilbracht J., Mol Biol Cell. April 1, 2004; 15 (4): 1816-32.   

Differential regulation of Cdc2 and Aurora-A in Xenopus oocytes: a crucial role of phosphatase 2A., Maton G., J Cell Sci. June 1, 2005; 118 (Pt 11): 2485-94.

Regulation of the G(2)/M transition in Xenopus oocytes by the cAMP-dependent protein kinase., Eyers PA., J Biol Chem. July 1, 2005; 280 (26): 24339-46.

Function and regulation of Maskin, a TACC family protein, in microtubule growth during mitosis., Peset I., J Cell Biol. September 26, 2005; 170 (7): 1057-66.   

Oocyte extracts for the study of meiotic M-M transition., Ohsumi K., Methods Mol Biol. January 1, 2006; 322 445-58.

Using Xenopus oocyte extracts to study signal transduction., Crane RF., Methods Mol Biol. January 1, 2006; 322 435-43.

New pathways from PKA to the Cdc2/cyclin B complex in oocytes: Wee1B as a potential PKA substrate., Han SJ., Cell Cycle. February 1, 2006; 5 (3): 227-31.

Redundant pathways for Cdc2 activation in Xenopus oocyte: either cyclin B or Mos synthesis., Haccard O., EMBO Rep. March 1, 2006; 7 (3): 321-5.

Paxillin regulates steroid-triggered meiotic resumption in oocytes by enhancing an all-or-none positive feedback kinase loop., Rasar M., J Biol Chem. December 22, 2006; 281 (51): 39455-64.   

Porcine Aurora A accelerates Cyclin B and Mos synthesis and promotes meiotic resumption of porcine oocytes., Nishimura Y., Anim Reprod Sci. July 1, 2009; 113 (1-4): 114-24.

A two-step inactivation mechanism of Myt1 ensures CDK1/cyclin B activation and meiosis I entry., Ruiz EJ., Curr Biol. April 27, 2010; 20 (8): 717-23.

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