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Summary Anatomy Item Literature (1843) Expression Attributions Wiki

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Analysis of the developing Xenopus tail bud reveals separate phases of gene expression during determination and outgrowth., Beck CW., Mech Dev. March 1, 1998; 72 (1-2): 41-52.   

Cloning of the Xenopus integrin alpha(v) subunit and analysis of its distribution during early development., Joos TO., Int J Dev Biol. March 1, 1998; 42 (2): 171-9.

Cloning and functional expression of a cDNA from rat jejunal epithelium encoding a protein (4F2hc) with system y+L amino acid transport activity., Yao SY., Biochem J. March 1, 1998; 330 ( Pt 2) 745-52.

A divergent CFTR homologue: highly regulated salt transport in the euryhaline teleost F. heteroclitus., Singer TD., Am J Physiol. March 1, 1998; 274 (3): C715-23.

Cloning and functional expression of a novel cardiac two-pore background K+ channel (cTBAK-1)., Kim D., Circ Res. March 9, 1998; 82 (4): 513-8.

Expression of MHC class Ia and class Ib during ontogeny: high expression in epithelia and coregulation of class Ia and lmp7 genes., Salter-Cid L., J Immunol. March 15, 1998; 160 (6): 2853-61.

Predominant interactions between mu-conotoxin Arg-13 and the skeletal muscle Na+ channel localized by mutant cycle analysis., Chang NS., Biochemistry. March 31, 1998; 37 (13): 4407-19.

Ultrastructure of the larval tentacle and its skeletal muscle in Xenopus laevis., Ovalle WK., Tissue Cell. April 1, 1998; 30 (2): 216-25.

The human Na+-glucose cotransporter is a molecular water pump., Meinild A., J Physiol. April 1, 1998; 508 ( Pt 1) 15-21.

Activin-treated ectoderm has complete organizing center activity in Cynops embryos., Ninomiya H., Dev Growth Differ. April 1, 1998; 40 (2): 199-208.

Metamorphosis-associated and region-specific expression of calbindin gene in the posterior intestinal epithelium of Xenopus laevis larva., Amano T., Dev Growth Differ. April 1, 1998; 40 (2): 177-88.   

Aromatic residues affecting permeation and gating in dSlo BK channels., Lagrutta AA., Pflugers Arch. April 1, 1998; 435 (5): 731-9.

Molecular cloning and hormonal regulation of PiT-1, a sodium-dependent phosphate cotransporter from rat parathyroid glands., Tatsumi S., Endocrinology. April 1, 1998; 139 (4): 1692-9.

Cloning and developmental regulation of tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases-3 (TIMP3) in Xenopus laevis early embryos., Yang M., Gene. April 28, 1998; 211 (1): 95-100.   

An immunohistochemical and morphometric analysis of insulin, insulin-like growth factor I, glucagon, somatostatin, and PP in the development of the gastro-entero-pancreatic system of Xenopus laevis., Maake C., Gen Comp Endocrinol. May 1, 1998; 110 (2): 182-95.   

Effects of forced expression of an NH2-terminal truncated beta-Catenin on mouse intestinal epithelial homeostasis., Wong MH., J Cell Biol. May 4, 1998; 141 (3): 765-77.   

A yeast recombinant aquaporin mutant that is not expressed or mistargeted in Xenopus oocyte can be functionally analyzed in reconstituted proteoliposomes., Lagrée V., J Biol Chem. May 15, 1998; 273 (20): 12422-6.

Functional analysis of diastrophic dysplasia sulfate transporter. Its involvement in growth regulation of chondrocytes mediated by sulfated proteoglycans., Satoh H., J Biol Chem. May 15, 1998; 273 (20): 12307-15.

Overexpression of a novel Xenopus rel mRNA gene induces tumors in early embryos., Yang S., J Biol Chem. May 29, 1998; 273 (22): 13746-52.   

Thyroid hormone-induced apoptosis of larval cells and differentiation of pepsinogen-producing cells in the stomach of Xenopus laevis in vitro., Ishizuya-Oka A., Differentiation. June 1, 1998; 63 (2): 59-68.   

Translated anti-sense product of the Na/phosphate co-transporter (NaPi-II)., Huelseweh B., Biochem J. June 1, 1998; 332 ( Pt 2) 483-9.

Thylacine 1 is expressed segmentally within the paraxial mesoderm of the Xenopus embryo and interacts with the Notch pathway., Sparrow DB., Development. June 1, 1998; 125 (11): 2041-51.   

Distinct domains of the voltage-gated K+ channel Kv beta 1.3 beta-subunit affect voltage-dependent gating., Uebele VN., Am J Physiol. June 1, 1998; 274 (6): C1485-95.

Delta-aminolevulinic acid transport by intestinal and renal peptide transporters and its physiological and clinical implications., Döring F., J Clin Invest. June 15, 1998; 101 (12): 2761-7.

