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GEO Series: GSE14952

Title: High-throughput sequencing of small RNAs from Xenopus tropicalis


High-throughput sequencing of small RNAs from Xenopus tropicalis (adult liver, adult skin, oocytes stage I, II, III, IV, V, VI). total RNA, ~18-42 nt RNAs isolated using PAGE, ligation to adapters requires 5' monophosphate and 3' OH

Contributors: Mike Gilchrist

Experiment Type: Illumina/Solexa sequencing of adult liver, adult skin, oocytes stage I, II, III, IV, V, VI

Article: XB-ART-40115, PubMed

Source: NCBI GEO, Xenbase Download

Samples: (DEG = Differentially Expressed Genes; GSM = GEO Sample Number)
Sample View GSMs Assay Type
liver - adult GSM372598  RNA-Seq
Background: Xtr.Outbred
Tissue Assay Stages ChIP Antibody
liver adult frog stage  
oocyte - oocyte I-II GSM372602  RNA-Seq
Background: Xtr.Outbred
Tissue Assay Stages ChIP Antibody
oocyte oocyte stage I to oocyte stage II  
oocyte - oocyte III-IV GSM372603  RNA-Seq
Background: Xtr.Outbred
Tissue Assay Stages ChIP Antibody
oocyte oocyte stage III to oocyte stage IV  
oocyte - oocyte V-VI GSM372604  RNA-Seq
Background: Xtr.Outbred
Tissue Assay Stages ChIP Antibody
oocyte oocyte stage V to oocyte stage VI  
skin - adult GSM372601  RNA-Seq
Background: Xtr.Outbred
Tissue Assay Stages ChIP Antibody
skin adult frog stage  
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