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Summary Anatomy Item Literature (310) Expression Attributions Wiki

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Multiple functions of Cerberus cooperate to induce heart downstream of Nodal., Foley AC., Dev Biol. March 1, 2007; 303 (1): 57-65.   

Regulation of Xenopus gastrulation by ErbB signaling., Nie S., Dev Biol. March 1, 2007; 303 (1): 93-107.   

Xenopus Tetraspanin-1 regulates gastrulation movements and neural differentiation in the early Xenopus embryo., Yamamoto Y., Differentiation. March 1, 2007; 75 (3): 235-45.   

Dickkopf-1 regulates gastrulation movements by coordinated modulation of Wnt/beta catenin and Wnt/PCP activities, through interaction with the Dally-like homolog Knypek., Caneparo L., Genes Dev. February 15, 2007; 21 (4): 465-80.

Negative regulation of Activin/Nodal signaling by SRF during Xenopus gastrulation., Yun CH., Development. February 1, 2007; 134 (4): 769-77.   

Monomeric mature protein of Nodal-related 3 activates Xbra expression., Haramoto Y., Dev Genes Evol. January 1, 2007; 217 (1): 29-37.

Expression of marker genes during early ear development in medaka., Hochmann S., Gene Expr Patterns. January 1, 2007; 7 (3): 355-62.   

ADMP2 is essential for primitive blood and heart development in Xenopus., Kumano G., Dev Biol. November 15, 2006; 299 (2): 411-23.   

A role for GATA factors in Xenopus gastrulation movements., Fletcher G., Mech Dev. October 1, 2006; 123 (10): 730-45.   

Xenopus POU factors of subclass V inhibit activin/nodal signaling during gastrulation., Cao Y., Mech Dev. August 1, 2006; 123 (8): 614-25.   

Nodal-related gene Xnr5 is amplified in the Xenopus genome., Takahashi S., Genesis. July 1, 2006; 44 (7): 309-21.   

Induction and specification of cranial placodes., Schlosser G., Dev Biol. June 15, 2006; 294 (2): 303-51.   

A Serpin family gene, protease nexin-1 has an activity distinct from protease inhibition in early Xenopus embryos., Onuma Y., Mech Dev. June 1, 2006; 123 (6): 463-71.   

Global analysis of the transcriptional network controlling Xenopus endoderm formation., Sinner D., Development. May 1, 2006; 133 (10): 1955-66.   

A novel Cripto-related protein reveals an essential role for EGF-CFCs in Nodal signalling in Xenopus embryos., Dorey K., Dev Biol. April 15, 2006; 292 (2): 303-16.   

Migrating anterior mesoderm cells and intercalating trunk mesoderm cells have distinct responses to Rho and Rac during Xenopus gastrulation., Ren R., Dev Dyn. April 1, 2006; 235 (4): 1090-9.

Cooperative non-cell and cell autonomous regulation of Nodal gene expression and signaling by Lefty/Antivin and Brachyury in Xenopus., Cha YR., Dev Biol. February 15, 2006; 290 (2): 246-64.   

Transcriptional regulation of mesendoderm formation in Xenopus., Wardle FC., Semin Cell Dev Biol. February 1, 2006; 17 (1): 99-109.

The Vg1-related protein Gdf3 acts in a Nodal signaling pathway in the pre-gastrulation mouse embryo., Chen C., Development. January 1, 2006; 133 (2): 319-29.   

XCR2, one of three Xenopus EGF-CFC genes, has a distinct role in the regulation of left-right patterning., Onuma Y., Development. January 1, 2006; 133 (2): 237-50.   

Multiple noggins in vertebrate genome: cloning and expression of noggin2 and noggin4 in Xenopus laevis., Eroshkin FM., Gene Expr Patterns. January 1, 2006; 6 (2): 180-6.   

An amphioxus LIM-homeobox gene, AmphiLim1/5, expressed early in the invaginating organizer region and later in differentiating cells of the kidney and central nervous system., Langeland JA., Int J Biol Sci. January 1, 2006; 2 (3): 110-6.   

Role of crescent in convergent extension movements by modulating Wnt signaling in early Xenopus embryogenesis., Shibata M., Mech Dev. December 1, 2005; 122 (12): 1322-39.   

Tissues and signals involved in the induction of placodal Six1 expression in Xenopus laevis., Ahrens K., Dev Biol. December 1, 2005; 288 (1): 40-59.   

Zebrafish KLF4 is essential for anterior mesendoderm/pre-polster differentiation and hatching., Gardiner MR., Dev Dyn. December 1, 2005; 234 (4): 992-6.

