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A Tribute to Sir John Gurdon


Volume 88, Issue 1, Pages 1-32 (July 2014)

(click here to see the link to Differentiation online)

A Tribute to Sir John Gurdon

Edited by Nadia Rosenthal and Magdalena Zernicka-Goetz
A tribute to Sir John Gurdon
    Pages 1-2
    Nadia Rosenthal, Magdalena Zernicka-Goetz
         PDF (1478 K)
Lessons from a great developmental biologist
    Original Research Article: Pages 3-8
    Edward M. De Robertis
        PDF (2267 K)
A very brief scientific reminiscence of John Gurdon
    Page 9
    Eric H. Davidson
         PDF (195 K)
Sir John Gurdon: Father of nuclear reprogramming
    Original Research Article: Pages 10-12
    Helen M. Blau
         PDF (1033 K)
Interactions with John Gurdon – muscle as a mesodermal read-out and the community effect
    Original Research Article: Pages 13-15
    Margaret Buckingham
         PDF (276 K)
Sir John Gurdon and his contributions to understanding fundamental principles in developmental biology
    Page 16
    Marianne E. Bronner
         PDF (196 K)
Maternal syntabulin is required for dorsal axis formation and is a germ plasm component in Xenopus
    Original Research Article: Pages 17-26
    Gabriele Colozza, Edward M. De Robertis
         PDF (10298 K)
    • The kinesin adapter Syntabulin is required for dorsal development in zebrafish.
    • Xenopus maternal syntabulin mRNA is vegetally localized in oocytes.
    • Xenopus syntabulin mRNA is expressed zygotically in progenitor germ cells.
    • Syntabulin maternal depletion results in ventralization in Xenopus.
    • Sybu-depleted embryos can be rescued by syntabulin or β-catenin mRNA.
Perspective for special Gurdon issue for differentiation: Can cell fusion inform nuclear reprogramming?
    Original Research Article: Pages 27-28
    David Burns, Helen M. Blau
         PDF (266 K)  Supplementary content
Epigenetic memory in somatic cell nuclear transfer and induced pluripotency: Evidence and implications
    Original Research Article: Pages 29-32
    Jaber Firas, Xiaodong Liu, Jose M Polo
         PDF (315 K)
    • SCNT and iPSCs technologies complement each other in tackling reprogramming questions.
    • Epigenetic memory biases reprogrammed cell redifferentiation towards its donor cell lineage.
    • Epigenetic memory can be utilised in identifying regulatory cues during differentiation.

Last Updated: 2014-11-25