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Summary Anatomy Item Literature (357) Expression Attributions Wiki

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FoxI1e activates ectoderm formation and controls cell position in the Xenopus blastula., Mir A., Development. February 1, 2007; 134 (4): 779-88.   

Kinesin-mediated transport of Smad2 is required for signaling in response to TGF-beta ligands., Batut J., Dev Cell. February 1, 2007; 12 (2): 261-74.   

2,4-D butoxyethyl ester kinetics in embryos of Xenopus laevis: the role of the embryonic jelly coat in reducing chemical absorption., Edginton AN., Arch Environ Contam Toxicol. January 1, 2007; 52 (1): 113-20.

In vivo magnetic resonance microscopy of differentiation in Xenopus laevis embryos from the first cleavage onwards., Lee SC., Differentiation. January 1, 2007; 75 (1): 84-92.   

A role for GATA factors in Xenopus gastrulation movements., Fletcher G., Mech Dev. October 1, 2006; 123 (10): 730-45.   

Visualization of the Xenopus primordial germ cells using a green fluorescent protein controlled by cis elements of the 3' untranslated region of the DEADSouth gene., Kataoka K., Mech Dev. October 1, 2006; 123 (10): 746-60.   

Grainyhead-like 3, a transcription factor identified in a microarray screen, promotes the specification of the superficial layer of the embryonic epidermis., Chalmers AD., Mech Dev. September 1, 2006; 123 (9): 702-18.   

Heading in a new direction: implications of the revised fate map for understanding Xenopus laevis development., Lane MC., Dev Biol. August 1, 2006; 296 (1): 12-28.   

Integrin alpha5beta1 and fibronectin regulate polarized cell protrusions required for Xenopus convergence and extension., Davidson LA, Davidson LA., Curr Biol. May 9, 2006; 16 (9): 833-44.   

Migrating anterior mesoderm cells and intercalating trunk mesoderm cells have distinct responses to Rho and Rac during Xenopus gastrulation., Ren R., Dev Dyn. April 1, 2006; 235 (4): 1090-9.

Cooperative non-cell and cell autonomous regulation of Nodal gene expression and signaling by Lefty/Antivin and Brachyury in Xenopus., Cha YR., Dev Biol. February 15, 2006; 290 (2): 246-64.   

Developmental expression of Shisa-2 in Xenopus laevis., Silva AC., Int J Dev Biol. January 1, 2006; 50 (6): 575-9.   

Xtbx6r, a novel T-box gene expressed in the paraxial mesoderm, has anterior neural-inducing activity., Yabe S., Int J Dev Biol. January 1, 2006; 50 (8): 681-9.   

Gastrulation in amphibian embryos, regarded as a succession of biomechanical feedback events., Beloussov LV., Int J Dev Biol. January 1, 2006; 50 (2-3): 113-22.   

A cell cycle arrest is necessary for bottle cell formation in the early Xenopus gastrula: integrating cell shape change, local mitotic control and mesodermal patterning., Kurth T., Mech Dev. December 1, 2005; 122 (12): 1251-65.   

New tools for visualization and analysis of morphogenesis in spherical embryos., Tyszka JM., Dev Dyn. December 1, 2005; 234 (4): 974-83.   

Xnr2 and Xnr5 unprocessed proteins inhibit Wnt signaling upstream of dishevelled., Onuma Y., Dev Dyn. December 1, 2005; 234 (4): 900-10.   

Vezatin, a protein associated to adherens junctions, is required for mouse blastocyst morphogenesis., Hyenne V., Dev Biol. November 1, 2005; 287 (1): 180-91.   

Regulation of actin cytoskeleton architecture by Eps8 and Abi1., Roffers-Agarwal J., BMC Cell Biol. October 14, 2005; 6 36.   

Distinct effectors of platelet-derived growth factor receptor-alpha signaling are required for cell survival during embryogenesis., Van Stry M., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. June 7, 2005; 102 (23): 8233-8.   

A novel G protein-coupled receptor, related to GPR4, is required for assembly of the cortical actin skeleton in early Xenopus embryos., Tao Q, Tao Q., Development. June 1, 2005; 132 (12): 2825-36.   

The ARID domain protein dril1 is necessary for TGF(beta) signaling in Xenopus embryos., Callery EM., Dev Biol. February 15, 2005; 278 (2): 542-59.   

XPACE4 is a localized pro-protein convertase required for mesoderm induction and the cleavage of specific TGFbeta proteins in Xenopus development., Birsoy B., Development. February 1, 2005; 132 (3): 591-602.   

Systematic screening for genes specifically expressed in the anterior neuroectoderm during early Xenopus development., Takahashi N., Int J Dev Biol. January 1, 2005; 49 (8): 939-51.   

The mode and molecular mechanisms of the migration of presumptive PGC in the endoderm cell mass of Xenopus embryos., Nishiumi F., Dev Growth Differ. January 1, 2005; 47 (1): 37-48.   