New tools for visualization and analysis of morphogenesis in spherical embryos., Tyszka JM., Dev Dyn. December 1, 2005; 234 (4): 974-83.   

xBtg-x regulates Wnt/beta-Catenin signaling during early Xenopus development., Wessely O., Dev Biol. July 1, 2005; 283 (1): 17-28.   

Identification of target genes for the Xenopus Hes-related protein XHR1, a prepattern factor specifying the midbrain-hindbrain boundary., Takada H., Dev Biol. July 1, 2005; 283 (1): 253-67.   

Xema, a foxi-class gene expressed in the gastrula stage Xenopus ectoderm, is required for the suppression of mesendoderm., Suri C., Development. June 1, 2005; 132 (12): 2733-42.   

Essential role of non-canonical Wnt signalling in neural crest migration., De Calisto J., Development. June 1, 2005; 132 (11): 2587-97.   

Germ-layer specification and control of cell growth by Ectodermin, a Smad4 ubiquitin ligase., Dupont S., Cell. April 8, 2005; 121 (1): 87-99.   

Microarray-based identification of VegT targets in Xenopus., Taverner NV., Mech Dev. March 1, 2005; 122 (3): 333-54.   

The Notch-target gene hairy2a impedes the involution of notochordal cells by promoting floor plate fates in Xenopus embryos., López SL., Development. March 1, 2005; 132 (5): 1035-46.   

Heart induction by Wnt antagonists depends on the homeodomain transcription factor Hex., Foley AC., Genes Dev. February 1, 2005; 19 (3): 387-96.   

Distinct tissue-specificity of three zebrafish ext1 genes encoding proteoglycan modifying enzymes and their relationship to somitic Sonic hedgehog signaling., Siekmann AF., Dev Dyn. February 1, 2005; 232 (2): 498-505.

Shisa promotes head formation through the inhibition of receptor protein maturation for the caudalizing factors, Wnt and FGF., Yamamoto A., Cell. January 28, 2005; 120 (2): 223-35.   

Systematic screening for genes specifically expressed in the anterior neuroectoderm during early Xenopus development., Takahashi N., Int J Dev Biol. January 1, 2005; 49 (8): 939-51.   

Essential roles of a zebrafish prdm1/blimp1 homolog in embryo patterning and organogenesis., Wilm TP., Development. January 1, 2005; 132 (2): 393-404.

The Xenopus embryo as a model system for studies of cell migration., DeSimone DW., Methods Mol Biol. January 1, 2005; 294 235-45.

Regional requirements for Dishevelled signaling during Xenopus gastrulation: separable effects on blastopore closure, mesendoderm internalization and archenteron formation., Ewald AJ., Development. December 1, 2004; 131 (24): 6195-209.   

Assembly and remodeling of the fibrillar fibronectin extracellular matrix during gastrulation and neurulation in Xenopus laevis., Davidson LA., Dev Dyn. December 1, 2004; 231 (4): 888-95.   

Refinement of gene expression patterns in the early Xenopus embryo., Wardle FC., Development. October 1, 2004; 131 (19): 4687-96.   

A genetic regulatory network for Xenopus mesendoderm formation., Loose M., Dev Biol. July 15, 2004; 271 (2): 467-78.

Regulation of Otx2 expression and its functions in mouse epiblast and anterior neuroectoderm., Kurokawa D., Development. July 1, 2004; 131 (14): 3307-17.   

Two Frodo/Dapper homologs are expressed in the developing brain and mesoderm of zebrafish., Gillhouse M., Dev Dyn. July 1, 2004; 230 (3): 403-9.

Patterning and tissue movements in a novel explant preparation of the marginal zone of Xenopus laevis., Davidson LA., Gene Expr Patterns. July 1, 2004; 4 (4): 457-66.   

Neural induction in Xenopus: requirement for ectodermal and endomesodermal signals via Chordin, Noggin, beta-Catenin, and Cerberus., Kuroda H., PLoS Biol. May 1, 2004; 2 (5): E92.   

ALK4 functions as a receptor for multiple TGF beta-related ligands to regulate left-right axis determination and mesoderm induction in Xenopus., Chen Y., Dev Biol. April 15, 2004; 268 (2): 280-94.   

Two modes by which Lefty proteins inhibit nodal signaling., Chen C., Curr Biol. April 6, 2004; 14 (7): 618-24.

Inhibition of FGF signaling causes expansion of the endoderm in Xenopus., Cha SW., Biochem Biophys Res Commun. February 27, 2004; 315 (1): 100-6.   

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