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Xine - Previous Issues

2013(Vol. 13)
New Xenbase website launched
xenopus species?
xenopus species?
Nov - Issue9 2014 Bioinformatics Workshop Announcement
Oct - Issue8 Transgenic/Mutant Price update
Sept - Issue7 Xenopus Imaging Workshop-Registration is open
July - Issue6 Xenopus PI meeting
June - Issue5 4th International Developmental Biology Course
Xenopus PI Meetin August 23-25
May - Issue4 NXR research hotel service
Apr - Issue3 Final Remindeer- Bioinformatics Workshop
Feb - Issue2 Transgenic animals-CUSTOM orders now being accepted
Bioinformatics workshop
Xenopus Gene Name Guidelines
Jan - Issue1 Bioinformatics Workshop
2012(Vol. 12)
Nov - Issue6 How can I obtain some activin for my developmental biology class?
Sept - Issue5 CiteAb- New antibody website
Animal shipments
Xenbase User Survey
June - Issue4 ** deadlines extended ** 14th International Xenopus Conference
3rd International Developmental Biology course Paris
3rd International Developmental Biology course Paris
** last chance ** 14th International Xenopus Conference
May - Issue3 ** abstract deadline extended ** 14th International Xenopus Conference
** abstract deadline extended ** 14th International Xenopus Conference
J line frogs
Apr - Issue2 Vector request
Summary of emails from my request for info about I-Sce1 transgenesis
** registration open ** 14th International Xenopus Conference
Mar - Issue1 Xenoups Special Issue of Genetics, Genomics and Cell Biology available
Welcome to the Xenopus listserve
Upcoming Xenopus Bioinformatics Workshop
I-Sce1 transgenesis plasmids
2011(Vol. 11)
Feb - Issue2 Xenopus Course at CSHL
Jan - Issue1 Journal of Gen. and Dev.: call for manuscripts for Special Xenopus Issue
2010(Vol. 10)
Feb - Issue2 NXR Director Job posting
Xl and Xt protein libraries on GPM
EXRC molecular resources
Jan - Issue1 ChIP-chip tile path arrays
Canada: Free trop frogs from Vize Lab
SCDB Meeting: June 30, 2010
13th International Xenopus Conference
2009(Vol. 9)
Nov - Issue5 Community Goals
Xenbase: new gene expression search tool
Xenopus gastrula chromain state and transcriptome maps
Nov - Issue4 Letters of Support
Oct - Issue3 Request letters of support
ChIP-seq profiles
Sept - Issue2 Request of letters of support from Enrique Amaya and Jacques Robert
Updated information on NCBI resources for Xenopus
White Paper 2009
Deadlines coming up for PAR-09-240, 241, 242 Genetic and Genomic Analysis of Xenopus
June - Issue1 White Paper Topics
Xenopus Facebook Group
Don Brown: giving away transgenic X. laevis
Need 1st Gen. Affymetrix microarrays
2008(Vol. 8)
Apr - Issue1 Urgent request for support and input regarding a Xenopus stock center
Information about Xenopus Microarrays
X. tropicalis v2.0 chip
New X. tropicalis EST clustering available
Xenbase live
2007(Vol. 7)
Jan - Issue1 CSH Developmental Biology of Xenopus Course
Deadline for PAR Genetic and Genomic Analyses of Xenopus
2006(Vol. 6)
June - Issue4 11th International Xenopus Meeting
Xenopus genomic resources on-line tutorial
X. tropicalis 1050-marker genetic map
Xenopus Species Center NSF grant proposal
Tungsten wire technical tip
Apr - Issue3 Important news about Xenopus microarrays
Unhappy News
Feb - Issue2 An important notice about Xenopus gene nomenclature
Information about Xenopus immune function
Jan - Issue1 Cell & Developmental Biology of Xenopus Course
Grant news
11th International Xenopus meeting
Oct - Supplement5 New trans-NIH strategic initiatives
Aug - Supplement4 Xenopus Genomics Satellite meeting
July - Supplement3 Note from JGI regarding their Xenopus Sites
July - Supplement2 Register for 11th International Xenopus Meeting
Jan - Supplement1 Request for Xenopus hormone-regulated protein papers
2005(Vol. 5)
Aug - Issue2 Grant News
Xenopus ESTs and full-length sequences
X. tropicalis genome project - Assembly v4.1 now available!
11th International Xenopus Meeting
June - Issue1 First Announcement: 11th International Xenopus Meeting
Sept - Supplement2 Genetic and Genomic Analyses of Xenopus: funding opportunity
Sept - Supplement1 Establishment of the FLP/Cre recombinase system in Xenopus tropicalis
2004(Vol. 4)
Dec - Issue5 CSH Laboratory Course
Database of molecular markers for genetic and physical mapping in X. tropicalis
Sent mapped genes/markers info to NCBI
X. tropicalis cDNAs available
Tools for Genetic and Genomic studies in emerging model organisms
Sept - Issue4 Xenopus laevis genome sequencing update
Updated X.tropicalis FASTA files
Tools for Genetic and Genomic Studies in Emerging Model Organisms
10th International Xenopus meeting
June - Issue3 10th International Xenopus Meeting
Xenopus tropicalis genome project - Assembly v2.0 now available.
Xenopus tropicalis full-length gene collection now available
Information on X. tropicalis EST sequences from the Sanger Centre
Feb - Issue2 Xenopus tropicalis genome project
Xenopus microarrays
Jan - Issue1 JGI X. tropicalis preliminary assembly
Request for letters of support
Apr - Supplement3 10th International Xenopus Meeting
Feb - Supplement2 Xenopus tropicalis genome project
BAC sequencing
Jan - Supplement1 X. laevis genome sequencing reminder
2003(Vol. 3)
Oct - Issue4 NIH discussion about genomic resources
Xenopus microarray chips that are being made by Affymetrix
June - Issue3 New Xenopus resources at NIH
Call for Xenopus tropicalis genes to be sequenced.
Affymetrix chips for Xenopus may soon be available
Xenopus tropicalis EST project from Sanger Centre
Apr - Issue2 Xenopus tropicalis EST clones
Steve Klein genomic announcement
Xenopus tropicalis BAC filters available from CHORI
Request for letters of support
Jan - Issue1 Xenopus tropicalis BAC filters
X. tropicalis genomic BLAST server online
Newly updated Xenopus clearinghouse website
Input solicited for new edition of Xenopus Laboratory Manual
- Supplement4 CSH laboratory course:
- Supplement3 NICHD and NIDCD RFA for Xenopus researchers
- Supplement2 Establishment of microarray center
2002(Vol. 2)
July - Issue3 Special Xenopus issue of Developmental Dynamics
9th International Xenopus Conference
New stains, reagents, and probes
Xenopus Relational Database
May - Issue2 Xenopus tropicalis satellite meeting
9th International Xenopus meeting
Feb - Issue1 Important new resources for Xenopus genomics
Xenopus climbing up the EST list
Xenopus laevis EST resource now available to the public
X. tropicalis EST project now online
Washington University of St. Louis EST project
Xenopus Unigene sets
2001(Vol. 1)
Oct - Issue3 Xenopus BAC libraries
CSH course on Cell and Developmental Biology of Xenopus
Sept - Issue2 Distribution of Xenopus ESTs
Selection of organisms for genome sequencing
Xenopus ESTs
Xenbase is alive
June - Issue1 Major Progress on Xenopus Genetic Resources
Distribution of Xenopus ESTs
Xenbase website
Xenopus tropicalis
Deadline for Xenopus RFA approaching