The Xenopus embryo as a model system for studies of cell migration., DeSimone DW., Methods Mol Biol. January 1, 2005; 294 235-45.

Expression of Xenopus tropicalis noggin1 and noggin2 in early development: two noggin genes in a tetrapod., Fletcher RB., Gene Expr Patterns. December 1, 2004; 5 (2): 225-30.   

Regional requirements for Dishevelled signaling during Xenopus gastrulation: separable effects on blastopore closure, mesendoderm internalization and archenteron formation., Ewald AJ., Development. December 1, 2004; 131 (24): 6195-209.   

Cdc42 Effector Protein 2 (XCEP2) is required for normal gastrulation and contributes to cellular adhesion in Xenopus laevis., Nelson KK., BMC Dev Biol. October 8, 2004; 4 13.   

Development of the dendrobatid frog Colostethus machalilla., Del Pino EM., Int J Dev Biol. September 1, 2004; 48 (7): 663-70.

Expression patterns of Xenopus FGF receptor-like 1/nou-darake in early Xenopus development resemble those of planarian nou-darake and Xenopus FGF8., Hayashi S., Dev Dyn. August 1, 2004; 230 (4): 700-7.   

Multicellular computer simulation of morphogenesis: blastocoel roof thinning and matrix assembly in Xenopus laevis., Longo D., Dev Biol. July 1, 2004; 271 (1): 210-22.   

Guidance of mesoderm cell migration in the Xenopus gastrula requires PDGF signaling., Nagel M., Development. June 1, 2004; 131 (11): 2727-36.   

Neural induction in Xenopus: requirement for ectodermal and endomesodermal signals via Chordin, Noggin, beta-Catenin, and Cerberus., Kuroda H., PLoS Biol. May 1, 2004; 2 (5): E92.   

The mitochondrial-apoptotic pathway is triggered in Xenopus mesoderm cells deprived of PDGF receptor signaling during gastrulation., Van Stry M., Dev Biol. April 1, 2004; 268 (1): 232-42.   

Timed interactions between the Hox expressing non-organiser mesoderm and the Spemann organiser generate positional information during vertebrate gastrulation., Wacker SA., Dev Biol. April 1, 2004; 268 (1): 207-19.   

The initiation of Hox gene expression in Xenopus laevis is controlled by Brachyury and BMP-4., Wacker SA., Dev Biol. February 1, 2004; 266 (1): 123-37.   

Morphogenesis during Xenopus gastrulation requires Wee1-mediated inhibition of cell proliferation., Murakami MS., Development. February 1, 2004; 131 (3): 571-80.   

A PTP-PEST-like protein affects alpha5beta1-integrin-dependent matrix assembly, cell adhesion, and migration in Xenopus gastrula., Cousin H., Dev Biol. January 15, 2004; 265 (2): 416-32.   

Adhesive crosstalk in gastrulation., Montero JA., Dev Cell. August 1, 2003; 5 (2): 190-1.

Xenopus Germes encodes a novel germ plasm-associated transcript., Berekelya LA., Gene Expr Patterns. August 1, 2003; 3 (4): 521-4.   

Integrin-ECM interactions regulate cadherin-dependent cell adhesion and are required for convergent extension in Xenopus., Marsden M., Curr Biol. July 15, 2003; 13 (14): 1182-91.   

Overexpression of S-adenosylmethionine decarboxylase (SAMDC) in Xenopus embryos activates maternal program of apoptosis as a "fail-safe" mechanism of early embryogenesis., Kai M., Cell Res. June 1, 2003; 13 (3): 147-58.

Differential regulation of cell adhesive functions by integrin alpha subunit cytoplasmic tails in vivo., Na J., J Cell Sci. June 1, 2003; 116 (Pt 11): 2333-43.

Xenopus Cyr61 regulates gastrulation movements and modulates Wnt signalling., Latinkic BV., Development. June 1, 2003; 130 (11): 2429-41.   

Xenopus X-box binding protein 1, a leucine zipper transcription factor, is involved in the BMP signaling pathway., Zhao H., Dev Biol. May 15, 2003; 257 (2): 278-91.   

Tcf-1 expression during Xenopus development., Roël G., Gene Expr Patterns. May 1, 2003; 3 (2): 123-6.   

Using Xenopus as a model system for an undergraduate laboratory course in vertebrate development at the University of Bordeaux, France., Olive M., Int J Dev Biol. January 1, 2003; 47 (2-3): 153-60.   

PKCgamma regulates syndecan-2 inside-out signaling during xenopus left-right development., Kramer KL., Cell. December 27, 2002; 111 (7): 981-90.   

Lefty-dependent inhibition of Nodal- and Wnt-responsive organizer gene expression is essential for normal gastrulation., Branford WW., Curr Biol. December 23, 2002; 12 (24): 2136-41.   

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