Cloning and functional characterization of a potential-sensitive, polyspecific organic cation transporter (OCT3) most abundantly expressed in placenta., Kekuda R., J Biol Chem. June 26, 1998; 273 (26): 15971-9.

Unusual degradation of alpha-beta complexes in Xenopus oocytes by beta-subunits of Xenopus gastric H-K-ATPase., Chen PX., Am J Physiol. July 1, 1998; 275 (1): C139-45.

Differential effects of bupivacaine on cardiac K channels: role of channel inactivation and subunit composition in drug-channel interaction., Lipka LJ., J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol. July 1, 1998; 9 (7): 727-42.

Hedgehog family member is expressed throughout regenerating and developing limbs., Stark DR., Dev Dyn. July 1, 1998; 212 (3): 352-63.   

Molecular genetics of cystinuria: mutation analysis of SLC3A1 and evidence for another gene in type I (silent) phenotype., Saadi I., Kidney Int. July 1, 1998; 54 (1): 48-55.

Vax1 is a novel homeobox-containing gene expressed in the developing anterior ventral forebrain., Hallonet M., Development. July 1, 1998; 125 (14): 2599-610.   

The Xenopus homologue of the Drosophila gene tailless has a function in early eye development., Hollemann T., Development. July 1, 1998; 125 (13): 2425-32.   

Unusual degradation of α-β complexes in Xenopus oocytes by β-subunits of Xenopus gastric H-K-ATPase., Chen PX., Am J Physiol Cell Physiol. July 1, 1998; 275 (1): C139-C145.

Molecular cloning, chromosomal localization, tissue distribution, and functional expression of the human pancreatic sodium bicarbonate cotransporter., Abuladze N., J Biol Chem. July 10, 1998; 273 (28): 17689-95.

Development of the gut in Xenopus laevis., Chalmers AD., Dev Dyn. August 1, 1998; 212 (4): 509-21.   

Effects of retinoic acid on the endoderm in Xenopus embryos., Zeynali B., Dev Genes Evol. August 1, 1998; 208 (6): 318-26.

XMAP230 is required for the assembly and organization of acetylated microtubules and spindles in Xenopus oocytes and eggs., Cha BJ., J Cell Sci. August 1, 1998; 111 ( Pt 16) 2315-27.   

Xenin--a novel suppressor of food intake in rats., Alexiou C., Dev Biol. August 3, 1998; 800 (2): 294-9.

cDNA cloning and functional characterization of the mouse Ca2+-gated K+ channel, mIK1. Roles in regulatory volume decrease and erythroid differentiation., Vandorpe DH., J Biol Chem. August 21, 1998; 273 (34): 21542-53.

Novel mechanism of HERG current suppression in LQT2: shift in voltage dependence of HERG inactivation., Nakajima T., Circ Res. August 24, 1998; 83 (4): 415-22.

Cloning and characterization of a novel human inwardly rectifying potassium channel predominantly expressed in small intestine., Partiseti M., FEBS Lett. August 28, 1998; 434 (1-2): 171-6.

Functional expression of the rabbit intestinal Na+/L-proline cotransporter (IMINO system) in Xenopus laevis oocytes., Urdaneta E., J Physiol Biochem. September 1, 1998; 54 (3): 155-60.

Regulation of apoptosis during development: input from the extracellular matrix (review)., Shi YB, Shi YB., Int J Mol Med. September 1, 1998; 2 (3): 273-82.

Sonic hedgehog is essential to foregut development., Litingtung Y., Nat Genet. September 1, 1998; 20 (1): 58-61.

Essential function of Gli2 and Gli3 in the formation of lung, trachea and oesophagus., Motoyama J., Nat Genet. September 1, 1998; 20 (1): 54-7.

An atypical PKC directly associates and colocalizes at the epithelial tight junction with ASIP, a mammalian homologue of Caenorhabditis elegans polarity protein PAR-3., Izumi Y., J Cell Biol. October 5, 1998; 143 (1): 95-106.   

Receptor that leaves a sour taste in the mouth., Ugawa S., Nature. October 8, 1998; 395 (6702): 555-6.

Molecular cloning and characterization of high-affinity carnitine transporter from rat intestine., Sekine T., Biochem Biophys Res Commun. October 20, 1998; 251 (2): 586-91.

Cloning of the novel gene intelectin, which is expressed in intestinal paneth cells in mice., Komiya T., Biochem Biophys Res Commun. October 29, 1998; 251 (3): 759-62.

Alcohol dehydrogenases in Xenopus development: conserved expression of ADH1 and ADH4 in epithelial retinoid target tissues., Hoffmann I., Dev Dyn. November 1, 1998; 213 (3): 261-70.   

Regulation of deactivation by an amino terminal domain in human ether-à-go-go-related gene potassium channels., Wang J., J Gen Physiol. November 1, 1998; 112 (5): 637-47.   

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